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Choosing to pee on hard vs. soft surfaces

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I’ve found that women seem to have different preferences and rationale for choosing hard vs. soft surfaces. I’ve had girlfriends that choose to pee on hard surfaces even when softer surfaces are available because:
1. It was the most immediate place (i.e. walking down a street after a club and choosing to pee on the sidewalk vs. go 25-30ft to greenery)
2. It was more private (i.e peeing in shop entry ways, between cars, between car doors because it was less exposed than near by strips of grass)
3. The did not want to mess up their shoes/high heels by walking on muddy soft earth
4. They feared getting bit but something in the grass/nature
5. Pee races I mentioned in a previous thread https://peefans.com/topic/22959-pee-races/
6. They knew I liked to see puddles so they would do it for me.
On the other hand I’ve had girlfriends who would go out of their way to find a soft surface to:
1. Avoid splatter
2. Avoid leaving obvious puddles
3. They thought it was more polite / conscientious
4. They were taught to seek grass etc. for peeing growing up and they never questioned the habit.
Interestingly some of them would seek a soft surface even if it made them more potentially exposed to other people seeing them.
What has everyone else observed?
Women of the forum, how do you think about hard vs. soft surfaces for peeing outdoors?  Which do you usually choose and why?
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I guess it would depend where you were. I had to stop on a highway and pee on the side of the road beside my car on the concrete and it makes noise and takes a while to dry up and leaves evidence. I couldn’t get to the grass because of a fence. I would prefer grass as it doesn’t show or make much noise. I am shy. However: if it were a party or pub situation, and people were pissing on carpet or walls, I would like to hear the sound and see the puddles. I think a thin wall in an old house would make a pleasing noise with a stream hitting it, and carpet has a nice soft thud as liquid hits it in bulk. Great question.

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Well, outside I guess peeing on grass because it is more discreet not leaving a puddle. I can more easily stand and pee down my legs without anyone noticing. Not much in it really. Now inside, standing on carpet or sitting on soft upholstery wins every time. Not just being more discreet, but the soft squishy-ness is nice too.


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