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Let me introduce myself


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I've been looking for a forum like this. I found this and then I realized I had an account created 3 years ago. Wait, what? I swear I forgot all about it... well, putting aside my bad memory, I'll tell you everything you need to know about me.

I'm from Italy, I'm into girls doing nasty gross things that are usually called "unladylike" (although I hate that word) and pissing is one of my main turn-ons. I'm also into girls "dealing" (joking and laughing about it) with men doing gross things like that. So a girl giving me a golden shower would turn me on as well as a girl watching me urinate against a wall while giggling and complaining about the smell.

I'm asexual, which means I don't feel desire to have sex (on the contrary, I feel repulsed by it) and I'm not turned on by boobies, vaginas and butts (nor by penises, for that matter) but I'm still aroused by pretty girls, through the fetishes I described above. Only recently I "discovered" masturbation, as a 23 years-old man. Life is strange. 😆

Outside of kinky territory, I like anime, music, hip-hop culture, japanese music, superhero comicbooks and cats. Cats are cute, everyone should like cats. 🐈

Let's see, what else is there to say? Well, I hate stereotypes and prejudices and try to be the best person I can be. Sounds cliche enough.

So yeah, that's probably more information than anyone cares about but, hey, I wanted to do a good job at introducing myself. 🙃

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Great job introducing yourself @Roland - welcome (again) to the site.

I seem to remember only the other day someone also describing themselves as asexual - perhaps it's a case that the right person (personality as much as anything else) would be 'the one' and up to that point I fully get what you mean.

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5 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

perhaps it's a case that the right person (personality as much as anything else) would be 'the one' 

Do you mean that maybe I can be into sex if I meet the "right person"? Well, some time ago I would've just told you "nah" but after my recent discovery of masturbation (I was convinced I'd never do it or enjoy it), I'm not too sure anymore 😅 however I think I'll never have a relationship for a number of reasons.

I'm not really the "hot guy"... in fact I think I'm more on the "ugly" scale. You can argue that beauty it's subjective, but I don't even try to look my best. 🤷‍♂️ 

Even if I did, I'd have to find a woman that satisfies my standards and is willing to put up with my looks and my fetishes, which seems very difficult in itself.

If I manage to find someone, I'd have to go through breakups for sure (I never had a girlfriend in my life but seeing friends and people around me it looks like the working relation comes after a bunch of trials and heartbreaks).

So instead of doing a complicated search for a lady that is up to my standards (but has low standards herself to get with a guy like me), all of the usual obstacles everyone has to go through to make it work, all of this only after overcoming my lack of confidence that would stop me before even starting... I think it's not worth it, I'd rather live alone since the thought doesn't scare me that much. 😁


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Welcome you are with friends here. And for the girls part it's never hopeless just because you don't fit the stupid standards that social media and photoshop has made. I don't think many here would fit these unrealistic ideals. Look there's a difference between love and atraction i realized this a while ago. There is a girl that i love but fucking her is not the most important thing for me. So love can exist without atraction you just have to find the right match. Because honestly would you rather have a good time for 15min or a good time for life?. And to boost your confidence i can tell you that if somebody judges you by your looks well then they are not worth your time the trash is taking itself out:) hope to see you around more we are all friendly here

Edited by Peefreak99
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9 minutes ago, Peefreak99 said:

Welcome you are with friends here. And for the girls part it's never hopeless just because you don't fit the stupid standards that social media and photoshop has made. I don't think many here would fit these unrealistic ideals. Look there's a difference between love and atraction i realized this a while ago. There is a girl that i love but fucking her is not the most important thing for me. So love can exist without atraction you just have to find the right match. Because honestly would you rather have a good time for 15min or a good time for life?. And to boost your confidence i can tell you that if somebody judges you by your looks well then they are not worth your time the trash is taking itself out:) hope to see you around more we are all friendly here

Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words, I appreciate it! 😀

 But still, I'm not in the mindset to go look for a soulmate so I'll just set by myself, since I'm good like this for now 😆

In the future, I'll keep your words in mind if I'll ever decide to go look for someone 😉

Edited by Roland
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2 minutes ago, Roland said:

Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words, I appreciate it! 😀

 But still, I'm not in the mindset to go look for a soulmate so I'll just set by myself, since I'm good like this for now 😆

In the future, I'll keep your words in mind if I'll ever decide to go look for someone 😉

Yeah go at it whenever you want to. Going into a relationship just because you feel like " i should  have one" is a big misstake done that once never again haha

Edited by Peefreak99
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Indeed - going searching for a relationship is probably the worst thing.  I'd go so far as to suggest that many (or some at least) of the breakups and the like are down to people wanting to pursue a relationship, but not being prepared to adapt ad develop themselves. People more into the status of being 'in a relationship' than actually being prepared to make it work.

In your situation, first of all I admire your honesty and as everyone else has said, you will find many friends here.  It is entirely possible that at some stage you may stumble across the person for you - without searching and trying too hard.  If so, fantastic - but if not just enjoy life as it is.

(My apologies if I forced you into feeling it necessary to explain yourself...)

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Hi and welcome, Roland.  It's good to see Italy represented.  In some respects you sound very like me.  Although I wouldn't define myself as strictly asexual, I am rather bored by sex and not too bothered about it.  Pee though is a big turnon for me.  

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