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Hospital question

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Ok. I have a habit of wetting the bed, if I try hard enough then I can make it through the night, but I have to actually put effort in, becauseive basicallytrained myself to not wake up. The thing is, I'm wondering if anyone has ever wet the bed in a hospital scenario, and what the reaction was, because I actually would rather not be embarrassed if I slip up...I'm here for completely unrelated reasons but they may think there's something wrong with me, idk, does anyone have any experience here? 

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It's a medical setting. Nurses and nursing aids are trained to deal with much worse so I am sure you'll be okay 🙂. I even think hospital beds are outfitted with waterproof sheets for that exact reason. Imagine all the other liquids that could leak into a mattress when you're staying in a hospital! 

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I'm sure they've seen and dealt with pretty much everything in hospitals, and you should have nothing to worry about 🙂. I've not wet the bed in hospital, but I know people who have ... and absolutely no problem or negative reactions at all: just practical and caring cleaning up. 

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When I ws in the hospital they were giving me lasix pills which make you pee. I was peeing in a bottle One night I missed the bottle completely and wet the whole bed.The 2 nastiest nurses came in, changed and wiped the bed, changed and wiped me and put me in a diaper. They seemed really annoyed but did everything they had to. No need to be embarassed in the hospital Tell them in advance you might wet the bed

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I remember my mom being in the hospital for a procedure and I was there in her room when they brought her back and she was still a little out of it but still somewhat alert and we were there talking as she was lying in bed and all of a sudden she just said ohhh. I asked are you alright and she said yes but I am having an accident I am all wet. I said don’t worry I will get the nurse. I called for the nurse and she came in and she was about late thirties and pretty attractive. My mom looked at her and told her what happened and apologized to her and she just smiled and said oh it’s ok it happens to all of us she said I just peed in my pants yesterday rushing into my house to reach the toilet but I didn’t make it in time. She just smiled then and said and I didn’t just have a procedure done. We all just laughed and I left the room while she cleaned my mom up and changed the sheets on the bed. 

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I wouldn’t worry, I’ve never done it myself but as I have a large bladder and don’t go often I’ve had them check me and my bed to see if I had wet myself and they were laughing and joking about it. No anger or anything. I’m sure they just have cleaned me up and not made a big thing about it. 

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I agree with what others have said.  I have never stayed overnight in hospital as a patient (guess I'm lucky to have got past 50 years old without having to do that), but I have known people who have.

Firstly, the mattresses are not like normal mattresses at all.  The shell on them is thick plastic/rubber type material which is totally waterproof and wipe clean.   These are designed to cope with all matter of bodily excretions including blood and urine.   The sheets simply get scooped up for laundering, the bed gets wiped and sanitised and a new sheet put in place.  The nurses and cleaners do this countless times per day, so they do it as second nature.   Most of the medical staff are sympathetic to the situation.

My Dad had an incident when he was in hospital and was using a urinal bottle.   The bottle had been put out of his reach and at one point he rang the call alarm to request a nurse to get a bottle, but they didn't come to him quickly enough.  He ended up wetting the bed and the nurses were very apologetic about not being quick enough to get there and they were just asking him to confirm that it was pure desperation that caused him to pee rather than him not having control over his bladder as that could have indicated a medical problem that was connected with his condition.

My wife also peed over a doctor's hand when she was giving birth to our daughter.   The staff including the doctor were not worried at all - they just cleaned up and carried on.


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