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Wet Carpet magazine

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Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Alan and I love reading about the girls in this magazine, pissing all over the place.

Well yesterday something incredible happened.

I was standing naked in my kitchen with my dick in hand, spraying my piss all over the kitchen floor. I like doing that sometimes and it's easy to mop up afterwards. But this time I'd barely started when there was a knock on my front door which leads right into my kitchen. Whoever was out there must have been able to hear me pissing, but I was very full-bladdered and just couldn't stop. And still worse, next moment there was a key in the latch unlocking the door. It was obviously my landlady letting herself in with her own key!

Under normal circumstances I actually like seeing my landlady - about 15 years older than me in her early 40s, but a still very attractive, busty blonde, lady. But right now I was staring down the barrel of acute embarrassment as the door began to open, with my piss still loudly splashing down on the kitchen floor tiles and unable to stop.

And then she was standing there, mouth agape looking somewhat aghast at my naked body, and the sight of my dick pissing on the floor. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" she asked, almost chuckling after her initial shock. I couldn't really say anything as I struggled to try and stop the flow. She gazed with a smile at my pissing dick until finally I managed to stop pissing. She then looked at me with a grin as she said, "I hope you're going to clean all that up." She giggled at this, which just added to my embarrassment, but I was also rather confused. I didn't get why she seemed more amused than angry. Turned out she was kind of turned on by it, cos she encouraged me to continue. "Don't stop peeing on my account. You may as well finish now you've started."

So I did, finishing my long piss all over the kitchen floor as the landlady watched, grinning at my pissing dick.

Then it got really interesting. Because she suddenly lifted the front of her dress and pulled her knickers aside with her legs slightly apart as she laughed, "You can clean this up as well."

And the next thing I knew, my landlady was stood there, pissing all over my kitchen floor right in front of me, occasionally looking at my stunned expression with a grin. And hearing her hissing piss and the sound of it loudly splashing down onto the floor, and watching her yellow waterfall, was just about the sexiest thing I have ever seen and heard. She peed for ages too. totally flooding the kitchen floor.

When she finally finished, she released her knickers and let her dress fall back into place, briefly glancing at the mess on the floor with a grin, before saying, "Right, just to let you know...." And she matter of factly told me what she'd come to tell me, basically some mundane shit about having the communal hallway redecorated. But I wasn't really listening, to be honest. Seeing the piss all over the floor and with the image of her pissing there seared onto my mind, it was difficult to think of much else to be honest.

When she left, knocking one out was a very urgent priority, lol.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Wet Carpet,

They warned me, but I didn't listen.

This was the first year some friends and I got to travel to New York City to watch the ball drop in Times Square. We arrived early, around 2:00 in the afternoon. At that point, all of the restaurants and shops were open so if any of us had to pee, some of the group would hold our spot as the rest found a bathroom.

Once the crowds started gathering, though, it got to be harder and harder to shuffle through hundreds, then thousands of people to get to the nearest bathroom. It was me, my friend Sadie, her sister Kara, and Kara's best friend Denise. Expecting to find some parties after the ball dropped, we were all wearing tight and short dresses that hugged our curvy bodies. But because it was also very cold, we wore tights under our dresses to keep our legs warm and big coats that unfortunately kept any guys from admiring our otherwise skimpy attire.

As the crowd began to really pack around us, about 10:00, Kara put her legs together and groaned.

"I have to pee, you guys. Who's going with me?"

"I'm not fighting that crowd," Sadie said. I shook my head.

"Staying right here," Denise said.

"Oh, come on, you guys. I don't want to walk through all of that by myself. And I really have to go. I've been holding it for a while anyway."

"If you're going to the bathroom, you're on your own," Sadie said.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? Just pee right here?"

"That's up to you. You can walk to the bathroom if you want. I'm just saying none of us want to go with you."

"Oh my god, you guys suck," Kara grumbled. "Oooh, I really have to pee."

"Well, pee then," Denise said. We all looked at her, our eyes wide with surprise. "What? The ground is wet from people spilling drinks, you're wearing black tights. Who's gonna know but us? And it's not like no one had ever peed themselves in Times Square on New Year's Eve before."

My jaw dropped at the logic of Denise's argument. Kara grabbed her crotch and groaned again.

"I guess I could just... Ah, screw it. I already peed a little anyway. I'm sorry girls." We watched as Kara straightened up and took her hands away from her crotch. A few seconds later and we could see a few drips falling from the bottom of her tights and trickling to the ground at her feet. It only lasted about thirty seconds, but she sighed when she finished. "Ohh, that's much better."

As it got later, we were standing almost shoulder to shoulder because the crowd had become unbearable. I started to feel my own urge to pee getting stronger. I knew I wouldn't be able to go anywhere without losing my spot. The crowd was so loud that only the nearby music could be heard over it. Sadie said something to me, but I could barely hear her. When I asked what she had said, she pointed discretely at her crotch and I saw a glistening and growing wet spot between her legs. I gasped and Sadie just shrugged.

Five minutes to midnight and I thought my bladder was going to explode. I was wincing and biting my lip. I really didn't want to have an accident in front of thousands of people, but my options were slim to none and I was sure my bladder would decide for me soon anyway.

Three minutes and the screaming of the crowd around us was deafening. The screaming in my bladder was painful, too, as I squeezed my legs together to keep from leaking. I felt a tiny spurt as the clock counted down to just under two minutes, but I managed to control it.

As I continued to hold, I saw a girl in front of us lift her hands in disbelief as the crotch of her jeans darkened and a few of her friends pointed and laughed. One of the laughing friends said, "Oh, oh, now I've got to pee," and a trickle of urine started from under her skirt and flowed down her legs.

As the clock started counting down from thirty, I couldn't take it anymore. I finally sighed and relaxed, joining in the countdown as a flow of pee sprayed out of me and warmed my crotch. It wasn't unpleasant as it swirled around in my panties for a few seconds before trickling down the legs of my tights and running in rivulets to my ankles. I knew I was leaving a wet spot at my feet, but I didn't care as I delighted in the warm sensation between my legs and counted down, ready to ring in the New Year.


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Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Fiona. I am a fairly attractive blonde girl in my mid-30s with a very unattractive job. You see, I work as a prison officer in a male remand prison, where prisoners charged with usually serious offences are remanded into custody whilst awaiting trial. I say usually, because there is an exception at the moment, which I regard as a gross injustice.

You see, I currently work on the sex offenders's wing. Most there are accused of some pretty awful shit, so the less said about them the better.

But there is one guy - I'll just call him Mike - who shouldn't fucking be there. All he did was book into a hotel in a false name with his girlfriend and these two girls whom they'd hired. And they basically shot a porn film there during which no actual sex took place. They just plied the girls with drinks and filmed them pissing all over the place - on the carpets, on the bed, in the cupboards and drawers, against the walls, against the curtains. They were planning on selling video clips online to the kind of enthusiasts who like reading this magazine, lol.

Unfortunately, they didn't get out of the hotel early enough. Their room, vandalised with piss everywhere, was discovered before they'd left the premises and they were apprehended by hotel security, and the police were called. The incriminating video evidence was found in their possession. Anyway, you'd expect maybe a criminal damage charge with a hefty fine for that. Unfortunately, it was an expensive hotel owned by the son of some lord with influential connections high up in politics, the judiciary, and the police. So they threw the book at them and decided to prosecute on the grounds of obscenity. And because Mike is a foreign national - he comes from New Zealand - the prosecution made out that there was a flight risk and the judge refused bail. He was remanded in custody to my prison. Furthermore, the nature of the offence is such that he has been branded a sex offender so is now locked up on the same wing as paedos and rapists. At least we have made sure he has his own cell.

But this is outrageous. What should have been a simple prosecution and conviction for criminal damage, resulting in a heavy fine, ended up with some harmless guy being locked up with real sex offenders. Since I have been known to piss on hotel carpets myself before, I kind of feel the injustice on almost a personal level. I mean, though I've never done it in front of a camera, I've often enjoyed pulling aside the cupboard in my hotel room and squatting and pissing on the carpet there before covering it back up. My husband loves watching me do that. We are both fans of this magazine. When I've had a few drinks I've even been less cautious, just pissing anywhere on the carpet and not bothering to hide it. Once I persuaded hubby to piss against the wall beside the bed just so that I could watch him do it, lol. We've never been caught, though.

Does any of this make me a sex offender on a par with rapists and paedos? I think not! So why is Mike in my prison?

Anyway, I got chatting to him, and slowly but surely admitted to an interest in doing the kind of stuff he'd filmed those two girls doing, and that I read this magazine, which he and his girlfriend read too. That's where they got the idea for that vid. They realised there was a niche interest out there to be filled. Of course, I made plain that if he mentioned a word about this to anyone else I'd just deny it.

He told me that in their private lives his girlfriend likes to piss on the kitchen floor and stuff like that. I admitted that I'd done that for my hubby too, and we both laughed when I told him about the time my husband persuaded me to stand astride the toilet with it's lid closed, and piss there anyway. Most of it ended up all over the floor, of course.

Anyway, I ended up agreeing to do something for Mike - piss all over the floor of his prison cell whilst he watched. I'd brought him in a large roll of tissue paper so he could clean it up afterwards. Well, today I actually did it! Most unprofessional of me, lol. I hadn't been to the loo all day, intending to make quite a mess for him to clean up. Eventually, when the right moment came I was in his prison cell with him, pulling down my warder's black trousers and white knickers as I lowered myself into a squat. And then I just started pissing all over the floor right in front of him, the hissing and splashing sounding loud in that confined space. By the time I'd finished there was a massive yellow puddle covering most of the floor space.

I grinned at him as I stood, pulling my trousers back up. "Have fun cleaning that up." I laughed at my own comment.

But before I had the chance to leave, he had his dick out and was pissing on the floor himself as I watched. When he finished I just chuckled, "Nice". Then I walked out with a big grin on my face which I rapidly hid in case a colleague saw me and asked questions.

Been wondering ever since. Would Mike let me piss on his bed? I'd love to do that, but it would involve him sleeping in my piss. Some guys would be into that, though. Lol.


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Great story @nopjans. I'm certain that experience opened a new world for the narrator and Joanna. I love that Joanna just pissed on the doormat while she sucked him off. Well done, and I look forward to your next great story.

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I really love all all stories in this thread. However, some don't always seem to involve carpets. It would be great if each story involved one good female carpet violation! Thanks for everyone's great contributions

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Dear Wet Carpet

I've been dating this awesome girl named Clare for about eight months now. She is a gorgeous blonde in her mid-20s, and a fucking kinky, dirty bitch, lol.

We'd been dating a couple of months with only the occasional hint or joky remark. But then one night back at her place after a night at the pub we got talking, and wow! Turned out we were both subscribers to Wet Carpet magazine. I loved the idea of girls just peeing anywhere, and she got off on it too. She showed me some of her favourite porn sites. And it even turned out that we were both members of the same pee fetish forum. We'd been dating for two months - and occasionally mentioning that fact on the forum - without ever recognising each other there, lol.

Well, when Clare needed to pee, she ended up asking me if I wanted to watch. Well is the Pope a Catholic? So of course I was up for that. I'd never seen her pee before. Anyway, she took her jeans and panties off right there in the living room - to give me a better view, she said - then strode through the kitchen towards her bathroom, butt naked from the waist down, with me following and admiring her gorgeous ass. Reaching the toilet she turned around - and stood astride it rather than sitting - and just started pissing. Her aim wasn't perfect, because some of it splashed onto the seat. When I pointed this out to her she just grinned and said, "Yeah I know." She laughed and just carried on.

Afterwards she insisted I take my dick out, and she stood there watching as I pissed in her toilet.

Well, after that, Clare taking her jeans and panties off and letting me watch her piss was a frequent occurrence, especially after a few drinks. Invariably, she'd stand astride the toilet peeing - when she used the toilet. Sometimes she'd just pee in the sink or in the shower, or squat over some glass she'd placed on the floor before pissing in it. When she stood astride the toilet, her aim was sometimes less accurate than it might have been, especially after a few drinks. On one occasion she was just laughing as more of her piss splashed on the seat than went into the bowl. I pointed out that some of it was splashing onto the carpeted floor. She responded with something like, "Oh yeah. I'm not bothered." And just to prove the point, she shuffled forward and deliberately peed on the carpet in front of the toilet for several seconds before stepping back and aiming into the toilet again. She thought that was funny.

On another occasion she stood astride the toilet but just a little too far forward. I rather suspect that she did it on purpose. Anyway, when she started pissing she missed the toilet completely and was just pissing on the carpet right in front of it. She looked at me and laughed - and just carried on, not even bothering to move back. She just did all her piss on the carpeted floor in front of the toilet, making a massive puddle.

She also liked not only to watch me piss but also holding my dick whilst I did it. One time, she was aiming my dick towards the loo, and just started aiming it around, laughing as she had me peeing all over the seat, all over the back of the toilet, and on the carpeted floor all around.

There was an occasion when we both got back to her place from the pub, both badly needing to pee. We gigglingly raced for her bathroom, seeing who could be first to the toilet. I beat her to it and soon had my dick out, pissing. She stepped out of her jeans and panties - as is her wont - and said, "Fuck this, I'm not waiting." I kind of assumed she was going to take a piss in her shower again. But instead, she just squatted right there in the open a couple of feet away, pissing on the carpet.

Inevitably, her bathroom started to smell a bit pissy, what with her carpet being peed on so often. I commented on this at one point but she just laughed, saying, "Yeah I know, but who cares! I'm not bothered." I've gotta love this dirty bitch, lol.

One time she stood astride the toilet, ignoring the fact that the lid was down - and laughingly pissed there anyway. Of course, most of her piss ended up on the carpet.

We don't always bother leaving the living room either. Clare will sometimes place a glass bowl on the living room floor and watch me stand there pissing in it every now and again. She'll piss in it too, usually squatting or semi-squatting. But a couple of times she has stood there peeing in it. On both occasions, when she started she overshot, peeing on the carpet with a giggle for a couple of seconds before adjusting her aim.

Last night we were commenting on some porn pics we'd seen featuring a girl pissing against the wall in her hotel room. I mentioned that I'd love to see Clare doing that. She responded with, "Actually I really do need a pee right now. Shall I give it a go?"

"Yeah, go on!" I encouraged.

"Alright then! Just need to find a convenient wall." She laughed. And began to take her jeans and panties off.

Next thing I knew she just strode over towards the living room wall, stood there facing it with her legs slightly apart and hips thrust forward, and started pissing! Right there against her own living room wall! Her piss was flowing down the wall onto the plush cream carpet. Was the sexiest thing I'd seen so far. This gorgeous blonde pissing right there against the wall in her own living room!

And she encouraged me to join her. So I too was soon standing beside her, dick in hand, pissing against the wall too. I couldn't believe she was doing this and letting me do it too. Was fucking awesomely sexy. There was quite a mess on the carpet by the time we'd finished.

I've really lucked in with this girl, and had to write to this magazine about the experience. Clare has read the letter already and approves.


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Dear Wet Carpet

Clare here, the "gorgeous blonde" Tony was writing about. I hope you publish both our letters. I must admit that I've become a truly dirty bitch since getting with him. Always loved peeing where I shouldn't but it was mostly fantasy before except for peeing in the sink or the shower - and a couple of times on my tiled kitchen floor which was easy to mop up afterwards. I'd love me and Tony to spend an evening just pissing on the kitchen floor whenever we need to go. Perhaps if he sees this letter, he'll agree!

Anyway, by the time Tony finished his letter and I'd read it, I actually needed another piss. And felt like I wanted to really push the envelope and be a totally dirty bitch. I hadn't bothered putting my jeans and panties back on since pissing against the wall. So I was already dressed - or rather undressed - for action, so to speak. So I just stood in the middle of the living room with my legs apart and hands on hips, and started pissing right there all over the living room carpet! Unbelievably dirty and wrong yet so fucking hot! I started swinging my hips to spray my piss over as large an area as possible. It felt so fucking good. Even more fun than pissing against the living room wall. Made a huge mess.

I still can't quite believe I actually did that! What the hell would my mother think, lol

Anyway, I then led Tony into my bedroom, where I opened a drawer full of my lingerie and got him to piss in it, lol. Loved watching him do that. I fucked his brains out afterwards.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Wet Carpet,

A few weeks ago, I attended a party, and I feel what happened there is perfect for your magazine. Let me begin by saying I am new to this fetish, and it was because of this party that I am looking forward to enjoying myself more in the future.

The party was for my sister's birthday and was held at the home of one of her close friends. The youngest of all of us, my sister had finally reached 30. I was ahead of that by five years, and our other sister was 32. The party was girls only, so it was the three of us, my mother, and two of my sister's closest friends. At the start of the party, there was plenty of wine, games, and meaningful conversations. We talked about our husbands and children, movies, television, politics. After about an hour, though, my sister looked a little bored. I watched her whisper something to one of her friends, the hostess of the party. Her friend stood up, walked out of the room, and came back a few minutes later carrying a tray of margaritas. Of course, we all cheered and sipped happily. It was a little heavy on the tequila but still tasted delicious. I finished mine quicker than I meant to, and as I looked around I noticed that some of the other girls had, as well.

Once we had a few margaritas in our system, my sister stood up, a little carefully. "Okay, girls, we're gonna play a game." She pulled out a pink index card with a smiley face drawn on it. "I'm going to hide this card somewhere in the house. The first person to find it gets to flip the spinner and tell the number of shots everyone else had to take." She held up a small square that had a black spinner and the numbers 1-5 on it. As she did this, our hostess took out a clear bottle of vodka and laid out 6 shot glasses on the table. "The winner also gets to hide the card." My sister disappeared for a few minutes, and then came back. "Okay. Ready. Set. Go."

We all scattered through the house, splitting up to search different rooms. After about three minutes, one of my sister's friends shouted, "Got it!" We groaned and walked back into the party room. The winning friend flipped the spinner and it landed on 4. We took four shots, wincing and laughing as we did. Then she hid the card. This time, we all staggered through the house. It took a little longer, but then my other sister called out. We laughed and went back into the front room, again taking longer. Once in the room, one of my sister's friends stumbled and fell over the recliner, fell head over heels, and landed on her butt. We all laughed so hard, chuckling and cackling for at least a minute. Then, the same girl sat up and grabbed at her abdomen.

"Oh my god, I've gotta pee," she said. We laughed again as she tried to stand, but couldn't. "Seriously," she said, still giggling. "Oh, it's coming out!" Our laughter softened, but didn't stop as we saw a dark spot glisten between her legs. Her laughter had stopped, though, and she just sat still as the wet spot grew. At first I thought she was embarrassed, but as she looked up we all saw that her eyes were closed and her mouth was opened in an unmistakable moan of relief and pleasure. It didn't last long, but the crotch of her jeans was obviously soaked and there was a noticeable wet spot on the carpet under her. "I'm so sorry," she said, looking especially at our party hostess.

"What was that?" my sister asked. "Did you... enjoy that?" The room was silent, but we were all wondering the same thing.

"I mean...," the girl mumbled, "I've had to pee for a while. I'd been holding it, and then we took shots. Vodka always makes me a little...loose. And when I couldn't hold it anymore, it just felt really good when I let go." She was blushing, but I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or something else. "I'm sorry about your carpet," she said, again looking at our hostess.

"It's okay," she said. "It's a dark carpet. In fact..." We all looked at her, confused, as she stood still. Then, we gasped in surprise as her jeans also glistened with an unmistakable flow of pee. Since she was standing, it made a wet spot in her crotch and then trailed down her pants legs. "Ohhh, I've been holding that in for too long." She sighed and the wet spot grew as a fresh flow of pee glistened between her legs. By now it was dripping off the cuffs of her jeans and dripping to the carpet. "If anyone else has to go, it's really okay with me. I'm gonna have to clean up after the party anyway."

I might have been the alcohol, but I was surprised when my own mother spoke up. "I'm an old woman with the bladder of a squirrel anyway." I felt like maybe I should be looking away, but I couldn't as my mother scooted forward to the edge of the couch, hiked up her skirt, and slipped her panties off. Just a few seconds later a steady stream of pee sprayed from between her legs and splashed onto the carpet. "Mmm, you were right," my mother said, "this does feel good." I looked at both of my sisters, who had their hands over their mouths in disbelief. She caught us looking at her as she continued to pee freely all over my sister's friend's carpet. "I'm sorry, girls," she said, "but your mother doesn't get very many chances to just let loose." She winked at us, still peeing, and I was both proud and a little grossed out. But she was right. Our father was a very proper man, who expected the same from his wife. He wasn't as strict with is, but mom was his woman who had to behave a certain way or it might reflect poorly on him.

When my mother finished, we all agreed the game was forgotten and we were more intrigued by what just happened. Our hostess and the girl who fell had removed their wet jeans and panties. Our hostess went back into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with more margaritas, her bare pussy and ass on full display. None of us cared, though. As we drank, my sister again prodded the friend who fell about whether she had enjoyed wetting herself and if it was her first time. "No," she said, hesitantly. She admitted that, although she doesn't always wet herself, she enjoys holding it for as long as she can because the inevitable release is such a rush of pleasure that sometimes she even orgasms as she pees. As she was talking, I saw my sister (the birthday girl) cross her legs and sit up. It was obvious she was squirming. My other sister was relaxing in the recliner, sipping her margarita and listening curiously. Our mother even seemed intrigued, smiling maybe at the thought of having an orgasm. I wondered sadly (and a little awkwardly) how long it had been for her.

"You know what, girls?" our hostess said, taking another sip of her margarita. "Since we already kind of christened my living room carpet, if any of you has to pee, feel free to use my carpet. Just, please, don't ruin the furniture."

"Are you serious?" my sister said. Our hostess nodded. "That's good because I'm about to explode." She sat up in the recliner and started to unfasten her jeans. "I don't want to ruin these jeans, though." She slid her jeans and panties down and took them all the way off, tossing them onto the floor beside the recliner. Then, she scooted to the edge of the chair, and it didn't take long for a heavy stream of clear urine to come gushing out of her. "Ohhhh my god," she moaned. Her steady flow splashed from between her legs and dribbled loudly onto the carpet. My sister closed her eyes and as her moans of relief became gasps, she bit her lip and it was obvious to all of us that she was having a small orgasm. "Ohhh, wow," she said, her pee still dribbling from her crotch.

"You're making me have to go again," the friend who fell said. She was still sitting on the floor and without moving she just sighed and let go as a stream of pee sprayed from between her legs and squirted directly into the soft carpet.

Movement from the couch caught my attention and I looked at the birthday girl. Her face was red and she was still crossing her legs, obviously getting more and more desperate. She was wearing a tight skirt that reached her knees, so I wondered how tough it was for her to cross her legs tight enough to keep from peeing herself. I was also finally beginning to feel pretty desperate but still not sure if I wanted to join the others. I was still an exciting mixture of grossed out and turned on. I took a big sip of my margarita and continued to watch my sister.

"What's wrong, girls?" my mother asked.

"I just...," my sister said, "I don't know. This is all just a little... different."

"Look, girls," my mother continued, "it's okay, really. This just might be our last chance to do something we've never done before. Something exciting that really feels good. I promise there won't be any kind of consequence other than you'll maybe really enjoy it. I know I did." As she said this, she scooted forward in her seat again, but this time she forgot (or maybe not) to hike up her skirt. We could hear her pee hissing as it sprayed out of her and soaked into her skirt and dribbled to the floor. "Whoopsie," she said. "But wow does that feel good. It's just spraying all over my thighs. Mmm." My mother gasped a few times and I could tell she was orgasming right in front of us. "You have to try this," she said, looking right at the birthday girl. "Your skirt is dark like mine. Just sit up, spread your legs as much as you can, and let it go." There was a long pause, and then my sister sat up. She reached under her skirt and slid her panties down her legs. After this, though, she crossed her legs again. We all watched her, a little confused.

"Oh god, I can't hold it!" she said, and an unmistakable hissing sound filled the room. My sister gasped as a stream of pee flowed into her skirt and dribbled out the front and to the floor. The hissing was loud, and so were her gasps. "Ohhh, that feels so good. Ohh, why haven't I tried this before. Mmm. Oh, god, Mom, I'm sorry, but this is not going to be the last time I do this." My sister made eye contact with me and smiled. "You...have no idea...how great this feels." I finally knew I wanted to know. I also knew the margaritas were working their magic on me in more ways than one.

I stood up, feeling a little loopy and very naughty, as I unsnapped my jeans and pulled them and my panties to about mid-thigh. Then I closed my eyes and relaxed. Within seconds, a warm jet of pee sprayed out of me and splashed loudly into my panties and jeans. I could feel warm splashes against my thighs as I continued to pee freely. I also reached between my legs and touched myself, but all it took was a few quick flicks of my clitoris and I was gasping as I climaxed while still soaking my panties, jeans, and the carpet.

The next morning, after sobering up, my mother surprised us by admitting that it wasn't just the alcohol. She had enjoyed wetting herself and peeing on the carpet. She also agreed that the party would not be the last time she would enjoy herself that way, either. I learned later that my mother had started using the laundry room as her secret place to wet herself. Since she knew my father never went in there, she had even found a place in the corner to stand or squat over the carpet and just "let it go," as she said. My middle sister unfortunately said the party was a one-time thing for her, brought on by booze and a matter of convenience.

My baby sister, however, admitted that as soon as she got home from the party, she walked right into her bathroom, sat fully clothed on the toilet, and sprayed her pee into her panties and skirt. She said she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming, afraid her husband or kids might hear. As for me, I've found a corner of my room (I'm divorced, so I live alone), and I sometimes choose to use it instead of walking to the bathroom. Sometimes I do it naked, sometimes with panties, and sometimes I squat while other times I stand. No matter what, though, I know this is just the beginning.

You'll be hearing from me again.


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Excellent contribution, Wetwulf.

That's the great thing about alcohol. It removes inhibitions whilst creating a need to pee. And next day you can just blame it on the booze.

I bet in real life quite a few naughty pissings and golden showers from those normally in denial have resulted from drinking sessions - and been blamed on the alcohol next day. :biggrin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Susan. Currently I am an attractive middle-aged woman in my early 40s with long jet black hair, blue eyes, and a shapely figure I am rather proud of for a woman my age. And I earn very good money as a top litigation lawyer, including well known celebrities amongst my clients. I am divorced now, with a beautiful 19 year old daughter, Elisabeth, who still lives with me. She looks very much like a younger and more petite version of me, actually.

Reputation is everything to me. In pre-internet days I could never have been seen going into a sex shop and buying anything like Wet Carpet magazine, if it even existed back then. The coming of the internet has made such pleasures possible. I can buy the online version now without having to risk being seen doing so by anyone.

And I love reading the letters from other ladies talking about peeing all over the place for fun, especially the outwardly respectable ones. And I have in recent weeks often thought about that letter from Lindsay ages ago, about catching her daughter sitting naked on the edge of her bed and peeing on the carpet. And then deciding to join her in peeing there herself! You see, I have had a similar experience, and the direction it took was itself in part motivated by the memory of that letter.

But I will start at the beginning. And apologies in advance for what I know might well be quite a long letter. I do hope you still publish it.

Anyway, when very young and still living at home with my own mother, I once saw something I know I wasn't meant to see. I don't even think my mum realised I was at home. My family nick name at the time was "Sneaker" because of my habit of walking around so quietly that no one would hear me. Anyway, I had quietly walked upstairs and was walking past my mum's bedroom towards my own, noticing the door somewhat ajar. And I heard a curious hissing and splashing sound which sounded exactly like a woman pissing somewhere. So I peeped through the gap between the door and the hinge and, without being spotted myself, I saw my own mother doing something terribly naughty. Because she was squatting in front of her bed with her skirt lifted out of the way and pissing right there on her own bedroom carpet! And she was grinning as she was doing it! It was obvious even to my young mind that she was enjoying it.

Well, I watched for a few seconds, then sneaked off into my bedroom. Never stumbled upon anything like that again. Unless that was a total one off, my mum managed to be pretty discrete any other time she did it. But in the weeks and months - and years - afterwards, I often thought about what I'd seen and was fascinated by it. And some urge was ignited within me, a desire to be naughty myself. I enjoyed the very thought of it.

And so I entered a phase in my younger life where I'd occasionally enjoy peeing where I shouldn't. The bathroom and kitchen floors were fun, and easy to clean up because they were tiled. When mum, dad, or one of my brothers was home I'd sometimes just lock myself in the bathroom as if using the loo, but would piss in the sink or squat and piss in the shower instead. But the naughtiest thing I did was take a leaf out of my mum's book and pee on my own bedroom carpet. Never wanted to get caught, though, so I was careful. Typically, I would pull the wardrobe or bedside cabinet away from the wall, then squat over the carpet there and pee, before moving it back into place to hide the evidence. And I was careful to avoid doing it too often. Didn't want my room to start smelling all pissy, because mum would have been sure to ask questions then.

As I got older, though, I started to get very self-conscious and worried about my reputation and what others would think of me if people found out about such things. I began to feel real angst at the thought that I might be some kind of freak for getting a sexual buzz out of pissing on my carpet. I started over-analysing and stressing out too much, and there wasn't any internet at the time to seek out like-minded people. I feared all my friends would think me a disgusting freak if they knew about it. I started seriously guilt-tripping myself after every time I succumbed to the temptation to piss on the floor or something for fun .

So I gradually stopped doing it, repressing my desires, and pretending to myself that it had just been a phase I was going through and had now grown out of. During my university days, there was an occasional drunken relapse, like the time I'd got in from the pub - was living away from home in rented accommodation by then - and decided to just pee on my bedroom carpet beside my bed. Regretted it in the morning, but was able to blame it on the drink. Somehow it wasn't really the real, "respectable", me doing that.

Well, I left uni, entered my law career, got married, had a daughter, much later got divorced, and gradually made a name for myself career wise. My reputation in the field is itself now worth a lot in terms of my income.

In more recent years, after divorcing my husband, I began exploring my sexuality on the internet. Older and more confident - and no longer full of teenage angst - I was able to acknowledge my interest in what is called "naughty pissing" and occasionally got off on the memory of such fun in younger days. More mature by now, I was able to compartmentalise things much better, so that I could read and enjoy this magazine for a while, whilst repressing my desires and even living in denial about them the majority of the time. But I was still repressed enough to not even contemplate - as a mature and respectable adult woman - pissing anywhere other than the toilet myself. Reading about it for fun was one thing. Doing it in my own home was quite another.

That letter from Lindsay in which she confessed to walking in on her naked daughter pissing on the carpet, before stripping off and joining her in pissing there herself, pressed all the right buttons for me. With my memories of what I'd seen my mum doing, and the times I'd peed on my own bedroom carpet, the notion of a respectable woman and mother - like I am now - catching her daughter doing that and just joining in really kind of did it for me.

It never actually crossed my mind, though, that my own daughter, Elisabeth, might be any kind of piss freak. Until I did what Lindsay did and walked in on something wholly unexpected, that is.

You see, I'd just gotten home early with some news about a great job offer for Elisabeth. A dead certainty and very well paid which I'd pulled quite a few strings to get set up for her. I bounded up the stairs towards her bedroom - I still tend to be very quiet because I obviously wasn't heard - and I barged into her room, too eager to share my exciting news to think about knocking first. And I was stunned by what I saw.

Because there was Elisabeth, totally naked, and squatting in the corner of her bedroom, pissing right there on the carpet - the very expensive carpet that I had paid for! And the expression on her face was one of obvious delight - for a second, until it fully registered that she'd been caught in the act by her mother. Then her expression turned to one of horror and shame, as she stopped pissing almost immediately. She looked like a rabbit caught in headlights and didn't know what to say.

I myself now know how Lindsay must have felt, because I reacted in pretty much the same way, shocked into speechlessness at first, then anger rising at the sight of that expensive carpet being ruined so deliberately. "Elisabeth, what the fuck are you doing pissing on that carpet! It cost me a fucking fortune! And why? There's a perfectly good toilet out there!" I pointed in the general direction of the bathroom.

Elisabeth was too stunned and embarassed to really be able to formulate any words in response. And she was still squatting motionless over the damp carpet, too dumbstruck to think of getting up. I began to go off into full on rant mode.....

"So you think it's ok to just piss wherever the fuck you like do you? All over my expensive carpets? What else did you have in mind? Pissing with fuck all on all over the living room sofa? Or the dining room table? All over my fucking bed, perhaps?"

"Mum, I.....I....". Elisabeth was unable to formulate an effective response.

I was about to really go off on one, until it hit me. I used to piss on my bedroom carpet too when I was her age and even younger! And the letter from Lindsay suddenly came back to me, so that I realised all at once the almost comical similarities in the situation and in my own reaction to it. My anger fell away, replaced by amusement. I smiled and chuckled, which confused Elisabeth no end.

I thought to myself, well, why not just let her have her fun? Is it really such a big deal? After all, I did it all those years ago and turned out all right in the end.

I smiled benevolently at her. "Sorry, Elisabeth, I really shouldn't be giving you such a hard time about this. I am a woman of the world and know that some people find it fun to do things like this. And it is your bedroom after all. And the truth is, I'd rather you enjoyed yourself like this than risk getting pregnant by some guy with an eight inch dick and a one inch conscience."

A brief flicker of a grin flashed across Elisabeth's face at my attempt at light hearted humour.

I added, "So if you want to go ahead and finish pissing there, feel free."

Elisabeth was clearly dumbstruck by what must have seemed my wholly inexplicable change in attitude. So - inwardly amused at the similarities with the Lindsay and Maeby experience - I felt that some explanation was necessary.

"Ok, darling, I was angry at first, I admit, because that was mostly shock and surprise. I never imagined I'd walk in here and find you with nothing on and pissing on the carpet. But I'll let you into a secret. I used to do stuff like that when I was your age too."

Her eyes widened, "You did?"

"Sure. Was a little more discreet, though. I didn't do it openly in the corner like you. I used to move the wardrobe and do it there, then cover it up again."

Elisabeth tentatively smiled, "I've done that before."

I raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Really?"

Chuckling, I added, "When my mum wasn't around I sometimes used to piss all over the bathroom and even the kitchen floors and just mop it up afterwards."

Elisabeth's eyes widened, then narrowed in suspicion as sudden doubts flooded in. "Mum, are you winding me up or trying to take the piss? I can't imagine you doing things like that."

I was very much aware of how Lindsay reacted to such incredulity from Maeby, by joining her in pissing on the carpet. Amazed and inwardly amused at how much this situation seemed to be following the same script, and feeling the kind of buzz I'd not felt in years as this thought formed into words, I said, "Don't believe me? Maybe I'll just prove it to you by pissing right here on the carpet myself."

The very thought of doing that was massively turning me on right then, with an intensity I'd forgotten.

Elisabeth's eyes widened. "There's no way you'd ever do that, mum!"

"Wanna bet?" As I said this I reached up under the business skirt I was still wearing and pulled down my panties, allowing them to drop to my ankles before kicking them aside. Then I lifted the back of my skirt to expose my shapely ass as I lowered myself into a squat right there in the middle of the room.

I flashed another grin at Elisabeth whose eyes were now utterly wide with disbelief. "Still don't believe me?"

"Mum, you can't be fucking serious!"

"Why not? I haven't done this for years, but can remember how much fun it was. Feel free to finish your own pee, by the way."

I suppose, as one final excuse to myself, I was inviting her to start going again to make it easier for me, because there was still a part of me wondering if I should be doing this at all. But Elisabeth was still just squatting there without peeing, and I knew that I wanted to do this so badly now. "Well, Elisabeth darling, whether you go or not makes no difference to me anymore, because I'm going to piss here anyway."

And with that, the floodgates opened. A sudden loud hissing sound filled the room, along with the sound of my golden-coloured pee splashing down onto the carpet. And I actually hadn't been all day so this promised to be a very long and enjoyable piss. I flashed another grin at Elisabeth who could clearly barely believe what she was seeing. "Now do you believe me?" I laughed.

Elisabeth herself then started pissing again, two yellow torrents now loudly splashing down onto increasingly sodden and saturated patches of carpet. Because she'd already half emptied her bladder when I had interrupted her, Elisabeth finished well before me, but I just carried on pissing on my own until I was done. By then there was a massive wet patch right in the middle of Elisabeth's bedroom carpet.

I stood then, allowing my skirt to drop back into place.

My daughter too finally stood, albeit herself still naked. "Mum, I can't believe you just did that."

I laughed. "I know. I haven't done that for years. I forgot how much fun it can be."

Elisabeth laughed, now totally at ease. So mission accomplished on that front.

Anyway, we have both agreed that this must be our secret. No one else must ever know about it - except the good readers here of course who don't know our full identities anyway.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Wet Carpet.

My name is Jane, and I am a serving UK police officer working in the Bristol area. I am also a married woman in my early 30s - no kids as yet. I have also only very recently discovered this magazine and have hugely enjoyed reading the back catalogue of reader's letters. I really never knew that there were so many women out there who get their jollies from pissing everywhere. And that is a revelation to me in itself, because in my job I thought I was familiar with the seedier side of life.

Well, recent developments in my job - which kind of spilled over into my private life - led me into exploring the internet in a new direction - a direction that led me to Wet Carpet magazine. But I will start at the beginning.

You see, in my job, the often tedious task of viewing countless videos looking for and/or logging evidence often falls to lowly PCs or WPCs like myself. It includes a lot of boring CCTV footage, as well as porn videos. Some of the latter can be well shocking and highly disturbing. Someone, after all, has to do the appalling job of looking at these paedo porn vids, to build a case against those monsters so we can put the scum behind bars. It's not an easy thing to look at.

But it's not all bad. The other day I and a couple of other PCs had the job of viewing a number of vids seized from some guy being prosecuted for obscenity. We rarely go after the adult porn stuff anymore unless it is really extreme. We cannot get convictions otherwise. Well this stuff featured some incredibly gruesome hardcore S&M stuff. Will spare you the details, but my superiors took a very dim view of this and decided to build a case. This stuff was pretty unpleasant to look at too.

But there was other stuff to trawl through, including a couple of vids featuring a blonde woman just pissing all over the carpets, beds, and furniture in what looked like hotel rooms. This was likely to prove useful in a case because the jury might also take a dim view of such wilful property damage. And yet, this stuff was actually doing it for me! It was turning me on! I got a real kick out of watching some naked blonde girl semi-squatting in front of her bed and pissing on the hotel room carpet. And I enjoyed watching scenes where she was squatting and peeing on the bed, pissing against the wall, peeing in an armchair, all over the en suite bathroom floor, and so on.

I soon forgot all the obnoxious stuff I'd seen - long since learned to do that - but couldn't get these pissing scenes out of my mind. And I felt an almost palpable feeling of jealousy towards the blonde girl in the vids who clearly enjoyed what she was doing.

Well, I share everything with my husband, offloading onto him all the shittier details of the stuff my job leads me to. When I got home from that particular shift, though, I found myself telling him about the pissing videos, and how unexpectedly much they'd turned me on. And he admitted that the idea of it floated his boat too.

Well, I'd arrived home in need of a pee, as I am wont to do, so he just pointed towards the floor in the middle of the living room and suggested that I just pee there. And, the notion of just doing it right there on our own living room carpet sent an immediate frisson of excitement through me. A part of me really wanted to do it. But I am a very practical person who had qualms about what it would mean, so I reacted with, "I can't do that! What about the mess?"

"What about it? We can worry about that afterwards. Besides, I'll clean it up for you so you won't even have to worry about it."

"I really do need to go so it'll be a massive puddle. How the fuck are you going to clean that up?" I laughed.

"I'll worry about that afterwards. Right now I really just want to see you do it."

Grinning, I decided to go ahead. I really wanted to be a dirty bitch like that blonde woman in the vid so much. So I reached up under my skirt and removed my knickers, then squatted in the middle of the living room with the back of my skirt lifted above my ass. And I was already getting off on the idea that I - a respected serving policewoman - was about to piss right there on my living room carpet on purpose just for fun!

Then I started pissing, a loud hissing sound advertising the fullness of my bladder, as my yellow piss pattered down onto the carpet. I peed for ages as well, creating a very large puddle and soaking the fabric of the carpet. I was so fucking turned on that I got my hubby to fuck me immediately afterwards - right there on the pissy carpet, lol.

Thinking about it now as I write this letter, I still can't believe that I actually did that - deliberately pissing on the living room carpet! Just so fucking wrong, lol. But I guess that's part of the attraction.


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  • 3 weeks later...

This letter is Sophie's original true story about the time her husband filmed her pissing on her kitchen floor, re-edited slightly by me - with her full approval - as a letter to this magazine.

Here is a link to her original true story......



Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Sophie. I am a teaching assistant in my mid-20s. I have recently enjoyed an experience I would very much like to share with this magazine.

One interest of mine, a fantasy I guess, was to be recorded on camera while peeing. Not just any old video though, like me sat on the toilet or some quick roadside relief. I wanted it to be special. I decided to make a video of myself peeing on my kitchen floor, just like the girls in videos online. There was one problem, I am terribly pee shy when on camera! This story continues from four failed attempts where I just became really frustrated, and one time where I started peeing as soon as the camera was put away. I managed the peeing on the kitchen floor part, and the camera part, I just needed to put them both together.

I discussed what I wanted to do on a pee forum I am a member of, and the amazing people there helped me with various suggestions. I do a little bit of modelling now and then for a friend, nothing serious and almost never published but it’s fun and I help her with her clothing designs in the process so all is good. It was suggested that I treat it like another photo shoot, instead of a pee video.

I drank plenty of water and let it work its way through my body before getting changed into something a little sexier. Skinny jeans and a hoody just weren’t going to cut it. I stripped naked and put on a sexy pair of pink lace knickers and matching bra underneath a short black skirt and tight white blouse. To finish my outfit I put on some white knee high socks, my blonde hair tied back into a ponytail.

I went back downstairs to the kitchen and my husband set up the camera. Immediately I become really shy, partly because of the camera and partly because I knew what was coming up. When everything was ready I remembered another piece of advice from the pee forum, and began slowly undressing. The longer I spent in front of the camera the easier it would become. First to come off was my blouse, I slowly unbuttoned it, smiling at the camera as I gradually revealed more of myself, my bra occasionally being shown as I moved away the cotton. I threw it in the corner and turned around, swaying my hips while I unclasped my bra, looking over my shoulder as I let it fall to the floor. Turning around again with my hands covering my breasts I walked to the camera, one foot directly in front of the other, a huge grin on my face. I was really getting into it. I let my hands drop and paused for a few seconds before turning around and walking away from the camera again, being sure to sway my hips some more for good measure. Suddenly I bent forward, allowing the camera to see up my skirt and the underwear underneath, my hands caressing legs, working their way up my skirt as I stood again and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my knickers. I glanced at the camera briefly before bending over again, pulling down my underwear at the same time, kicking it into the corner. I was now in nothing but my skirt and socks. I turned around once more and took a deep breath, it was showtime.

I crouched down with my feet apart and knees together, lifting my skirt out of the way around my waist at the same time. Straight away my need to pee increased dramatically and I just knew this was going to be the one. I was finally going to have a wee, on camera, on my kitchen floor. I tried to relax, smiling innocently at the camera but it was no good, I was still too shy. The sheer excitement wasn’t helping either! I was a little frustrated by it but didn’t let it bother me and started talking to my husband, just about everyday stuff. We was talking for around two minutes when without any warning at all I began peeing heavily onto the floor with a faint hiss. There wasn’t even the feeling of my stream about to start. I couldn’t help but throw my head back in relief as pee jetted out of me, creating a puddle between my feet. I had a coy smile on my face as it grew larger, I was so happy about finally managing to have a wee on camera. The pressure quickly dipped and I continued a steady stream onto the kitchen floor, I bit my lip and giggled, enjoying the naughty thrill. My stream was showing no signs of ending and I was loving it, I knew I had a lot of water but this was crazy! I went for about 45 seconds before it slowed to a dribble, I was finally done. I stayed squatted in my little pee lake, waiting for the dribbles and drips to stop and my husband paused the recording, putting down the camera. I wasted no time waiting to push him onto the sofa to take care of another need, the clean up could wait....


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Beverly. I am a 40 year old, but still very shapely and attractive, black American lady with a great butt from New York.

Thing is, I have long noticed that there doesn't seem to be many black ladies into peeing, least I have never met any. Nor men either. I once knew a guy who loved to have me pee all over him, but he was white! I got to experience his white dick pissing all over my tits and butt too. But he turned out to be married, which I never knew until his daughter showed up, calling be a slut and a whore and telling me to leave her daddy alone! Like, what? I never even knew the guy was married. HE lied to ME about that! But she wasn't ready to hear that her daddy was the guilty one. And so I thought, "I don't need this shit." And I kicked him to the kerb right away.

Pity though. I used to like having him piss on me, and I LOVED taking a piss in that dude's face, lol. And feeling his tongue do it's work whilst I peed was fucking awesome.

Anyway, apart from him, all my peeing fun has been strictly lonesome. I got into the habit of being a real freaky bitch, taking a piss on my kitchen floor for the hell of it, and shit like that. I'd have to clean it up afterwards, and sometimes felt real guilty about it. I mean, I thought I was some kind of dirty ass freak or something. When I got acquainted with the internet, the guilt tripping eased up. I found places with people into golden showers and all that shit. And I also found people interested in peeing in naughty places. They were all mostly white, though. Seemed to me that it was mostly a whitey thing to be interested in peeing all over the place. I sometimes found myself wondering if lots of white people regularly took a piss wherever the hell they liked in their own homes just for freaky kicks. I didn't really know too many white people myself - living in a black neighbourhood and all - so knew no better.

Sometimes I regretted that more black people weren't interested in this stuff, and wondered if I was some kind of freak. It was therefore very reassuring when I found some clips being sold online featuring a black lady who was into pissing on carpets and shit, both in her own home and in store changing rooms and places like that. I managed to contact her, identifying myself as a black lady with issues about my peeing interests. And it emerged that I wasn't the only black lady into this shit. She herself admitted that she didn't just make those clips for the money, but got a serious buzz out of it. And she knew other black ladies - and men - into it too.

I found all this greatly reassuring. Also, through her, I began to develop a thing about wanting to pee on the carpet or the bed or the furniture. I wanted to be really dirty. I wanted to be a total freak, pissing all over the place for kicks. But of course, I have guests and visitors, so couldn't really go around peeing wherever the hell I wanted. Tiled floors like in the kitchen were fine. They were easy to mop up afterwards. But the carpets? Or the sofa? I loved the idea of it, but couldn't really do it for real. Yet a part of me so wanted to. Sometimes I would bring myself off whilst just imagining taking a piss on the carpet.

One time I was actually squatting naked in my living room, getting off on the idea of just peeing right there on the carpet, enjoying the notion of actually doing it, considering just taking a long piss right there. But I thought of my family and others visiting, and decided that I couldn't.

It was the black lady who sold pee clips online who gave me the best idea ever. A pee room! Basically a room in my house, closed to all visitors, just there for me to take a piss in whenever I felt like it, with the rest of my place being kept spotless. I thought this was a great idea.

So a couple of years ago I rearranged my house, with the "pee room" containing a sofa, a couple of armchairs, a coffee table, fine wallpaper, a plush carpeted floor, and with a single bed in the corner. And whenever I felt like peeing someplace, I'd go in there and just take a piss on the carpet or the furniture, or something like that.

For a long while, I'd attempt to clean up afterwards, but it was always a major hassle and eventually I thought to myself, "Why bother?" After all, I only went in there to pee. And when I was done, I had no interest in the room until the next time I felt freaky enough to pee in there again. So I stopped bothering to clean it up. Who cares if the room smells a bit pissy? Which it does in all truth! No one else ever goes in there. And I only go in there to pee and then I leave right away afterwards.

Sometimes, I might go a couple of weeks without taking a piss in there. Other times I might do it several times a day for several days in succession. Occasionally too I still do dirty ass shit like take a piss on the kitchen or bathroom floor, which has to be cleaned up afterwards. But most times, when I want to pee and feel like getting freaky, I just piss in my pee room. I've peed just about everywhere in there. Squatting or standing, I have peed all over the carpet many times. There genuinely isn't an inch of that carpet that hasn't been peed all over. I've peed all over the sofa and the armchairs - countless times - and frequently got up and peed on the bed. I've peed all over the coffee table and stood peeing against the walls. Man, I can't believe what a freaky bitch I am sometimes. And every time I pee in there I just walk away and leave it there afterwards, forgetting about it until the next time I go in there to pee.

Well, I don't always forget about it. Sometimes I get myself off by thinking about my piss all over the place in there.

I've never met the black lady who sells the clips in real life, but have let it be known that if she ever finds herself in my neighbourhood, she's welcome to look me up. I'd be more than happy - indeed would be very eager - to let her piss wherever the hell she likes in my pee room.


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The following "letter" is in part inspired by a true tale told elsewhere by CrissyP about a truth or dare session in her college days, during which one girl was dared to take a shit on the floor in front of all the other people present, and did so! Amidst much hilarity, it seems. The characters here though are entirely fictional, and certainly not in any way based upon CrissyP herself, or any other member here. And the primary focus here is obviously also going to be pissing......


Dear Wet Carpet.

My name is Abigail, now in my 30s. I like to read the letters in this magazine sometimes. Some of the confessions in here are outrageous, lol. When I am in the mood I also sometimes like to look at porn pics or vids of other women just peeing some place. Not really sure why. You see, I am totally straight, yet when it comes to peeing I strangely find it more erotic to see a girl doing it than a guy. I tend not to follow most of your contributors' examples myself, though. I don't piss all around my own house, for example. For one thing, I now have a husband and two young children living with me, and just pissing everywhere around my own home when they live here too is not something I feel I should be doing.

Occasionally, I may fantasise about pissing somewhere outrageous when I want to get myself off, and frequently read the letters here for inspiration. But it's always been more fantasy than reality for me most of the time. Never peed on anyone's carpet, and certainly not my own!

Well, that's not totally true actually! One time when living briefly in this cheap flat just after I left college, I did once enjoy a piss on the carpet beside the bed. It was just something I felt a random desire to do at the time It felt exhilarating. And I once peed on an ex's bed mainly as an act of revenge, because he'd dumped me for the girl he'd been screwing behind my back as soon as I found out about it. Apart from this, the only time I ever peed anywhere naughty was also back before I met my husband, when I picked up this guy who wanted me to pee on him in the bath. That was fun as well. There is something very liberating about just pissing all over someone. But it was a one off that I like to remember sometimes, and not something I ever did again. You see, I like this kind of thing, but mostly as a spectator. In terms of doing it I can take it or leave it. Had I ever met and married some guy into that kind of thing, I have the potential to have been one of the dirtiest bitches on the planet, lol. I'd have been willing to pee just about anywhere, probably. But my husband isn't into it at all.

But the main reason I wrote was to tell you about something really funny that happened back in my college days.

A group of us were having a few drinks at some girl's place and we were playing truth or dare. And some of the truths and dares were outrageous. One girl who needed a piss and had just accepted a dare - Sally her name was - was dared by some guy to just piss right there on the hardwood floor! The rest of us found the idea outrageously funny - including the girl whose floor it was - and just egged her on. And she totally fucking did it! She strode over to the corner of the room, turned to face us, and lowered her jeans and knickers to her knees as she popped a squat. And then she just started pissing! Right there all over the floor right in front of us all! It was fucking hilarious. She peed for ages as well, making a massive puddle.

And that wasn't all. Even though she'd completed the dare, someone dared her to take a shit on the floor too, and she fucking did! Right there in front of us as we all laughed! Funny as hell, but kind of hot too. Watching another girl doing something so openly which is normally done only in private in locked bathrooms on toilets - and grinning whilst she did it and we all laughed - was actually pressing some of my buttons. To this day, I often run the memory of this incident through my mind in private moments whilst masturbating.

I still keep in touch with Sally today. Like me, she's now a married woman with kids. And she works as a teacher at the local comprehensive, regularly also attending church with her husband on Sundays. She is in fact a highly respectable and much respected woman, a pillar of the community, lol. We never even refer to that truth or dare incident in our college days anymore. But I do sometimes smile to myself at the memory of this respectable pillar of the community once taking a piss and a shit on some other girl's floor in front of us all just for a dare - and for a laugh.


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