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Please help - urgent

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About 20 minutes ago, I was feeling a bit horny and decided to pee around my room a bit. I peed lightly on a mirror and it dripped on the wall underneath, causing streak lines. I regretted it immediately as I live in a student residence that gets cleaned weekly and I immediately sopped it up with paper towels/my towel and gently scrubbed it with warm water and dish soap, but I'm worried that the lines will still be there when it dries and I don't know what to do. I have 4 days until someone comes into my room again. What can I do to make sure it dries cleanly and there's no residue? Does anyone have experience with cleaning up?

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4 minutes ago, axlerod_m said:

best way to clean any glass thing is with a bottle of cheap glass cleaner and a sheet of newspaper

yeah, the mirror is fine, but I'm just worried about the wall and the paint. I got it off pretty fast but it doesn't look like it's drying smoothly and I can still see the drip lines

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Mom friend bacardi to the rescue! 

I have had to get so many unimaginable things out of my walls and my go to is always a magic eraser and some water. Wet the sponge and gently scrub the wall and let it dry. If there are still stains then use just a little bit of your standard dish soap. 

You should be good to go!

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In regards to the wall:  do as Bacardi said.

Just make sure not to rub the wall with to much force, as you could literally rub the paint off of it (or rather smear it around).

(Don't ask me how I know.... just trust me.)


You can also wet the whole area below the mirror using a water spray bottle.... just a little bit to basically give this entire part of the wall a uniform look.

Cover the floor below with a towel or something to catch the water, and use a hair-dryer to dry the wall if you can and/or have to.


If all else fails.. well... looks like you "spilled a drink" on the mirror while walking past it.. because you.... you  stumbled over something... make up what ever story fits the bill... get creative here. 😉

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I know that's not really what you asked for but i wouldn't freak out. Don't forget that you are the only person who knows what happened. The cleaners will not think that someone peed on the wall if they even find anything. 
I don't want to discourage you from cleaning up. I just want to tell you that it's not so bad :D. 

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14 hours ago, MaxWasTaken said:

I know that's not really what you asked for but i wouldn't freak out. Don't forget that you are the only person who knows what happened. The cleaners will not think that someone peed on the wall if they even find anything. 
I don't want to discourage you from cleaning up. I just want to tell you that it's not so bad :D. 

This is literally the best advise when it comes down to "being discovered." If someone doesn't know what they're looking for or even at then likely they won't know what you've done. The inspector isn't going to come in, be drawn to and discover the stains and instantly jump to the conclusion that you were peeing on the mirror/wall for personal pleasure. Especially if there's no urine smell and you cleaned up fairly well. As far as our fetish and lack of toilet use goes an outside observer would probably think you're incontinent or a bad drunk long before they think you did it deliberately.

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