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"Revenge porn" to be banned.

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Here in Britain, the government is planning to bring forward laws making the publication of so-called "revenge porn" illegal, with stiff punishments including the possibility of jail. Revenge porn is when people publish explicit pornographic pics or vids of their ex-partners online for all to see as an act of revenge for being dumped or something like that. Most frequently, females are the victims, though males could potentially sometimes be victims of this too. It is done primarily to cause shame and embarassment to the victim. This is of relevance to us because the chances are that some of the amateur pics of girls pissing that we come across might well have been posted purely to humiliate as an act of revenge.

So what do others think? Should publishing such stuff as revenge without the consent of the person in the pic or vid be illegal? Or should the possibility of such stuff being put out there be an accepted risk for anyone who allows themselves to be filmed in a pornograhic pose or activity? Something that goes with the territory? With perhaps only stuff that is filmed without the "performer's" knowledge by hidden cam being illegal?

Or should stuff filmed with full consent but on the explicit condition that it remain private also be illegal to publish without the consent of those "performing" in it?

I must admit I tend towards the latter view, that revenge porn should be illegal - that consent to being filmed in an erotic or pornographic way for private pleasure should not amount to tacit approval to it being viewed by the whole world. And it should be illegal, and punishable. But I can understand the potential arguments of those who might sit on the other side of the fence.

What do others think?

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I didn't know this, but as you said, it does make sense. Having said that, this seems like something that would be hard to enforce and manage effectively?

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I didn't know this, but as you said, it does make sense. Having said that, this seems like something that would be hard to enforce and manage effectively?

From what I understand, the intention is not to prosecute websites - how are these to know? - but the individuals who knowingly post porn featuring their exes without their consent. So in this case it is not something that sites like this need be concerned about, though it is possible that you could be obligated to supply the contact details of anyone who has posted revenge porn.

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I believe revenge porn should be banned. However I can't see that the website that shows it should not be held liable.

When I first joined this site, while checking the pics, I found a photo of me that my ex. took without my knowledge. Luckily it doesn't show my face. I was mortified! I felt violated and, I know you may find this hard to believe, embarrassed. I have no idea where, whoever posted it, found it. It's buried back there in an old post and hasn't resurfaced since. And, I figured I would just let it go.

I work at a job, where, if a pic of me showed up somewhere on a website like this and it was recognized as me, I would have some real explaining to do at the very least.

I do not allow anyone to take pics of me, nor do I take any pics myself. You never know who's going to see them and where they might show up.

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I believe revenge porn should be banned. However I can't see that the website that shows it should not be held liable.

When I first joined this site, while checking the pics, I found a photo of me that my ex. took without my knowledge. Luckily it doesn't show my face. I was mortified! I felt violated and, I know you may find this hard to believe, embarrassed. I have no idea where, whoever posted it, found it. It's buried back there in an old post and hasn't resurfaced since. And, I figured I would just let it go.

I work at a job, where, if a pic of me showed up somewhere on a website like this and it was recognized as me, I would have some real explaining to do at the very least.

I do not allow anyone to take pics of me, nor do I take any pics myself. You never know who's going to see them and where they might show up.

Oh I do hope it wasn't me who posted it here. I find pics all over the place with little idea of whoever first posted them. I would hate to have unwittingly posted a non-consensual pic of you.

You could point out the offending pic privately and in confidence to Admin and ask for it's deletion. I am sure he'll be happy to oblige without betraying your confidence.

I guess that means no pics of your wet weekend with Autumn Peach. :frown: Never mind, totally understandable.

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That's probably a good idea. I have a girl online that I had been very close with but sadly we lived a long way away. We became VERY close and over the time I got a large number of nude and X rated photos and videos of her including some peeing videos. She actually made a trip near here and we got to meet and actually spent the night together. Sadly however she met someone else..I couldn't blame her because she lived so far away things would have never worked out with us. But now all of a sudden she treats me like dirt.

She won't talk to me...text me or even e-mail me.... I just don't understand why she won't be nice to me. Despite all of this I would NEVER consider using the photos or videos I have to get revenge...I'm not that kind of person. Sadly I do imagine some people probably would.


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Oh I do hope it wasn't me who posted it here. I find pics all over the place with little idea of whoever first posted them. I would hate to have unwittingly posted a non-consensual pic of you.

You could point out the offending pic privately and in confidence to Admin and ask for it's deletion. I am sure he'll be happy to oblige without betraying your confidence.

I guess that means no pics of your wet weekend with Autumn Peach. :frown: Never mind, totally understandable.

You know, it's over, it's done, I got over it! After a while, I said to myself "I look pretty good there". I'd rather not point it out, however.

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You know, it's over, it's done, I got over it! After a while, I said to myself "I look pretty good there". I'd rather not point it out, however.

Fair enough.

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Egwalrus is right. If you agree to have your photo taken, or if you do something or perform an act where there is no expectation of privacy, it's on you. I also agree that it is more of a civil matter and should't be a criminal matter.

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I guess that means no pics of your wet weekend with Autumn Peach. :frown: Never mind, totally understandable.

That's what I was thinking, too, Steve! Oh well. Who knows, maybe she'll let me do some body shots only. :wink:

I believe revenge porn should be banned. However I can't see that the website that shows it should not be held liable.

When I first joined this site, while checking the pics, I found a photo of me that my ex. took without my knowledge. Luckily it doesn't show my face. I was mortified! I felt violated and, I know you may find this hard to believe, embarrassed. I have no idea where, whoever posted it, found it. It's buried back there in an old post and hasn't resurfaced since. And, I figured I would just let it go.

I work at a job, where, if a pic of me showed up somewhere on a website like this and it was recognized as me, I would have some real explaining to do at the very least.

I do not allow anyone to take pics of me, nor do I take any pics myself. You never know who's going to see them and where they might show up.

Yikes! Sorry that happened, Crissy. (that your ex did that, not that you found it here) I know my photos are all over the web, but even to me it's still a shock when I come upon one, so I totally understand where you're coming from. I don't have to worry about the job thing, but it would definitely suck if my family found out my shenanigans! Photo shoots are just such a fun and erotic experience that I've chosen to deal with the consequences, should they arise.

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Well first of all I thought we were talking about "Revenge Porn". . . . So I am assuming that we are talking about people posting explicate images and videos of people without their consent. . . a way to seek revenge, am I not correct? So in regards to "Revenge Porn" I would say that posting pornographic images and/or videos without a models content is illegal and wrong. Now if I were to take a piss in a gas station. . .and some guy snapped a picture of me doing so, then posted it on a forum, I don't think he could get into trouble cause I was out in public. I don't consider that pornographic. So I do NOT consider him to be a criminal. But whether taking pictures of people doing things in public and posting them on forums is legal or not, would vary from State to State. I am not familiar with those laws.


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