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Conspiracy Theories

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All 3 of us went to Marsille maybe 2 years ago, spur of the moment thing, and we found out that we are getting a little old to do things quickly.

While we were lining up to go through the screening we were amazed that the people in full Burkas were just waved passed the X-ray scanners, while everyone else was practically cavity searched in comparison. Maigh commented on this to the girl who X rayed our carry ons and was basically told that they can't do a thing. It could be anyone under that and not allowed to touch them. When the body pat down was being done, and Mary embarrassed the poor chick who did it (oh yeah, feels good, more here, mmmm, you left a bit, god yes) we were kind of glad that none of these people were on our flight.

In London, we saw many of these walking about, but Paris had none, didn't see any, not even in Marsille which is fairly close to countries in that region, so someone in France is doing something right.

There is already mutterings of Sharia Law being introduced here, quiet at the moment, but the Islam community, who were given a second chance in our country, is attemtping to force their views on the Aussie Spirit.

Thats exactly the issue.If only 1 person is "exempted" for ANY reason,then why bother at all...there was a story i heard where a group of Muslim young men,all wearing camo gear,and backpacks,were waved through security,at an Airport,whereas they searched 2 decent elderly ladies going on a weekend to Paris,i guess in case they had bombs and Islamic propaganda?The current way western Govts deal,or DONT deal with Islam in all its forms,is conspiracy,otherwise they wouldnt be able to commit ANY attacks,such as the Charlie Hebdo in Paris,the Coffee bar incident in Australia,the Lee Rigby attack,etc,etc.The orders to leave these people alone must come from higher up,for whatever reason...Appeasement most likely.:mad:

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I have a lot of skepticism about evidence posted on the internet. Audio and even video is laughably easy to fake these days as well as experts on these subjects. Two things on 9/11 that still don't ring true for me though. First, there has been a standing order since the 1960s that fighter jets had to be scrambled and in the air any time there was a hijacking in the American northeast. How did this not happen? And apparently even though there was a board of inquiry, no one was ever court-martialed over the incident. Second, the way those buildings came down. Supposedly, the steel structure melted and collapsed. The jet fuel burnt away in about two seconds and a lot of that went out the windows. All there was left to burn was office contents. Could they have produced enough heat to melt the steel? I find that hard to believe.

As to the JFK assassination, There is lots of solid evidence that it was a conspiracy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When it comes to conspiracy theories, I have to admit that I agree with some of them, if only up to certain points.

Like for instance 9/11: I saw "Loose change", too, and have to agree to some points they had; then again other points I find rather ridiculous.

Or JFK: Physics 101 tells you that Lee Harvey Oswald could NOT have been the only one shooting at JFK (if he was involved at all, and not only have been a scapegoat), since JFK's head was thrown back at some point - ~apparently~ by a bullet.

And that bullet could not have come from above and behind him, because his head would then have to be thrown forward and downwards.

So, it is quite apparent that the US government is definitely lying here.

Then why should the not lie about other things ?

As for chemtrails: apart from the fact that contrails are as old as planes flying at high altitudes, it would be an incredibly inefficient way to poison the population.

Hint: try adding such substances to Gasoline or Diesel fuel, and off you go - BANG! - it all lands where it would be supposed to land, in the lungs of the people, and not be dispersed in the atmosphere.

What about the Moon-landing ?

No worries, I do believe mankind made it to the moon.

But thats the point.

I believe that.

I have no proof, because I have no way of going up to the moon and check.

This goes for most things in life, if you start to think of it.

Please note that I use the word "believe" not in a dogmatic way; I believe those thinks in the same way as I believe that I have switched the lights off when I left the bathroom.

The difference between the moon landing or 9/11


me having switched the lights off in the bathroom


I can just stand up and walk over to check it.

With the moon and 9/11 I can't.

Heck, I can't even proof that all matter is made of atoms - how could I?

What ever you believe - ask yourself, why you believe one thing and not the other.

To take 9/11 as an example: this goes for both the people who believe it was an inside job, as well as those who believe it wasn't.

I personally believe there is something... fishy about the whole story. Some... details seemed to not quite fit.

On the other hand I simply might miss some other points which could put everything in place just fine.

Given that whole JFK-business, I think it is not wise to trust the government when you want to know "the truth" about important things - and considering that the whole 9/11-story led to just another invasion of the middle east... I would say that 9/11 is one of those important things.

Then again telling me a different story about 9/11 does not automatically qualify as "the truth", just because this story is different from the one told by the government.

To sum things up:

Be skeptical, what ever you believe.

And unless you can positively and personally check what the truth is, be aware that what ever you believe: it's probably just your personal belief.

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  • 1 month later...

http://www.ae911truth.org/news/252-news-media-events-brother-of-9-11-victim-hopes-to-bring-wtc-evidence-to-court.html this should be interesting

WantonLee I agree with most of what you are saying, people need to keep an open mind, and history tells us that governments cannot be trusted (because in any case they are run by the banks. Private Banking = biggest fraud in the universe) . . . . JFK and 911 are both cases where the Official . . . line of twaddle . . . has been proven to be untrue

I am very careful about believing the gov't/jewstream media about anything important . . . . because of what we knew about the Port Arthur massacre . . . . BEFORE it occurred. . . so we know absolutely that the official story is BULLSHIT but people choose to believe other things . . . because it suits there politics

It is also a sign of something up, when gov't/js media refuse to have open public debate or inquiries

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