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Uncomfortable bladder fullness without urge to pee?

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This is more a "weird things that my body does" topic than anything fetish related, but since I think it's safe to say that people here think a lot more about the experience of peeing than a typical person, some of you may have also noticed this.

Usually when I need to pee, there is a feeling of effort of holding in the pee, and this sensation of effort or tiredness in the muscles holding it in is more noticeable than the feeling of pressure in the bladder itself. Only when the bladder is especially full do I feel the bladder actually "swelling". I have always thought this is true for most people as well. But very occasionally, there will be an instance where at first I feel a slight "need to go" in this usual sense, but then with time that goes away and I feel almost nothing at all until later--at times hours later--I get a strong "stretching" sensation vaguely in the area of the bladder, that is the only sign that it's full.

For instance, today when I got in the car to drive to work I felt like I would probably need to pee sometime within an hour or so of getting there. But upon getting to work I got into doing something, and then totally forgot about the prior feeling of maybe needing to go. I only work part-time and even then much of it from home, so I was only there for about three and a half hours, but still longer than I'd usually delay peeing. Then on the way home I stopped for a nature walk, and even then I felt no need to pee. It was only when I had gotten back in the car to continue home that I felt a sore stretching sensation in my abdomen, kind of like a pulled muscle. This got worse surprisingly quickly, but still I felt no sensation of "having to hold it", much less being close to leaking. Being concerned that this was unhealthy for my body, I stopped somewhere else partway home where I could pee. 

There was no immediate sensation of release when I started peeing, just a gradual and subtle lessening of the soreness, and the amount that came out was substantial but didn't seem like a record amount or anything. As I drove the rest of the way, the remaining soreness gradually dissipated, and there was a pleasant feeling that came in warm waves every so often. It was nice, but not in the usual sense of "wow I had to go".

I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. There are several unique things that could contribute in my case. One is that I have been told by a doctor in the past year that I have a kidney stone, but it isn't obstructing anything, and the stretched feeling was actually worse on the side *opposite* the stone. I've also had similar experiences occasionally over years before, including some where I had a headache in addition to the stretchy feeling. Perhaps more relevant is that I have nerve issues in my pelvic area from another medical issue that happened over a decade ago, that affect sensation in my groin area (though usually not in the bladder). Curiously, as a kid I occasionally had kind of the opposite issue--I'd feel an urge to go when out walking somewhere, but if I actually stopped to pee, nothing would come out.

Edited by Carb0nBased
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21 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Yes, I get where you are coming from.   My sensation is often more about the pressure on the muscles clamping the flow rather than the feeling in the bladder itself.  

Yes, that's usually how it is--but in the situation I was posting about (which only happens rarely), I don't feel any pressure where the flow would come out, or any "need to go" in the usual sense, only an ache around the whole pelvis.

Edited by Carb0nBased
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I've noticed that if I smoke weed I'll lose feeling in my bladder. I'm not sure what causes it but it ended up being a super power at parties/nights out because I wouldn't feel the need to pee every 10 minutes like I usually do when drinking. Even when I smoke alone in my free time I'll find myself caught up in some activity and think, "Wait when was the last time I peed," and do a sort of check and realize I'm super full. I find I don't feel the normal desperation and it usually ends up being signaled to me by my bladder filling up and pushing on other things and my abdomenal wall. 

And in googling this phenomenon I came across this:



I know it doesn't help your specific situation out but whatever might be going on, might have to do with whatever receptors cannabinoids targets.

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That's interesting, and I could see how being high could change the sensation of needing to pee. It's been a long time since I smoked, but what I remember is that if I did wait until my bladder was really full, the sensation while letting it all out would be significantly more intense than when I was sober, to where it was satisfying in a manner well beyond just relief of the discomfort. That's in some way the opposite from how it was this past week, where letting it out didn't feel like much of anything during the actual process (though I *did* then feel a warm tingle for a while later that I don't normally feel).

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For a second there I thought I was the same, but not quite. I find I need to pee, but then feeling goes away, but then it soon comes back like normal, it's sort of like my body just getting used to the feeling of having that pee in the bladder for some time. Plus if I let out a full bladder, getting my bladder even just down to half empty makes me feel basically completely empty. What I get could be something similar to you though, it's like the body somehow got used to the pee in there and you just didn't feel it again for a while. Sometimes I have times where I literally think 'wait, didn't I need to pee before?'

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I think maybe that's fairly normal @SnakeFace - in that the need to pee can come and go even when pretty desperately full, especially depending what you're doing.  Personally I find that sometimes my mind will overplay the need to pee, even if I'm not that full.  For example, I'll sometimes leave work knowing I could cope with a pee.  As I walk to my car I feel the need, then it eases. As I turn into my road and park the car I can be almost wetting myself, although I could go for another 20-30 minutes if I grin and bear that stage.

Coming back to the point in question, as a guy I've found when cycling (road bike with a hard narrow seat) that the pressure of the seat completely numbs any need to pee from the normal feeling points and instead I do feel the bulging bladder pressure - and can tolerate that for far longer than I would do normally.

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