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Have you ever accidentally used the opposite gender's bathroom without realizing?

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Basically as the title says, have you ever walked into and peed in the other gender's bathrooms (not the unisex bathrooms) on accident? Not like going there becase your's are closed or the line is too long, genuinely choosing the wrong door.

For some reason I've just randomly remembered something funny that happened to me a few years ago. I was alone at a mall in another city, had a coffee and needed to pee after some time while shopping. I headed into the public toilets, walked in what I thought were men's ones, went straight to the stall like I always do (I hate urinals), did my thing and went to wash my hands. This was pretty early in the day and there weren't many people at the mall, so the toilet was empty the whole time I was there. As I was washing my hands tho, a girl perhaps a few years older than me walked in, looked kinda surprised at me and said "Uhm.. this is the ladies's toilets you know".

At that moment I went full deer in the headlights, realizing that I somehow walked into the wrong toilets, didn't even notice the lack of urinals and pissed there without ever realizing. I somehow stuttered an apology to her, saying that it was an accident and I didn't realize. Thankfully, she just chuckled, gave me a smile and said have a nice day. Guess I was super lucky I didn't have the security called on me or something.

Does anyone else have any similar stories? If yes, how did go down?

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Actually, I have. It was while I was driving from work but I knew I couldn't make it home in time to pee. So I stopped at a drug store and went into the bathroom. It was dim in there and I made a beeline to a stall. I rushed and pulled my pants down and hovered over the toilet and started my pee. It wasn't until a few seconds later that another person came in, and then started peeing with no stall door closing... and the way the pee sounded... I realized I was in the men's room. I waited until the guy left and slipped away without anyone noticing!

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Yeah once thanks due to my lack of restraint on holiday.

I went too heavy on the all inclusive vodka & coke's and I didn't know where I was, ended up in the ladies toilets & was sat there for ages.    Not my proudest moment as apparently I threw up all over (though I don't remember any of this) all I vaguely remember is being helped over the bridge above the pool back to my room so I didn't fall in the pool.

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I haven't but my husband has.

Where he works there are five or so sets of toilets and they all have the same layout. Women on the left, men on the right.... except one. For some reason, one of the toilets are backwards, the mens are on the left. The doors are always open so you usually don't see the signs on them. Without even thinking he went into the right toilets, fortunately he immediately noticed the lack of urinals, turned around and saw the sign.

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32 minutes ago, Sophie said:

I haven't but my husband has.

Where he works there are five or so sets of toilets and they all have the same layout. Women on the left, men on the right.... except one. For some reason, one of the toilets are backwards, the mens are on the left. The doors are always open so you usually don't see the signs on them. Without even thinking he went into the right toilets, fortunately he immediately noticed the lack of urinals, turned around and saw the sign.

Lol at least your husband was lucky enough to notice that.

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Well this one time in a shopping centre, I was feeling quite full so I went straight to the left set of toilets (without checking the signs) as thats where the ones for the ladies were based on what I remembered from my previous visits. While I was washing my hands, I saw this man coming out from one of the stalls. The moment he saw me he froze and I got scared, for I thought I was in the men's by mistake. He then literally power walked out of the room and I followed suit only to check that it wasn't me who was in the wrong urinal but he was. 😂 

  • Haha 1
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20 minutes ago, Rosita said:

Well this one time in a shopping centre, I was feeling quite full so I went straight to the left set of toilets (without checking the signs) as thats where the ones for the ladies were based on what I remembered from my previous visits. While I was washing my hands, I saw this man coming out from one of the stalls. The moment he saw me he froze and I got scared, for I thought I was in the men's by mistake. He then literally power walked out of the room and I followed suit only to check that it wasn't me who was in the wrong urinal but he was. 😂 

Lmao poor guy 😂 At least I'm not the only one guilty of this I guess.

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1 minute ago, Rosita said:

I did feel sorry for him but at the same time it was hilarious (maybe not as much to him). 😂

I mean, looking back at my experience, it is quiet funny now. I'm sure the guy has a laugh about it now.

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I did, my local library is in an older building so restrooms are shoehorned in randomly.  I entered and saw two stalls, lack of urinals not a flag as the restrooms are not consistent and it was a smaller space.  I lock a stall and begin peeing in toilet and someone else enters the other stall.  I finish up and a female voice says "you know this is a women's restroom" I jump and get out ASAP. 

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