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29 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

Yeah I was needing something more flexible than live/in person but my discord information is too private for me to give out (as I use it on my husband's computer sometimes) so I am going to have to pass 😭 it sounds like so much fun, tho. Keep the forums updated as you go please!

Oh 😞 Any other ideas? Or a second discord account maybe? Or just join the server then leave after you're done? It sounds like a pain in the crotch but you can do that.

And don't worry, I will keep this thread updated.

Also I'm looking for a catchy name for the game. The best I could come up with was PnP (Piss&Play) but I'm sure you guys here have much better ideas!

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Here's the first draft of my piss oriented, dnd inspired rpg game, Piss&Play!


Tabletop role playing games in a nutshell

The aim of such games are usually to create and live through an interactive story where everyone included is a co-writer and protagonist at the same time.
One of the players have a prominent role: he or she is the storyteller or game master (GM from now on). The GM is responsible for directing the story, for controlling the course of the actions and to act as everyone else in the world.
The GM describes a situation or scene and the player tell them what would their character do. If the outcome of a player's action is ambiguous, the result is decided by a dice roll. The various results are based on the dice value, the difficulty of the check, your modifiers (stats) and the GM.
As the players go through these scenes, facing various obstacles, dealing with enemies and solving problems, the story unfolds and eventually comes to end. But the aim of game is not to win, but to have fun playing together.

Differences between this game system and what you have might encountered before

In most games combat has a prominent role and most rules are covering the exact precise way to run a realistic simulation, from determining turn order through possible actions you can take up to keeping track of your and your opponents health. But not in this game. Since probably pee contests will be more frequent then fist fights, we are completely abandoning the turn based combat system, including hit points.
The big important number will be your bladder capacity instead. To note the bad things there will be stress and consequences which can be familiar from other ttrpg-s.
Character race, class (background) and alignment will also be fitted, and there will be no spell casting, only magical items.


All players play as a single character. Everything that defines the character is recorded on the Character Sheet.
When creating a character you must choose the following: a name, a race, gender, sexuality, alignment.
Then generate and assign your ability scores.
Write a short backstory and come up with your background bonuses based on that. It is advised to consult the GM during this part.
Last but not least roll for your Bladder Capacity as described below and take note of your Current Pee Volume. 


Human: The most common adventurer, not much to say about it. The most versatile race.
Bonuses and restrictions: Can choose 6 bonuses from background instead of 5, with individual limits still applying. BLD score is limited to 17.   

Elf: The ancient race of pure beauty and gracefulness. Elves can live up to thousands of years, spending most of their lifetime improving themselves. Most elves are a little snug. 
Bonuses and restrictions: +2 modifier to DEX checks, gains stress on failing DEX checks and critical failures of any kind.

Furry: Anthropomorphic animal of almost any kind. Great at following instincts. 
Bonuses and restrictions: +1 modifier to STR or BLD (choose one), MND and WLL score limited to 17.

Forest Nymph: Distinct relatives of the elves with shorter lifespan and smaller in posture, living in the woods. Humans find them very attractive.
Bonuses and restrictions: Advantage on seducing human characters. Can only be female. STR is limited to 17.

Demon: A sexy beast from another plane, known from mythology as Succubus or Incubus. 
Bonuses and restrictions: Can only be Dom. Has advantage on intimidation. +1 modifier to SEX skill checks. Can't gain bonuses from divine magical items.

It's possible to use any other race as long as you can justify the bonuses.


Instead of classes, this game uses a softer term: background. It's the collection of bonuses coming from the character's backstory. The bonuses can be chosen from the following list:
+2 Modifier bonus
Advantage in certain situations
Items (2 normal or 1 magical)
You can choose 5, but no more then 3 modifiers, no more then 2 advantages and no more then 1 magical item. All should align with the backstory.

Gender, Sexuality and Alignment

The character be whatever gender he/she/they/it wants to be, this is only for role play. The same goes for sexuality. These are noted on the character sheet and the player is expected to play accordingly. 
Instead of using the well-known two dimensional alignment chart, this game only has Dom, Switch or Sub. Self explanatory. Item usage (especially magical items) and some skill check bonuses may be based on this. 


Ability scores are calculated like this: roll 4d6, remove the lowest dice, re-roll any ones until there are none, and then take note of the result. Repeat until you have a total of 6 numbers. Assign these numbers to the ability scores however you feel it would fit your character best. Please note that some limitations may apply based on your race.

Strength (STR)- besides the trivial use cases, this ability is related to your pee force, both strength and distance
Dexterity (DEX) - affects speed, agility, and in pee related terms: your aim
Mind (MND) - a combination of intelligence and wisdom and some of the charisma based social skills, this is used in a set of soft skills like perception, solving riddles and talking
Bladder (BLD) - determines maximum bladder capacity in a similar way then constitution does with hp
Sex (SEX) - influences the more intimate soft skills like flirt and seduction, but it also defines your 'hotness' and sexual performance
Will (WLL) - your discipline, your 'defense' against being seduced, but also your ability to hold your pee for a longer time period before involuntarily wetting yourself

Ability scores directly define skill check modifiers: 6–7 means −2; 8–9 means −1; 10–11 means +0; 12–13 means +1; 14–15 means +2; 16–17 means +3; 18–19 means +4; 20 means +5

Pee Volume and Bladder Capacity

I felt like it was extremely important in a game based on peeing to keep track of your bladder's actual status. This will be shown on the character sheet as Current Pee Volume / Bladder Capacity. Both values are measured in (US) fluid ounce which equals roughly 30 ml.  
A first level character's BC is calculated as 4d4 + BLD modifier, and the CPV is half of this, rounded down. The BC increases every time the character gains a level by 1d4 + BLD.
Whenever your character drinks, the CPV increases by the exact same amount in fl oz.
Whenever you pee, it decreases. You can try to produce an exact amount if you have anything to measure it with, and if you pass a WLL check. Otherwise you can try to pee some amount so chose one dice from the following: d4 for just  few drops, d6 for a small pee, d8 for an average, d10 for a large and the d12 for a huge amount, and roll it (square root of your level, rounded up) times. Of course you can't pee more then your Current Pee Volume.

Skill checks

Whenever the GM feels is appropriate, the player must make a skill check to determine what's happening.
To do so, one must make a roll with a 20 sided die (d20 from this point). Then add the modifier from the matching ability (calculated as (ability score - 10) / 2, rounded down) and all other modifiers coming from your race, background or item if relevant. Please note that all of these can be negative.
The result is then compared to the difficulty class (DC) of the challenge, which is defined by the GM in beforehand. The DC value is usually kept as a secret, the GM only tells you if your roll was a success (totalling in equal or more then the DC) or a failure.

Sometimes the DC is another character's roll, be it a player or a NPC. These are called contests.

Whenever our character is in direct threat of any kind, the GM will ask for a saving throw where meeting the DC mean there was no harm done.

Advantage means you can roll the dice twice and use the higher value as your roll, while disadvantage works the opposite - the result is the smaller number rolled.

Rolling a 20 is a critical success, and 1 is a critical failure. Rolling a critical might end up something good or something bad, like an advantage on the next roll, or loosing double TP and so on, based on the GM's decision and the circumstances of the check.

If your CPV is under 20% of your BC, you need to roll a WLL check to start going. The DC of this check is (20 - current %)
If your CPV is over 80% of your BC, you get desperate and need to roll a WLL save at the beginning of every scene to hold it. The DC of this save is (20 - remaining %)  

Stress and consequences

All characters start the games with 3 toleration points (TP). Each time an attack lands, or the player fails a saving throw or suffers any other form of stress, the character loses one TP. When it reaches zero, the character is out of the game for the rest of the scene and suffers a consequence. The consequence is made up by the GM and it has to be related to the means of stress. It is then noted on the character sheet among the other descriptions and can influence future rolls by giving a negative bonus to rolls or disadvantage in a specific situation. 
TP are recovered by 1 point between scenes, 2 points between chapters and by 3 points between parts, or whenever the GM says so but it can never exceed the original 3.
Consequences can be removed between chapters, but may remain longer, even be permanent based on the GM's decision.

Adventures and leveling up

Adventures are longer story arcs, have a beginning and an end, you can think of it as feature length novel.
Adventures consist of one or more parts.
Parts are divided to chapters.
Chapters are built up from scenes.

The pace of leveling up is completely up to the GM. It can be automatic based on the progress of the story (for example at the end of every chapter), but also on individual game play (for example rewarded for involvement or successful skill checks).
When a character levels up, they can remove a consequence, increase Bladder Capacity, and increase one ability score every three levels.

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13 hours ago, RainGod said:

This is really interesting, nice work! Are there different bonuses depending on if you're wielding a penis or vagina?

Great question!

"Wielding a penis" is a funny phrase but accurate!

I would say a penis would give you advantage on DEX based pee skill checks, and a vagina means +2 on STR based pee checks.

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8 minutes ago, RainGod said:

That's great, I was actually thinking something similar! Maybe there should also be some unique skills depending on your equipment, like vagina-users could learn to direct their stream the way some of the skilled ladies on this site do to get their own DEX bonus, and penis-users could maybe learn to gain advantage on intimidation like your demon race by taking a particularly dominant pissing stance or something!


Does "combat" (encounters mat be more accurate) work via pissing contests like distance and accuracy, or do the characters pee on their opponents?

Yes! That's exactly what customisation through background is for.

And for your second question: both is possible. I couldn't make it just as the pee on the other to win, because then how would you deal with someone who likes to be peed on?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/19/2022 at 8:37 AM, Pee Sensei said:

For anyone who is interested / missed the original author's private invitation / can't 'afford' live sessions for any reason, I am currently working on setting up a discord server where we can play erotic adventures focused on peeing in a post based way.

I am currently writing the game mechanics and basic rules, which will be based (mostly) on DnD, but simplified and modified to fit the genre better. Any ideas are welcome!


Meanwhile, did you know that there's a very good interactive adventure on this site you can play?



My attempt failed, hope you have suceess. lol. 

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7 hours ago, CasvalDeikun said:

My attempt failed, hope you have suceess. lol. 

Sorry to hear that!

I know how hard is it to organize an online session, even for a 'normal' d&d game. 

I was just about to announce the grand opening of the server btw! I will PM everyone whom I think might be interested. And my PM's are open too for anyone!

Edited by Pee Sensei
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I just saw this in a DnD group:



My D&D group had an interesting conversation one time. What are your thoughts on it. One of our players loved having health potions and eventually he had so much that the DM said that he can't carry anymore. So then he asked, "What if I drink them all?" Then someone else asked, "Then your pee would heal people." What do you think?


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On 7/22/2022 at 2:50 PM, Pee Sensei said:

Here's the first draft of my piss oriented, dnd inspired rpg game, Piss&Play!


Tabletop role playing games in a nutshell

The aim of such games are usually to create and live through an interactive story where everyone included is a co-writer and protagonist at the same time.
One of the players have a prominent role: he or she is the storyteller or game master (GM from now on). The GM is responsible for directing the story, for controlling the course of the actions and to act as everyone else in the world.
The GM describes a situation or scene and the player tell them what would their character do. If the outcome of a player's action is ambiguous, the result is decided by a dice roll. The various results are based on the dice value, the difficulty of the check, your modifiers (stats) and the GM.
As the players go through these scenes, facing various obstacles, dealing with enemies and solving problems, the story unfolds and eventually comes to end. But the aim of game is not to win, but to have fun playing together.

Differences between this game system and what you have might encountered before

In most games combat has a prominent role and most rules are covering the exact precise way to run a realistic simulation, from determining turn order through possible actions you can take up to keeping track of your and your opponents health. But not in this game. Since probably pee contests will be more frequent then fist fights, we are completely abandoning the turn based combat system, including hit points.
The big important number will be your bladder capacity instead. To note the bad things there will be stress and consequences which can be familiar from other ttrpg-s.
Character race, class (background) and alignment will also be fitted, and there will be no spell casting, only magical items.


All players play as a single character. Everything that defines the character is recorded on the Character Sheet.
When creating a character you must choose the following: a name, a race, gender, sexuality, alignment.
Then generate and assign your ability scores.
Write a short backstory and come up with your background bonuses based on that. It is advised to consult the GM during this part.
Last but not least roll for your Bladder Capacity as described below and take note of your Current Pee Volume. 


Human: The most common adventurer, not much to say about it. The most versatile race.
Bonuses and restrictions: Can choose 6 bonuses from background instead of 5, with individual limits still applying. BLD score is limited to 17.   

Elf: The ancient race of pure beauty and gracefulness. Elves can live up to thousands of years, spending most of their lifetime improving themselves. Most elves are a little snug. 
Bonuses and restrictions: +2 modifier to DEX checks, gains stress on failing DEX checks and critical failures of any kind.

Furry: Anthropomorphic animal of almost any kind. Great at following instincts. 
Bonuses and restrictions: +1 modifier to STR or BLD (choose one), MND and WLL score limited to 17.

Forest Nymph: Distinct relatives of the elves with shorter lifespan and smaller in posture, living in the woods. Humans find them very attractive.
Bonuses and restrictions: Advantage on seducing human characters. Can only be female. STR is limited to 17.

Demon: A sexy beast from another plane, known from mythology as Succubus or Incubus. 
Bonuses and restrictions: Can only be Dom. Has advantage on intimidation. +1 modifier to SEX skill checks. Can't gain bonuses from divine magical items.

It's possible to use any other race as long as you can justify the bonuses.


Instead of classes, this game uses a softer term: background. It's the collection of bonuses coming from the character's backstory. The bonuses can be chosen from the following list:
+2 Modifier bonus
Advantage in certain situations
Items (2 normal or 1 magical)
You can choose 5, but no more then 3 modifiers, no more then 2 advantages and no more then 1 magical item. All should align with the backstory.

Gender, Sexuality and Alignment

The character be whatever gender he/she/they/it wants to be, this is only for role play. The same goes for sexuality. These are noted on the character sheet and the player is expected to play accordingly. 
Instead of using the well-known two dimensional alignment chart, this game only has Dom, Switch or Sub. Self explanatory. Item usage (especially magical items) and some skill check bonuses may be based on this. 


Ability scores are calculated like this: roll 4d6, remove the lowest dice, re-roll any ones until there are none, and then take note of the result. Repeat until you have a total of 6 numbers. Assign these numbers to the ability scores however you feel it would fit your character best. Please note that some limitations may apply based on your race.

Strength (STR)- besides the trivial use cases, this ability is related to your pee force, both strength and distance
Dexterity (DEX) - affects speed, agility, and in pee related terms: your aim
Mind (MND) - a combination of intelligence and wisdom and some of the charisma based social skills, this is used in a set of soft skills like perception, solving riddles and talking
Bladder (BLD) - determines maximum bladder capacity in a similar way then constitution does with hp
Sex (SEX) - influences the more intimate soft skills like flirt and seduction, but it also defines your 'hotness' and sexual performance
Will (WLL) - your discipline, your 'defense' against being seduced, but also your ability to hold your pee for a longer time period before involuntarily wetting yourself

Ability scores directly define skill check modifiers: 6–7 means −2; 8–9 means −1; 10–11 means +0; 12–13 means +1; 14–15 means +2; 16–17 means +3; 18–19 means +4; 20 means +5

Pee Volume and Bladder Capacity

I felt like it was extremely important in a game based on peeing to keep track of your bladder's actual status. This will be shown on the character sheet as Current Pee Volume / Bladder Capacity. Both values are measured in (US) fluid ounce which equals roughly 30 ml.  
A first level character's BC is calculated as 4d4 + BLD modifier, and the CPV is half of this, rounded down. The BC increases every time the character gains a level by 1d4 + BLD.
Whenever your character drinks, the CPV increases by the exact same amount in fl oz.
Whenever you pee, it decreases. You can try to produce an exact amount if you have anything to measure it with, and if you pass a WLL check. Otherwise you can try to pee some amount so chose one dice from the following: d4 for just  few drops, d6 for a small pee, d8 for an average, d10 for a large and the d12 for a huge amount, and roll it (square root of your level, rounded up) times. Of course you can't pee more then your Current Pee Volume.

Skill checks

Whenever the GM feels is appropriate, the player must make a skill check to determine what's happening.
To do so, one must make a roll with a 20 sided die (d20 from this point). Then add the modifier from the matching ability (calculated as (ability score - 10) / 2, rounded down) and all other modifiers coming from your race, background or item if relevant. Please note that all of these can be negative.
The result is then compared to the difficulty class (DC) of the challenge, which is defined by the GM in beforehand. The DC value is usually kept as a secret, the GM only tells you if your roll was a success (totalling in equal or more then the DC) or a failure.

Sometimes the DC is another character's roll, be it a player or a NPC. These are called contests.

Whenever our character is in direct threat of any kind, the GM will ask for a saving throw where meeting the DC mean there was no harm done.

Advantage means you can roll the dice twice and use the higher value as your roll, while disadvantage works the opposite - the result is the smaller number rolled.

Rolling a 20 is a critical success, and 1 is a critical failure. Rolling a critical might end up something good or something bad, like an advantage on the next roll, or loosing double TP and so on, based on the GM's decision and the circumstances of the check.

If your CPV is under 20% of your BC, you need to roll a WLL check to start going. The DC of this check is (20 - current %)
If your CPV is over 80% of your BC, you get desperate and need to roll a WLL save at the beginning of every scene to hold it. The DC of this save is (20 - remaining %)  

Stress and consequences

All characters start the games with 3 toleration points (TP). Each time an attack lands, or the player fails a saving throw or suffers any other form of stress, the character loses one TP. When it reaches zero, the character is out of the game for the rest of the scene and suffers a consequence. The consequence is made up by the GM and it has to be related to the means of stress. It is then noted on the character sheet among the other descriptions and can influence future rolls by giving a negative bonus to rolls or disadvantage in a specific situation. 
TP are recovered by 1 point between scenes, 2 points between chapters and by 3 points between parts, or whenever the GM says so but it can never exceed the original 3.
Consequences can be removed between chapters, but may remain longer, even be permanent based on the GM's decision.

Adventures and leveling up

Adventures are longer story arcs, have a beginning and an end, you can think of it as feature length novel.
Adventures consist of one or more parts.
Parts are divided to chapters.
Chapters are built up from scenes.

The pace of leveling up is completely up to the GM. It can be automatic based on the progress of the story (for example at the end of every chapter), but also on individual game play (for example rewarded for involvement or successful skill checks).
When a character levels up, they can remove a consequence, increase Bladder Capacity, and increase one ability score every three levels.

Me as an DnD enthusiast myself really like the idea for a peeing focused P&P. Years ago I had a funny online role play with a girl which also leads to pee play in the end. Now reading about this thread I want to dive into the fun again!


DnD by itself is so much fun alone even without peeing. Players really begin to like their charakters and their charakter development over time. If you decide to start this Pee DnD, please count me in! 😄

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12 hours ago, Habu said:

Me as an DnD enthusiast myself really like the idea for a peeing focused P&P. Years ago I had a funny online role play with a girl which also leads to pee play in the end. Now reading about this thread I want to dive into the fun again!


DnD by itself is so much fun alone even without peeing. Players really begin to like their charakters and their charakter development over time. If you decide to start this Pee DnD, please count me in! 😄

The server is up, I will PM you the details. In the meantime I also encourage everyone who's interested to contact me.

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For me, the idea of a DnD where everything revolves around peeing is not very appealing, but I quite like the idea of a normal DnD that contains peeing moments. Something like a human female warrior surprised by a second wave of attackers when she is trying to quickly get rid of the lower part of her armor to relieve herself after a tough fight with a bunch of orcs.

If I have time, maybe one day I'll make some renders with such scenes.

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To all who still hesitates: I have added some magic items to the game, but this list is way incomplete so ideas are welcome!


The Purifier: A 40 oz bottle which turns pee of any source(s) into drinkable water overnight, even tainted ones. It doesn't work on any other liquids.
The Prophet: A small vial, which needs at least 3 oz of pee from a single source. After a ritual, it will reveal the answer to a question about the source person. Needs two hours of concentration.
The Bottomless: A small waterskin, that can hold up 300 oz of water when filled completely, but it is as small and lightweight as 15 oz container. Cannot be used to store pee.
The Analyzer: A round bottle that glows in different colors depending on the sex and race of the pee source. Works with as little as a drop of urine.   
Orb of Hidden Truth: Upon invoking its powers, it emits a purple light which makes even completely dried pee stains visible on any surface (even clothes and skin).
Funnel of Power: Can be used on pee STR checks. Doubles your roll or adds 10 if its less then 11. Usage must be declared before rolling. 8 hour cooldown.
Whip of Obedience: Can only be used by doms. Once a day, it can be snapped to automatically and successfully overcome a persuasion or intimidation check.
Furry Handcuffs: While worn, you can't use your hands, and have a -2 for DEX checks, but you will also gain +4 on seduction checks. Doms have a 50% chance of hitting on you on meeting. You need a player or a friendly/persuaded NPC to take it off.
Spiked Collar: Can only be worn by subs. Switch NPC-s around you will turn to doms. Automatically absorbs 2 stress points related to pain, per day.
Rainbow Dust: When blown on someone it creates a colorful aura, revealing the true sexuality of the target. 12 uses.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/9/2022 at 12:20 PM, Pee Sensei said:

To all who still hesitates: I have added some magic items to the game, but this list is way incomplete so ideas are welcome!


I know zilch about DnD, but I wondered if you'd be ok for me to borrow a few of your ideas for an RPG? I love gaming and I've wanted to have a go at making something like this for years and this thread has motivated me to try it. It's a similar fantasy setting, with taverns and potions and other things that you get in DnD. It'll be solo-player with group voice chat (multiplayer is a bit beyond by skill level right now), but I want to add a co-op version later on so people can team up if they like.

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11 hours ago, CharlieS_00 said:

I know zilch about DnD, but I wondered if you'd be ok for me to borrow a few of your ideas for an RPG? I love gaming and I've wanted to have a go at making something like this for years and this thread has motivated me to try it. It's a similar fantasy setting, with taverns and potions and other things that you get in DnD. It'll be solo-player with group voice chat (multiplayer is a bit beyond by skill level right now), but I want to add a co-op version later on so people can team up if they like.

Sure, do as you like. 

So will this be a video game?

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Yeah, likely PC at first. But I may branch out to other platforms if I can work out how! Just keeping it simple to begin with and sticking to what I know. I'll spin up a Discord server for anyone that wants to follow progress if people are interested. I've got the basic mechanics up and running already. It just doesn't look that exciting, as I don't have customised 3D models / animations yet.

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12 hours ago, CharlieS_00 said:

I know zilch about DnD, but I wondered if you'd be ok for me to borrow a few of your ideas for an RPG? I love gaming and I've wanted to have a go at making something like this for years and this thread has motivated me to try it. It's a similar fantasy setting, with taverns and potions and other things that you get in DnD. It'll be solo-player with group voice chat (multiplayer is a bit beyond by skill level right now), but I want to add a co-op version later on so people can team up if they like.

Are you thinking of a 2DGC/3DGC game/visual novel with renders using Ren'Py or RPGM, Or something more complex like a fully animated game on Unity, or Unreal Engine? I'm considering a visual novel in a fantasy setting with pee elements.
But only something small, because my time availability is very limited. And the pee elements wouldn't be part of the "combat mechanics", but something that would just spice up the story

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1 hour ago, laughingbeast said:

Are you thinking of a 2DGC/3DGC game/visual novel with renders using Ren'Py or RPGM, Or something more complex like a fully animated game on Unity, or Unreal Engine? I'm considering a visual novel in a fantasy setting with pee elements.
But only something small, because my time availability is very limited. And the pee elements wouldn't be part of the "combat mechanics", but something that would just spice up the story

That actually sound like something I am looking for for a little while now, so if you happen to put together anything, keep us updated!

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2 hours ago, Pee Sensei said:

That actually sound like something I am looking for for a little while now, so if you happen to put together anything, keep us updated!

Of course, if I ever get to something like that, I'll announce it on this forum.  It would probably just be a visual novel using renders (made in the same way as the images I've shared in other threads) some simple silly plot and a bit of humor.

The plot would probably involve a guy who travels with a group of heroines for whatever reason, so it's inevitable that he'll catch them peeing from time to time and it will occasionally lead to some funny situations.

The other option I'm considering is a "sandbox " (again only with renders) where a guy is for some reason assigned to guard some area reserved for the private business of girls, like bathing or peeing in a Fantasy-like village.

But my visual novel would definitely have a very slow and irregular schedule of new updates.

2 hours ago, CharlieS_00 said:

Sent you both links to the Discord server so you can have a look (it'll be a 3D fantasy with animations, as I'm not a fan of visual novels and like to run around in full 360 degree glory!).

If you're capable of fully animated 3D games, good for you. All I can do is a visual novel in the Ren'Py engine using renders (just images)

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3 hours ago, laughingbeast said:

If you're capable of fully animated 3D games, good for you. All I can do is a visual novel in the Ren'Py engine using renders (just images)

I actually find it easier, as I don't have great art skills and anything else would take me forever. I use free software called MakeHuman to create the basic 3D rigged models, then just paint the skins afterwards (or modify existing ones if I can find what I need online). Then use the free animations on Mixamo (chopped/edited) to get most of the ones I need. Although since the game I'm building will likely need a lot more, I may cheat and hire a freelancer to make a few of the really awkward poses. It depends how lazy I'm feeling near the end! 😄

Btw, my vote for the DnD remake name would be PInD (Peeing In Dungeons)!

Edited by CharlieS_00
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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm excited to bring this thread back to life! Our Pen and Paper experience was loads of fun. The setting had a familiar D&D vibe but with a simpler character creation process and mechanics. And let's not forget the intriguing twist of a unique pee mechanic that added an extra layer of excitement. If anyone out there is open to an online Pen and Paper adventure with this delightful twist, it would be fantastic to have you join us!

So, if you're interested, come on board for an immersive journey filled with creativity and surprises. Together, we'll create a story that will keep us entertained and engaged every step of the way.


In our current campaign, I'm portraying a female elf who embarked on an adventurous journey following the passing of her beloved wife, who lived a long and fulfilling life. Hailing from a noble lineage, my character sometimes struggles with adapting to the ways of common folk. Despite this, she radiates kindness and embodies the essence of a true lady. Oh, and there's a little secret: She has a pee fetish. She's always careful to keep this aspect of herself discreet, as it might not align with society's expectations of someone as refined as her.


By the way, I also played a little with Stable Diffusion, to bring the character more to life with this AI Art.



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12 hours ago, Habu said:

I'm excited to bring this thread back to life! Our Pen and Paper experience was loads of fun. The setting had a familiar D&D vibe but with a simpler character creation process and mechanics. And let's not forget the intriguing twist of a unique pee mechanic that added an extra layer of excitement. If anyone out there is open to an online Pen and Paper adventure with this delightful twist, it would be fantastic to have you join us!

So, if you're interested, come on board for an immersive journey filled with creativity and surprises. Together, we'll create a story that will keep us entertained and engaged every step of the way.


In our current campaign, I'm portraying a female elf who embarked on an adventurous journey following the passing of her beloved wife, who lived a long and fulfilling life. Hailing from a noble lineage, my character sometimes struggles with adapting to the ways of common folk. Despite this, she radiates kindness and embodies the essence of a true lady. Oh, and there's a little secret: She has a pee fetish. She's always careful to keep this aspect of herself discreet, as it might not align with society's expectations of someone as refined as her.


By the way, I also played a little with Stable Diffusion, to bring the character more to life with this AI Art.



I'm interested. Where do we sign up?

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