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Watching my girlfriend (long stories!)

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23 hours ago, JDG said:

I'm afraid the opposite has happened... She thought it would be very convenient to use the shower during the night, but the splatter on the tiles was so big that she had to shower before being able to return to bed. And showering is not something you wanna do at 3AM...

The good part of this is that she DID see how convenient it was to not go downstairs so she brings a bucket with her now when we go to bed. Also really nice, but haven't seen her use it yet. 

Hmm, totally agree that showering at 3am when you were just going for a quick pee is not really what you want to be doing, so I see that won't be great for her.   Maybe the bucket will work.   Either having the bucket in the bedroom or put the bucket in the shower so that it doesn't matter if it spills.

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59 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

Hmm, totally agree that showering at 3am when you were just going for a quick pee is not really what you want to be doing, so I see that won't be great for her.   Maybe the bucket will work.   Either having the bucket in the bedroom or put the bucket in the shower so that it doesn't matter if it spills.

She used the bucket this morning. It was a lot handier for her! Downside is, her stream is much less visible for me 😂 but the sound was awesome. I think she will keep the bucket for peeing at night, but @ppppppp's suggestion is definately worth trying! 

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We are a couple of days further and she hasn't gone downstairs anymore for a pee during the night. She still uses the bucket for that and she has found the easiest way now. The first times she just assumed a very wide stance and held the bucket between her legs, but the bucket is square shaped and a bit big. 

In the meantime we received a stool for her to shower while seated, as she can't stand for long period of time anymore due to the heavy pregnancy. Ofcourse the stool is only in the shower when she uses it, otherwise I can't get in anymore as our shower cabin is not so big. So she uses this stool to her advantage when she need to pee. 

She puts one leg on the stool and keeps one on the ground. She is the able to hold the bucket between her legs much easier. She holds it near her pussy and avoids splashback this way. I also like watching much more in this stance I must say! 

We now keep a roll of toilet paper for her in the bathroom too. She wipes and just throws the paper in the bin there. 

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  • 3 months later...

It's been a while since I updated. About 3 months ago my gf gave birth to our beautiful baby daughter. Therefore, we didn't have the time go out at all the last months. Everything is centered around our new girl.

However, the delivery wasn't the easiest and things around pee have changed. Despite this topic and all these places she has pissed, my gf has always been quite good at holding. She just uses any convenient place where she wastes the least amount of time during trips (e.g. pissing in a parking lot before leaving somewhere they don't have a toilet to avoid having to make an extra stop along the way). During the delivery, the midwife complemented her on her strong pelvic floor (if you can call that a compliment at all😆) which was likely the reason that she could hold so well. However, as I said the delivery wasn't the easiest so it really weakened this part of her body. Ever since she gave birth, her ability to hold has drastically decreased. As said we haven't gone out at all, so no peeing outdoors, but there are some other things that have happened:

-She has peed our bed twice
-She has peed her own pants multiple times
-When taking a shower, she never goes to the toilet beforehand as she always just pees in the shower (like she has always done). However, she has now multiple times just pissed on the bathroom floor after undressing as she wasn't able to make it into the shower

All this things happen involuntarily so at this point I feel more bad for her than I feel excited about the prospects this may offer. She usually reacts quite annoyed when it happens (especially when wetting the bed) but in the end just laughs it off so I'm sure that overtime we can both embrace it and the excitement might get the upper hand for me even though I am not really into wetting at all.

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@JDG Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Is this your first? If so, welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood!

I can relate to a lot of what you've described. Childbirth significantly changed things for my wife, and things have never really been the same since. She has done just about all of the things you mentioned above, except maybe wet the bed. But she still wets her pants occasionally, and has also sprinkled before getting in the shower. Sometimes she'll stand in the opposite end of the shower and pee while the water is warming up because she just couldn't hold it anymore. 

Like you, that kind of stuff, particularly the pants wetting) doesn't really turn me on, because I generally just feel bad for her.

Good luck!

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Thanks so much @Kirby23! It is indeed our first, so we are very happy! Especially since we miscarried in December '22 and my girlfriend being almost 40 now so on the older spectrum of becoming a mum. 

I really understand what you mean fully! I am just into 1 thing, girls peeing outdoors (although I also like the shower peeing). I am not into wetting and also not into pee play during sex. This "new situation" probably will lead to more frequent sightings of her in the future but I just cannot see that right now yet and I just feel bad for her. Also thinking "she might pee outside more frequent in the future, nice!" makes me feel bad about myself as it derives from her body being damaged (I know damaged is a way to harsh word, but just can't come up with a better word!) and nothing else.
Anyways, this is a pee fetish forum, not psychology forum so I will not weep to much about it on here and keep sharing how and where she pees 😆 She generally laughs about it (especially when she pees on the bathroom floor, as that is very easy to clean up and doesn't cause any inconvenience) so as I said, I think that eventually I can embrace it and enjoy watching her pee on the floor. Like you I will probably never start liking the wetting and will keep feeling bad for her when that occurs.

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@JDG I think you're right that it will likely happen outdoors more often, especially depending on whether you tend to be "outdoorsy" in your lifestyle. 

For example, my family is very outdoorsy, we enjoy camping, hiking, etc., and there is not always easy access to restroom facilities. My wife tries to plan ahead, but occasionally gets "caught short."

What I've found is that she'll quickly go from "Hmm, I might need to pee soon" to "If I don't find somewhere to go, it's going to come out" sometimes with 5 minutes. So she has gotten pretty good at popping squats on our hikes. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Indeed, giving birth to a child changes the things corresponinding to holding and peeing at least for some women. After the first birth, my wife (who was never good at holding) started to leak uncontrollably without a good reason, but fortunately, not frequently. Surprisingly, after the 2nd child, this problem disappeared. As if it returned to the state that was before the 1st child.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This Saturday we have a long road trip ahead of us. Usually that would mean taking scenic routes and thus peeing on the side of the road a lot. I think however this time we'll be driving along the highway and stopping at big service stations, to ensure there's proper facilities to change and feed our baby. I hope I'm able to steer towards stopping on at least 1 no-facility rest stop as it's been almost 1.5 year since I saw her pee outdoors but I don't want to be obvious about it as I'm still not always confident with the kink and also our daughter's comfort is the most important now! 

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50 minutes ago, JDG said:

This Saturday we have a long road trip ahead of us. Usually that would mean taking scenic routes and thus peeing on the side of the road a lot. I think however this time we'll be driving along the highway and stopping at big service stations, to ensure there's proper facilities to change and feed our baby. I hope I'm able to steer towards stopping on at least 1 no-facility rest stop as it's been almost 1.5 year since I saw her pee outdoors but I don't want to be obvious about it as I'm still not always confident with the kink and also our daughter's comfort is the most important now! 

Good luck! Hope you have a great trip x

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