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What do you drink when you want to enjoy peeing?


What do you choose to drink when you want to enjoy peeing?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you choose to drink when you want to enjoy peeing?

    • Water - that's all I need to have fun
    • Sodas - coke, lemonade etc - or other soft drinks. I don't drink alcohol, or I want to stay sober for maximum enjoyment
    • Real ale or craft beers - it might be for the volume, but you've got to keep up standards
    • Any beer - or (hard) cider - I'm not fussy
    • Spirits and mixers; whisky and soda, run and coke, gin and tonic ... they make me giggly as well as wet
    • White wine - and maybe as a spritzer for extra volume
    • Red wine - it makes my pee more refined
    • Coffee - it makes me alert to the pleasure of pee (and it goes straight through me)
    • Tea - I'm English
    • Something else?

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So, you're in the mood for drinking and holding, and then enjoying what comes next - either alone or with another. What's your filling-up drink of choice? Do you switch on the coffee machine and dose yourself up with coffee? Maybe you're English, and a gallon of tea in the afternoon is a must. Perhaps knocking back half a dozen pints of craft beer or a bottle of New Zealand sauvignon blanc is best, assuming it's that time of day. Or maybe it has to be water - in large quantities - chugged back as quickly as possible.

I'm looking for your drink of choice when you're intentionally filling up for pee fun. And explain why. For me - in practice, it's water before a bathroom golden shower session, or a couple of beers at lunchtime before an afternoon garden wetting.

*Note* - in the poll above, you can choose more than one option.

Edited by Kupar
Added poll note; corrected typos
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Looking through the list there were several options, so I've gone for what I'm drinking right now...   only soft drinks I'm afraid.

As it stands this afternoon I've just finished the day's work from home, a washing machine ready to switch on and a pair of jeans on - nearly ready for washing.  I'm not in too much of a rush though, so since lunchtime's last toilet (well, sink) visit I've been sipping away on a pint or two of cordial (squash).

Otherwise, if it were an evening and I had the luxury of a night to myself then I'd be more likely to be on a beer - maybe a light coloured blonde ale like an IPA, a weis-bier definitely wouldn't go amiss or for that matter a couple of glasses of merlot, shiraz or the like. I do enjoy the option of the slight fuzziness of an alcohol induced horny time. Last weekend I should have been on a weekend break alone and that was 100% on the cards...  but never mind.

Also to touch on a phrase @Kupar has used - to 'dose' up on coffee, I do like my strong coffee and it's definitely a legal stimulant. I don't know about anyone else, but that caffeine hit seems to hit the exact spot in my brain that triggers horniness - somehow it seems to awaken that anyway.  The only issue is the suddenness of 'need to pee NOW' that results...  not a big problem, but less conducive to a gradual long hold... 

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I mainly drink water and tea. Sometimes this is supplemented by an ale or bitter.  I do drink whisky, brandy and some spirits, but not really if I'm looking for pee fun as there is not enough volume gained with spirits. 

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18 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I do like my strong coffee and it's definitely a legal stimulant. I don't know about anyone else, but that caffeine hit seems to hit the exact spot in my brain that triggers horniness - somehow it seems to awaken that anyway.  The only issue is the suddenness of 'need to pee NOW' that results...  not a big problem, but less conducive to a gradual long hold... 

Agree with you there @gldenwetgoose. Coffee is a good thing in many ways, but does mean that you're likely to go sooner rather than longer ...

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23 minutes ago, pizzapeople said:

if it's gonna be a marathon with a partner my first choice in this particular case is diet soda or water - but lighter alcohols are good too. no coffee, but that's just my preference.

Sounds perfect for a marathon session 🙂 And healthy too!

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28 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

I mainly drink water and tea. Sometimes this is supplemented by an ale or bitter.  I do drink whisky, brandy and some spirits, but not really if I'm looking for pee fun as there is not enough volume gained with spirits. 

Seems a sensible choice ... then a celebratory double Scotch after letting go 🙂

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I drink tea a lot, but when I go out I have a cup of tea, then drink a litre of orange juice (not on your list!) and while I am out I drink a lot of cola.

Tea is easy to drink a lot of, orange juice seems to encourage peeing! Cola is convenient to drink in quantity.

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5 hours ago, Paulypeeps said:

I drink tea a lot, but when I go out I have a cup of tea, then drink a litre of orange juice (not on your list!) and while I am out I drink a lot of cola.

Tea is easy to drink a lot of, orange juice seems to encourage peeing! Cola is convenient to drink in quantity.

Seems like you've thought this through and found what works ... almost a cocktail of source liquids. And yes - I should have put juice as a separate category.

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2 hours ago, Bacardi said:

Just water. I'm a water snob. All I really drink is water, so my pee is usually odorless and very dilute. Good for cleaning up afterword! 

Practical and healthy. I like it 🙂

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Orange squash does it for me, the kind you mix with water. I'm not sure what causes it but I'm guaranteed to need to pee within 30 minutes after having a glass (500ml?) of the stuff and I usually need to pee again 10-15 minutes after emptying my bladder. Sometimes even a third time. It's fun! 

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3 minutes ago, Sophie said:

Orange squash does it for me, the kind you mix with water. I'm not sure what causes it but I'm guaranteed to need to pee within 30 minutes after having a glass (500ml?) of the stuff and I usually need to pee again 10-15 minutes after emptying my bladder. Sometimes even a third time. It's fun! 

Top tip <checks cupboard>  Thanks!

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2 hours ago, Kupar said:

Seems like you've thought this through and found what works ... almost a cocktail of source liquids. And yes - I should have put juice as a separate category.

Always wetting myself when I go out means I have to have nice dilute pee, so I have tried a few things and this really works to have me wanting to pee within about thirty minutes of leaving the front door. I find it hard to drink just water in sufficient quantity - I think it stays in my stomach too long...

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