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My best sighting ever

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2 hours ago, The99Club said:

Fantastic, thank you for sharing! Was this since Covid? Interesting they all just squatted. Of course maybe they were just that desperate but also you'd think at least some of them would have gone inside.

It was about 3,5-4 years ago so from way before Covid. So toilets weren't closed or anything! 

I was very surprised as well that nobody went inside, but there was a very exuberant atmosphere among the girls. They were dressed up, singing songs loudly and all a little bit tipsy (though not drunk!). 

About nobody going inside, that's technically not true, as 3 if the girls did go inside after they peed to buy more cans of beer in the petrol station's shop 😂

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9 hours ago, Havelock said:

I once witnessed something like this on an autobahn stop with a dutch female sports team. I had just finished going myself and was back in the car having some water, when a dutch buss parked in front of me. Then maybe 2 dozen girls in uniform get off the bus. They also seemed to be drinking. I assume celebrating post match. Paying little attention to me they squatted next to the bus on the sidewalk and grass. Some had their backs to the bus on the sidewalk, others were across from them on the grass.  The continued talking and drinking the whole time. I got out of the car to get a closer look and throw something away from a trash can near them. They could not care less. One even smiled at me as she was pulling up her pants and said something in dutch. After they were gone I looked at the tarmac next to the buss and sidewalk which was soaked. 

This could also speak to the power group think. I've multiple times witnessed one girl in a group decide to pee public and that makes the other girls feel comfortable peeing. I remember in college walking to a big outdoor party with my girlfriend's 7 friends. On the way one said she had to pee and walked a few steps off a street into a grove where we could clearly all see her to squat. As soon as she did it her other friends joined. My girlfriend looked at me, knowing my interest and communicating without words how lucky I was for the show and joined them in squatting to produce a lovely fountain while making deep eye contact with me. 

Other times I've been at big outdoor events with girls who would not normally pee in public. When they see many other girls peeing in public, their inhibition lowers and they do it also. Bay to Breakers used to be a prime example of this. 

That sounds equally awesome! What kind of a rest stop was this? A no-facility one or a big one like mine? 

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Yes this really happens.

I once went to a hockeymatch with both boys and Girls. After we won the match there was a lot of drinking in the bus. After one of the girls announced she had to pee, the bus driver pulled over to a parking place and all of us went to pee in the bushes. 

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On 3/18/2022 at 11:27 PM, Havelock said:

This could also speak to the power group think. I've multiple times witnessed one girl in a group decide to pee public and that makes the other girls feel comfortable peeing.

This is true! Not only that but they can set the tone for the day as to where girls pee. At bigger events word seems to spread as to where the safe spots are to pee.

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On 3/19/2022 at 4:27 AM, Havelock said:

This could also speak to the power group think. I've multiple times witnessed one girl in a group decide to pee public and that makes the other girls feel comfortable peeing.

I think that's a big part.

There are multiple reason one may not be comfortable peeing in public. There's exposing yourself, of course, but also the fear of judgement or harassment. The latter two fly away when the whole group participate, and alcohol lowers inhibitions taking care of the former.

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