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Do you have any missed pee opportunities?

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3 hours ago, Remi said:

I actually have a few as i'm contemplating too often.

One missed chance was at work. Had to frequent somewhere in another part of the building regulary. A large hall with an elevator i had to use to get up. There were also some little offices there but accessible through the staircase. But they were all moving out and those just stayed empty with a little furniture left and most importantly: a nice carpet all around! As soon as i knew they were empty i fantasized about pissing on the carpet. Carpet was always on top of my to do list. I was often holding my pee and even the thought of why i am doing so was arousing. Strolled around there a few times but was always worried they had surveillance cams or would find out. Always hestitated, always too cautious. Once i was so full i went to the restroom and peed in the trash. At least something. In hindsight a great chance wasted. I wish i would have pissed on the carpet at least once or checked out the other possibilities for some naughty fun. 

I'll add more as there have been quite a few good ones and i sometimes think and fantasize about the 'what ifs' for future inspiration. Good topic!

Carpet peeing has always been my fantasy... I hope I'll get a chance to pee on a carpet somewhere

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21 hours ago, Ppgirl said:

Carpet peeing has always been my fantasy... I hope I'll get a chance to pee on a carpet somewhere

Same goes for me, there is something deeply arousing about that thought but as of yet it just stayed a fantasy for me. But the situation will come, thoughts become things, fantasies can become reality and i'm looking forward to it. Pretty sure the carpets are already out there waiting 😁

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Edited by Remi
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4 hours ago, Paulypeeps said:

I love peeing in the cinema, but always do it discreetly. The big opportunity I missed was when the cinema in Liverpool that featured in 'A Hard Day's Night' closed down. The last showing was 'A Hard Day's Night' but I missed it.

Had I know in time I would have dressed in a '60s outfit with a white skirt and taken great delight in wetting myself brazenly and leaving the cinema with an obviously wet skirt and pee running down my legs just like the hysterical Beatles fans in their heyday.


3 hours ago, owlman76 said:

are you from the area then?

The Beatles are enough of a global phenomenon that their fame extends well outside their birthplace - not just nationally but truly globally. Even sixty years on people still travel (well apart from currently) to any and every landmark irrespective of distance.

I love your way of thinking @Paulypeeps

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1 hour ago, p1ssputz said:

Everything in its time. You'll get your chance.


Unrelated note - well, somewhat related, but not quite the thread topic - but I had an opportunity to piss on a bus recently. I actually thought of this thread, and so instead of missing the opportunity, I did it. (I didn't do a full release, but I did a few squirts, enough to comfortably say that I've now pissed on a bus.) I guess sometimes you have to take advantage of the moment, even when it's not that exciting. Maybe I'll do it again, who knows.

It's too bad that there aren't any buses with shag carpeting or anything like that...

It would be fun watching you pee on a bus 🤭

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A good friend of mine told me a story about her being stuck in traffic on lunch. She crossed the bridge here to get lunch and was on her way back when someone decided to attempt to jump. She said they say for hours and she had to pee so bad so eventually peed in a cup. She said she should’ve went pee before leaving the restaurant but didn’t. 

I didn’t witness this, just told to me second hand and it’s the first that comes to mind. I’d my missed opportunities that come to mind are when I had to pee and went really early where as I should’ve held it longer.

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