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Naughty pee experience in the covid times

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10 minutes ago, Malika said:

Unluckily no potted plants to pee on there, because the furnishings had been removed for the works. Anyway, after a brief evaluation I noticed that among the working equipment and materials abandoned there in the rooms, there was a bag of white powder (lime? gypsum?) that the workers left open and leaning against a wall behind a corner. It was perfect! The size, the position, everything! I would have used it as "litter box" with the advantage that if somebody would have come later after me, he would not have found my visible puddle.
So, I did, because now I was really bursting.
I pulled up my skirt and panties down at the knees, taking a squat right over the opening of the bag, in order to direct my stream all inside the bag and not to wet outside. Then I finally released my pee in a strong vertical stream that hit the powder making a lot of noise and foam. It was never ending and extremely relieving.

Thank you for sharing that awesome pee experience!  I especially enjoyed your detailed description of how you peed in an urgent and naughty way, but with care to not leave noticable signs.  You could have just released that urgent pee in any private spot without any care, but you took care to make it secretive.

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8 hours ago, Malika said:

I want to report one of my pee experience that could be classified in the category of naughty pee in weird places.
It was in the summer 2020 in the midst of the pandemic. In my workplace people were extremely scared and overreacting following the general trend of psychosis. I work in a big offices building and despite many colleagues were working from home, there were many people in the offices anyway. One of the main worries was to go to the bathroom, because in this building the toilets are in closed stalls, I mean, once you close the door you are inside a tiny closed space, with no air circulation (not pleasant anyway, not only in covid times), so people had the psychosis to go in those stalls and maybe get infected by a sick person who was in that closed place before you. Despite I was a bit skeptical about these matters, I admit that I was a bit influenced by this general idea. So, it happened that one day when a colleague of mine was caught sick right during the work time, I decided that I would have not gone to pee in the toilets in order to be cautious. So, I had a brilliant idea. In the offices building there was a wing completely abandoned because it was under renovation, but due to the covid situation the works were stopped, so everything in that floor was abandoned with the works idle. So, when it was the time for me I could not hold the pee anymore, I left my desk and I reached that floor and walked a bit around to choose the most comfortable and safest (hidden from people who could come) place. Unluckily no potted plants to pee on there, because the furnishings had been removed for the works. Anyway, after a brief evaluation I noticed that among the working equipment and materials abandoned there in the rooms, there was a bag of white powder (lime? gypsum?) that the workers left open and leaning against a wall behind a corner. It was perfect! The size, the position, everything! I would have used it as "litter box" with the advantage that if somebody would have come later after me, he would not have found my visible puddle.
So, I did, because now I was really bursting.
I pulled up my skirt and panties down at the knees, taking a squat right over the opening of the bag, in order to direct my stream all inside the bag and not to wet outside. Then I finally released my pee in a strong vertical stream that hit the powder making a lot of noise and foam. It was never ending and extremely relieving. So, I finished my pee, wiped my vagina and tossed the tissue in a trash can used by the workers. Then I left very satisfied. After that positive experience I went many other times to pee in my personal litter box that summer. At the beginning the white powder became yellowish, at the end of the summer it turned totally brown. I don't mention the stink, the only weak point of this brilliant idea.
Eventually, one day in September I discovered that the workers were back to complete the renovation, so my experience with the litter box was over.
I hope somebody could find all this somehow interesting.

Curious about the smell that prevailed there. Peeing after reacting with lime or plaster probably doesn't smell like pee anymore. I am also curious about the faces the workers had when they got there and saw the sack. Could they have guessed what happened to him?

Edited by radu
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23 hours ago, DoctorDoctor said:

Thank you for sharing that awesome pee experience!  I especially enjoyed your detailed description of how you peed in an urgent and naughty way, but with care to not leave noticable signs.  You could have just released that urgent pee in any private spot without any care, but you took care to make it secretive.

Never leave noticeable signs! I always try to be secretive as much as I can   ;-)

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22 hours ago, p1ssputz said:

Thanks for sharing your stories, they're always good to read.

Are you able to receive private messages? I wanted to ask you something, but I wasn't able to send a message. (If you've decided to disable messaging, that's okay.)

Yes, I can receive private messages. You will be welcome if you want to ask me something. I don't know why you don't succeed.

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15 hours ago, radu said:

Curious about the smell that prevailed there. Peeing after reacting with lime or plaster probably doesn't smell like pee anymore. I am also curious about the faces the workers had when they got there and saw the sack. Could they have guessed what happened to him?

I can tell you for sure that the smell was not good and for me it was smell of urine.

Better I didn't see their faces when they handled the sack. I would have felt very guilty   ;-)

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1 hour ago, Malika said:

I can tell you for sure that the smell was not good and for me it was smell of urine.

Better I didn't see their faces when they handled the sack. I would have felt very guilty   😉

When they saw that the calcium was brown in color, they might have thought it was a tile grout and they used it to grout the tiles 😉

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Very ingenious solution @Malika.   Depending on the make up of the powder it might have ended up that the pee caused it to be stirred up and released into the air if it was a light powder like a filler or light plaster, so I would have been concerned that you may have ended up with a white powdered bottom - but obviously it must have been a heavier compound so it worked perfectly for your needs.   

The main thing is that you found a useful toilet, enjoyed the naughty release, didn't need to share the actual toilet and therefore avoided Covid risk and you were never found out.

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8 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Very ingenious solution @Malika.   Depending on the make up of the powder it might have ended up that the pee caused it to be stirred up and released into the air if it was a light powder like a filler or light plaster, so I would have been concerned that you may have ended up with a white powdered bottom - but obviously it must have been a heavier compound so it worked perfectly for your needs.   

The main thing is that you found a useful toilet, enjoyed the naughty release, didn't need to share the actual toilet and therefore avoided Covid risk and you were never found out.

This didn't happen thank God. The powder was heavier or maybe the first layer was a bit harder due to the damp, since it was abandoned there open since a while.

And thank you for the support  ;-)

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7 hours ago, p1ssputz said:

When I try to send, I get an error - "Malika cannot receive messages". Maybe your messages are full or something. No worries though!

You are right, my box is full. Now I empty it and you can write. Thank you for make me aware of this problem.

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8 hours ago, EMJCP7 said:

Very hot story, thank you for sharing! I hope your stream wasn't too hard and caused any splash back onto you, if it was like it would burn somewhat!!

No splash back up to my bum, because the bag was not full up to the top and the lateral splash remained inside. The material was already used partially by the workers. Let's say, it was full 3/4 only.

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An eternal problem with an ingenious solution.  Wish my office was being renovated.

I can't help but wonder if anyone else in your office shared your need ... and maybe shared your solution.  I'm sure I would have tried something very similar if I was in your situation.

Thanks for sharing. 

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On 9/18/2022 at 10:37 PM, Sexismygod said:

An eternal problem with an ingenious solution.  Wish my office was being renovated.

I can't help but wonder if anyone else in your office shared your need ... and maybe shared your solution.  I'm sure I would have tried something very similar if I was in your situation.

Thanks for sharing. 

Thanks for your appreciation.

I cannot be sure 100%, but my impression was that the bag was only "mine". I mean, I never noticed anything that make me suspect that someone else peed there beside me.


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