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Peeing behind your tent

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I'm going to camp the next few weeks and I wonder what is the best way to pee outside as much as possible. While I'm not going to camp in the wild but on more civilised campsites I think just peeing in the bushes behind the tent will be frowned upon.

Any tips?

Or is a nature pee also commun on 'normal' campsites?

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We don't know which country you're from @camper1989 so it's a little hard to give a proper answer.   I guess attitudes will vary across Europe, the Americas or beyond.

But what we're talking about is other people's reactions if they see you peeing outside.  When you talk about normal, civilised campsites - I guess they're the ones which attract other people paying a little bit more in camping fees to have the privilege of shower and toilet blocks nearby.

If it's a spread out site with woodland areas and you'll be peeing amongst trees then there's less chance of someone having an issue than if you are in a neatly trimmed open grass field filled with rows of tents and a toilet block a few metres away.

The UK caravan sites I use when we go for weekends away are full of busybodies looking for any opportunity to interfere (and those sites are full of caravans and campers with their own chemical toilets) so perhaps not too wise there.  But at other campsites like the motor-racing circuit this weekend, there's a lot more tent camping with fewer portaloos which are less appealing and a much further walk  so I'm sure it happens - although can't say I've seen it.

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This is a topic close to my heart this week.   We are staying in a caravan on an organised campsite this week.   The site consists of a field of closely mown grass with an area of bushes around it on three sides.   The fourth side leads to a carpark and beyond that is a small cafe, then a play park, then the site building and the toilets and showers are at the far end of that building.   So, to walk to the toilet from the far side of the field is at least a bit of an effort and would probably be a 15 minute round trip just to pee.

There are about half and half between road vehicles (caravans/motorhomes) and tents.  It is probably a fair assumption that most of the caravans/motorhomes have their own toilet (mine does).     The tent just along from us has a toilet tent erected next to it.   However, there are plenty of other tents which do not have toilet tents and are probably too small to have their own facilities.  Also, where the tent involves one adult and some kids, if the kids go to bed, the adult can't really leave them to go to the toilets.

I have yet to spot anyone peeing in the bushes, but I'm guessing that not everyone makes the trek to the toilets every time they need to pee - especially at night.  I'm guessing that some might pee in bottles in their tents and empty them in the morning, but I'm betting they don't take their bottle to the toilets/elsan disposal point.  

We also have a youngster who is not our offspring staying with us, which means we can't be too obvious about anything.  So, we are using the toilet in the caravan generally if the need arises.   However, I have peed in the bushes three times so far - twice just by the caravan and once when I went for a walk.  My theory is that the more we use the toilet, the more frequently we will have to take the walk of shame of taking the toilet cassette (waste tank) across the field and down to the disposal point.  So, if I can pee outside when the youngster is not observing and asking the question "Why are you going into the bushes?" then I will.   If it were our own child then I'd not worry about it and encourage them to do the same.

I'd love to catch one of the lady campers disappearing into the bushes, but I guess it is unlikely unless I am lucky with the timing.  On that same grounds, I consider that it is fairly safe for me to nip in the bushes without recourse.


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Adding to what @Alfresco has said, we've tried to use our caravan more this year (last year it didn't get any use for the second half of the year).

At the end of this coming weekend we'll have had four weekends on organised sites, I've had a weekend and then a week literally in a field supporting an event we've involved with and I've also had three long weekends at motorsport events.

For the organised sites it's always my wife and I and the sites are pretty straight-laced - so it's been strictly caravan toilet peeing and then usually using the site toilet block for anything more.  The pitches are usually on a square of gravel with grass between and behind them and usually a row of bushes behind that.  But sound carries pretty well at night, so any splattering against grass or leaves would probably attract attention.

For the working stays in the field for the event though has mostly been me in the caravan on my own and I've probably posted about my exploits there - naked peeing outside in the dark at night and very rarely using the caravan's chemical toilet.  And for the motorsport stays again not something which interests my wife, generally those have been on a crowded field with a mix of tents, campervans and caravans where the majority - the tents and the smaller VW style campers won't have toilets.  There are toilet blocks, or at least rows of unappealing plastic portaloos which during the day were in use.  At night I suspect more as Alfresco has suggested.  One of those trips my caravan along with drinking buddies were all lined up along a hedge line which served well during the evening's socialising.

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Like above said. It pends on what campsite ur on. I went to a campsite where it was busy and a lot of family’s there they had a toilet but I didn’t want to walk there or use it. This was the time when lockdown was lifted. So I had to pee between my car and tent being careful not to expose my self I wore shorts and I kneel down and let my guy peek out at the side a little and let go. If there’s a lot of people walking pass I just pee in the bottle in my tent. Or I lay down on a grass slightly rise your hip like if ur doing a plank and pee. There is loads of ways. Or sit cross leg have a hoody or something coving your legs and pee. 

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What was also written above, it depends a bit on the type of campsite. In the Netherlands we were always on a neat campsite, but at night we always peed outside.
In France the atmosphere was a bit more relaxed I think and we peed everywhere. As teenagers we would go out for drinks with a large group of youngsters at the entrance of the campsite and then the boys and girls would pee everywhere.

My girlfriend's parents used to sleep in the caravan and we slept in a tent just next to it. My ex-girlfriend peed next to the tent every night between the car and the tent. During the day it was 40 degrees celcius but it never smelled.

At the campsite with the car club in England, the atmosphere was even more relaxed and we were peeing behind our tents with a few people. There was, of course, a lot of booze.

So just peeing behind your tent at night never seems like a problem in my opinion.

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My family (wife + kids) and I go camping an average of 1-2 times each summer. We have a medium-sized tent, and usually camp with extended family at a local state park. 

Our site locations vary, but the bathroom facility might be, say 100-300 yards from our campsite. The campsites are wooded, but we're definitely not peeing outside during daylight hours - not private enough. So during the day we just walk to the restroom.

During the nighttime, my wife and I usually pee on average, once per night. We have to be quiet/careful so as not to wake the kids. We exit the tent together, and go a few yards from the tent. She'll squat, and I'll stand. I can definitely hear her pee, but it's too dark to see anything. 

In the last few years, I've made an innovation. I now attach a big tarp to the outside/front of the tent. It's attached to the front peak of the tent, and staked to the ground. So it's completely clised to the outside.

Ostensibly, it's to provide a dry area so we can take off our shoes/boots outside. But in reality, it's our bathroom. It's just tall enough for me to kneel and pee, or for her to squat. Now if we have to pee in the night (or before bed, or in the morning), we just pee in the tarped-off area in front of the tent. 

It's definitely more convenient than walking to the bathroom, or risking being seen outdoors. And the best part is that it's much easier for me to see her pee because she's only a few feet from me and can't really hide ;)

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Several years ago, I was attending an outdoor event that had a tent camping area for the attendees.  The area was nothing more a big open field and the rows of tents were instructed to be set up back-to-back with only about 1.5 meters between the backs of the tents.  It was so close that the rain fly stake lines actually crossed.

In the middle of the night, both my GF I were awoken by the the sound of as strong female pee stream splattering uncomfortably close to our heads.  One of the drunken women from a nearby tent was peeing in between the tents.  My GF was quietly kicking me and we were both snickering as this woman peeing an incredible amount.  I was hoping that it wasn't getting on or under our tent.

Edited by DoctorDoctor
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The tent I have has a little area in the front where there is no ground cover and is not enclosed by the inner tent.
It is meant to leave your shoes and equipment there, but I have often used it to pee into the grass at night and in the morning after waking up.

During the day I will use the campground´s toilets, because I don´t want to get in trouble.

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22 hours ago, Naughts said:

The tent I have has a little area in the front where there is no ground cover and is not enclosed by the inner tent.
It is meant to leave your shoes and equipment there, but I have often used it to pee into the grass at night and in the morning after waking up.

During the day I will use the campground´s toilets, because I don´t want to get in trouble.

I have a tent like this.  I haven't used it in a while, but in the past I have used it when going on trips with a kayaking club.   Usually I am on my own in the tent and I always use the front area to pee at night.   It soaks into the grass and it is private, so is great.   One trip, I took another guy with me and in the morning when I woke up I moved into the front part of the tent and peed on the grass as usual.  The other guy saw what I was doing and said it was disgusting, but I told him it was fine, just soaked into the grass and better than exposing myself and definitely better than walking across the field to the portaloos.   He wasn't convinced and he got dressed and walked over to the portaloos.  His loss!

Another tent that I have is a single person tent with the door along the side, so when laying down, I can open the zip along the bottom of the door, stick my dick out of the opening and just pee out onto the grass.  That is quite handy for not having to get out of bed.

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