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Some of my Experiences

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WOW boy, just WOW

Welcome on board, have fun here around!!!

An introduction will make you more known, but anyway plenty of friends will come to you soon


This place… well… piss is just the Golden surface

It's a safe place, a stronghold for sensitive people, here you can chat of whatever piss adventure you had or fantasize about, but also about many things you would never expect to find in a fetish forum, cooking, politic, history, cinema, even spirituality (and I am talking about pro-level, not just amateur)

Be happy here, and for whatever thing send me a PM, just know that I do not log in during the weekend so I will read them on monday ahahahaha!!!

Hugs man, welcome!!!

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Oh yeah, I've seen you around. I have lurked here a long time. I really respect what you do. If I were female I would be pissing on every surface imaginable and uploading it for all to see. But, actually, who knows what I would do if I were female since that would be some kind of alternate universe in which even the rules of physics may or may not apply. Wait, am I overthinking this?....

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21 hours ago, Ilithios said:

I have been lucky enough to have had a few experiences throughout the years. I'm not a great writer, but I'll try to detail them here.

I'll start with one that really still turns me on whenever I think of it.

I went out to the bar, as I am want to do. I met a woman around my age, 30 at the time. She was energetic and exciting and we quickly made a connection. My house was nearby, and we ended up going there.

The usual thing went on between the sheets. And then we settled in to sleep. I don't sleep well when someone else is in my bed, so I was wide awake some time later (I don't really know how much time passed) when she started fidgeting. She got out of the bed. I pretended to still be asleep.

I don't know if she was just drunk or lazy or didn't know where the bathroom was. She was already naked. She just rolled out of bed and squatted on the floor right next to the bed and started peeing. I couldn't see anything exciting because I was still on the bed and she was squatting beside it, but I still remember the sound vividly to this day. She surely thought I was asleep, and I continued to pretend I was. She emptied her bladder onto my floor and crawled back into bed.

It was a hard wood floor. The puddle was dry by morning.

Great story! My kind of girl. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest UnabashedUser

College days heard the sound of a girl hurling as I waited to pee outside the bathroom at a frat party. I looked inside likewise and saw her on her knees, her long long hair going into the toilet. I went in held her head out of the toilet, pulled her hair back and the same thing happened as she lost control of her bladder and soaked the floor and my knees with her frothy piss.

i helped her to a sofa , wiped her mouth for her as she promptly passed out, wet panties and all.

Had she been sober I might have asked her if she needed my help removing those, but no she was non compos mentos at that stage. 

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  • 1 year later...

This just happened a few days ago. A couple friends and I got a hotel room. One guy and one girl and me, none of us couples. We drank a lot and the other guy got sick and was hanging his head over the toilet. I was chatting with the girl, both sitting on the bed. She had to pee but the toilet was occupied. I did suggest that she could just go in the shower, but she didn't.

Then suddenly she exclaimed "oh shit" and she rolled off the bed, managed to get her panties down (she was wearing a skirt) and pissed on the floor. I did lean over and watch, and she didn't care.

Nothing else happened. We're just friends. But that was fun.

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On 7/25/2019 at 3:31 PM, Ilithios said:

I have been lucky enough to have had a few experiences throughout the years. I'm not a great writer, but I'll try to detail them here.

I'll start with one that really still turns me on whenever I think of it.

I went out to the bar, as I am want to do. I met a woman around my age, 30 at the time. She was energetic and exciting and we quickly made a connection. My house was nearby, and we ended up going there.

The usual thing went on between the sheets. And then we settled in to sleep. I don't sleep well when someone else is in my bed, so I was wide awake some time later (I don't really know how much time passed) when she started fidgeting. She got out of the bed. I pretended to still be asleep.

I don't know if she was just drunk or lazy or didn't know where the bathroom was. She was already naked. She just rolled out of bed and squatted on the floor right next to the bed and started peeing. I couldn't see anything exciting because I was still on the bed and she was squatting beside it, but I still remember the sound vividly to this day. She surely thought I was asleep, and I continued to pretend I was. She emptied her bladder onto my floor and crawled back into bed.

It was a hard wood floor. The puddle was dry by morning.

Definitely should have rolled out of bed and joined her.

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I just realized I didn't tell this story here yet. I really thought I must have.

Many years ago, my girlfriend and I were coming home from the bar. We were in a pretty new relationship at the time. She did know of my fetish, though.

She really really badly had to pee. It's basically all she talked about on the walk back to my place. When we got back to my place I was a little bit of a dick because I purposely sat down on the toilet before she could get to it. The toilet was right next to the door. She was standing next to the door outside the bathroom. I said "you're just gonna have to go in the bathtub." but she said. "I'll just go right here if you don't get up." I said "ok, do it. I'll clean it up." So she did. She dropped her pants and took a very long piss on the floor right in front of the door. I had a very good view of it, too, because I was sitting on the toilet which was right next to the bathroom door. She pissed a lake all over the floor. The piss started getting close to her shoes and she quickly picked them up as she continued pissing a strong stream all over the floor.

We did have sex after that. We basically had sex every day back in those days. New relationship.

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I stayed with that girlfriend for a few years. There was once before that incident when she discovered my fetish. We were taking a shower together in the morning, this was right after the first time we ever had sex. We finished cleaning ourselves and she seemed to be urgent to get me to leave the shower before her. I kinda knew what she wanted to do so I pushed it, and she admitted she wanted to pee, so I told her to just do it. She did almost immediately. I knelt down and started drinking it. She exclaimed "oh my god!" but kept peeing.

But sorry to say the pee play never really continued with her. I sometimes convinced her to pee on me in the bathroom and one time she did next to the bed before sex when I put a towel down for her to pee on. She really just wasn't into it.

Edited by Ilithios
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At first reading of that last account I wondered if perhaps kneeling and drinking may have shocked her to the point of freaking her out? I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d just pee’d with you standing next to her or perhaps just pee’d and your hand or leg instead whether she’d have been more receptive. That said, you’ve said that wasn’t the last time - so who knows. Great memory to hold anyway. 

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