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On 6/4/2023 at 1:46 AM, Peetrickx said:

Did your mom forbid you to pee somewhere public indoor or were you allowed to anywhere you like with no restrictions? Like supermarkets, changing rooms…

Did your mother allow you to do other things that could be considered indecent?
E.g. littering?

She use to tell me when I had to go to just go there where no restrictions since she never wanted me to get an UTI

I’m not sure if nudity is one she use to let me be bottomless in the car so if I fell asleep I could just pee

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On 6/5/2023 at 9:34 PM, radu said:

Do you like piss competition? I mean, do you enjoy being compared to someone who pees more or who pees harder, or whose pee is more intensely colored, etc. If so, would you rather compete against a man or a woman?

Yes, I’ve had many pee competitions I like facing a man 

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11 hours ago, ABBYPEEGODDESS said:

Sorry I can’t answer this question since it would go against community guidelines 

I guess I should clarify that I don't mean vandalising someone else's stuff. I just mean pissing on something of your own for fun

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  • 6 months later...

You have mentioned in previous posts about the awkward situations caused by your large bladder and forward facing urethra, such as aiming your stream, controlling the pressure, and needing to stand to pee in toilets.

Do you ever get a chance to just empty your full bladder naturally, just relaxing and letting it go at full flow in your favorite posture without aiming or worrying about it?  Where and how do you do it?

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