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What's the naughtiest pee you ever done out of desperation?

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Years ago was travelling back to central London on a night bus from Richmond on Thames after a house party. I was with my then Partner and a really good female friend.

we were still half an hour from where we could get off and I was beyond desperate. If we got off the bus then it would have been an hours wait for the next. It was either piss myself or find another solution. Fortunately we had the top deck to ourselves and somebody had left a half litre coke bottle on one of the seats-so there was the solution right? Wrong- my bladder when totally distended holds in the region of 3 times that much- and once it tasted relief there was no going back- I therefore had to empty the bottle twice out of the window which meant standing on the seat! My friend was disgusted!!! Lol  

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