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When I was a kid

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Wow, I am impressed at how quickly this thread grew since I last visited.

Maggie: yes you and your parents were "naughty" in your own activities and in teaching your children so; but let's face it, it was also harmless. Peeing on fruits seem bad for example, but every single person I know will wash fruits and vegetables before cooking them anyway! Similarly for peeing in a fitting room, it is naughty certainly, but is it any dirtier than walking in there after traipsing through a wet parking lot?

So, please, Maggie, do regal us with your tales. Especially, do you have any instance of you peeing in front of your children, or your parents peeing in front of yourself or your brother? It seems up until now that the children are indulged but the parents bear with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was about 13 possibly living in great yarmouth walking through the trees and bushes in st georges park.1984 ish

And walked straight into a girl she could been 16 19 or 20s not sure squatted pissing skirt hitched right up i can remeber seeing her stocking tops.

I remeber seeing her pubic hair i had never seen that before given my age that has never left me and its where i have my fetish from no doubt.

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Wow what an awesome thread. Maggie, I think we chatted once on peesearch so hi :thumbsup:

I only have brothers so never got involved in peeing with them, and my parents were very straight so I wasn't misled by them. However, I do remember loads of peeing experiences when I was a kid. We used to make dens in the field after the grass had been cut, and I would always insist there was a bathroom area, and would try and get the girls to pee in there.

The bedroom peeing story reminded me of an experience with the girl next door. We were in her bedroom and I noticed a wet area under her bed so I asked what it was. She told me she had peed under there, and then let me watch her do it again. And let me touch her pussy, it was a bit smelly so wasn't keen at the time, now I know much better!!!!

I then peed under my bed at home but got found out by my mother so never did it again.

I only really got back into naughty peeing a few years ago but this thread has given me some naughty ideas, especially the mattress one. I might get my lady friend to do it next time we meet up.

Maggie, please keep posting your experiences, they are fabulous, and I will try and remember mine to reciprocate.

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I don't think such liberal peeing takes place so much, but I was witness to an event a few weeks back.

I was at work, outside and doing a survey, not far from a school. I noticed a fairly elderly lady with two boys, and one was just taking a huge pee on the nearby green I could see it from the other side of the road, he had not tried to shelter or hide away. A younger mother stood near me was chastising her daughter for laughing and looking at the boy from across the road.

I thought it was interesting that the elderly lady had not tried to control him and let him do his own thing.

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This is not in response to any particular recent post here. But moderators have just been given the ability to recieve and see reports about questionable posts. And there has been a report concerning the questionabilty of underage references in general, attached to the OP here, but I believe aimed at this entire thread. The report was well intentioned and raised legitimate concerns, so I will remind the entire membership of the following:-

Currently, guidance is as follows:- We do not want to have a blanket ban on all underage references if we can avoid it, since we all have perfectly natural experiences from our own childhoods which predate our 18th birthdays, and these are legitimate topics for discussion. But ideally they should be discussed in an informative manner rather than primarily designed as erotica. And any erotic fiction involving minors will be deleted, and the member producing it risks being banned.

Threads like this are permitted here in the interests of freedom of speech and legitimate sharing of natural experiences, but the line seperating this from erotica involving minors which is intended to titillate is not always a clear cut one. I for one will keep a close eye on this thread, but if I and the other mods miss something that any member feels crosses that line, by all means report it.

Thank you, everyone.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Wow what an awesome thread. Maggie, I think we chatted once on peesearch so hi :thumbsup:

I only have brothers so never got involved in peeing with them, and my parents were very straight so I wasn't misled by them. However, I do remember loads of peeing experiences when I was a kid. We used to make dens in the field after the grass had been cut, and I would always insist there was a bathroom area, and would try and get the girls to pee in there.

The bedroom peeing story reminded me of an experience with the girl next door. We were in her bedroom and I noticed a wet area under her bed so I asked what it was. She told me she had peed under there, and then let me watch her do it again. And let me touch her pussy, it was a bit smelly so wasn't keen at the time, now I know much better!!!!

I then peed under my bed at home but got found out by my mother so never did it again.

I only really got back into naughty peeing a few years ago but this thread has given me some naughty ideas, especially the mattress one. I might get my lady friend to do it next time we meet up.

Maggie, please keep posting your experiences, they are fabulous, and I will try and remember mine to reciprocate.

how old was she and how old were you at the time i'm guessing teen years or just a bit before then and was this the first pussy you had seen

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  • 9 years later...
On 10/16/2014 at 7:54 PM, Maggie_555 said:

Hi again guys!:thumbsup:

I'll start with this comment from you Steve, and this incident was only the second time I realised my brother was being told to do something naughty. Even then I didn't tell him, as it seemed the same as spoiling it for a younger sibling when you discover there's no Father Christmas for instance. Anyway he was got into position facing the shelf and when he began to pee Mum said to him "Do it all over those apples, that's a good boy." I found this tremendously exciting and in bed that night my fingers went 'down there' as thought of how naughty it was for her to tell him to pee ALL OVER those apples!

This was something I had the opportunity to (sort of) repeat when my son was around the same age. In a seaside town we were taking a short-cut down an alley behind some shops when he asked to pee. Looking around I saw a yard, almost out of sight of the alley, with racks of fruit along the wall behind the shop. Guiding him in there I stood him facing a rack of strawberries and told him it was OK to pee there. He was reluctant at first, so I had to lie a bit and tell him the fruit was being thrown away, but then he let go all over those strawberries and my eldest daughter looked as excited as I was! I know it's naughty but it was fun to persuade him, and very satisfying to see all his pee landing on the fruit and wetting it.

To answer your question, no, I've never discussed these things with Mum so far. However talking about it here with you guys has given me more confidence so I reckon I will soon. Perhaps one way to broach the subject would be to tell her she has an admirer in you Steve!! :biggrin: Hey I'm only kidding! :wink: My Dad is the 'silver surfer' and Mum's not interested in the web.

Just thinking quickly now, I remember her peeing in a train station waiting room when there were Ladies' toilets close by - plus in those old red phone boxes that were all over the place years ago - but that's it for now as my memory has gone blank. By the way I was also taken into a red phone box for a pee when about 7. There were still directories (those huge books) in them in those days and I was sat on an open directory to pee. Quite a lot of it soaked into the pages if I remember rightly, but I didn't realise it was naughty at the time.

That's it for now - back again soon! :) x

Maggie, you are legendary for your orgasm-inducing prose and recollections. 

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26 minutes ago, Maggie_555 said:

Thanks for your lovely comment @701.  It's always nice to be appreciated! 

Hey you do tell some pretty hot and actually interesting stuff most of the time, it would be a pleasure to have a one on one conversation with you 😄 

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