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Embrace pee obsession or suppress it?

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Have any of you ever thought it would be best to try and forget about your pee fetish or full blown embrace it? I have found myself getting braver and braver each time I endulge in solo pee play and I love doing it, but I’m fearful of what others would think of they found out. What is your view point on having a pee fetish?

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Embrace it. Definitely. That way one can control it so it doesn't get out of hand-becoming an obsession and overtaking one's healthy mindset. Personally I do not want this fetish taking up too much of my sex life, in that a more or less healthy balance can be maintained. In my experience, if you try to suppress it completely, it will come back to become an unhealthy obsession. 

Please don't take my word for it though, this is just my personal experience and therefore humble 2 cents! 😉

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10 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

I suppressed it for years after being shamed about it by an ex. But, luckily the sex positive movement ran through the internet a few years after that and I was able to see that it's a safe, sane, and consensual way to enjoy myself. Now I embrace it, and even though I embrace it by myself I have the forums to help me explore aspects of my fetish in a healthy way!

I'm enjoying more and this site is helping that like the online forums that helped you. I just daren't admit it to my partner incase I get kink shamed

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I must admit that I am getting more n more into it. I'm really enjoying what I'm doing and I'm enjoying sharing too. I've come to the conclusion it's better to be yourself than lie to yourself. So go and enjoy yourself

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Why not try a middle way? Well, that's what most here already said they did and recommend. But I believe it is a crucial point in everything we do: try to stay on a middle ground, avoid extremes. I haven't found a healthy extreme yet, anywhere.

Personnally, I agree that oppression tends to lead to unwanted outcomes. At the very least, it makes us less happy. And if we are happy, we are more likable, more open, more attractive to others, finally more successful in life. So let's see our kink as an enrichment of our life, something we don't necessarily share with others, but that provides us pleasure when alone. I experience an overwhelming orgasm maybe every five years or so - often alone, but always with my kink involved. Should I forgo this pleasure beaming me out of this world for a full day or two, just because others might frown upon me if they knew? No. Do they need to know? No.

Of course it would be nice to share more about my kink with real people around me, rather than soulmates on the Internet. But we're too rare for this to realistically happen.

Fully embrace it? No - it would put my real life at risk. And my real life has too many good things to be replaced by just one kink. So I assign a corner of my mind to my kink, a limited amount of time and attention - and live a happy life without it during the rest of the time.

BTW: I strongly recommend to - carefully - break the subject with your partner if you have one. There's a chance they at least tolerate your difference, maybe even indulge you. Just go slow and step back if you feel there's a lack of willingness to understand.

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I tried to suppress mine when I was a teen.  Whenever I did, I'd end up having a wet dream with me or a pretty girl peeing.  I concluded I was wasting my time trying to suppress it.  I just wish I had a fetish for which it was easier to find women who want to engage in it.  But, since the fetish seems permanent, I have decided to embrace it.  So much more I want to experience.  In a way, we're fortunate.  Most people just have 1 bodily fluid which gives them pleasure (cum).  We have 2, cum and pee.  :) 

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