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Bad pee expérience to you?

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Allo everybody

I have question for everybody. Do you had bad pee expérience?

Example: I was on beach and pee in sand and 2 guy walk and say it was not a cat litière and look mad at me.

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Omg, I had forgotten about that. People can be jerks at times. I have a few of them or perhaps odd stories.

Once when I was on the beach, I had went to pee next to a picnic table and it's only after I notice an older man was next to a bush masturbating while looking at me. 😱

Here's another one: when I went for a walk with my hubby a few years ago on a bike path and the urge got to me so I got off the path and went in the woods. Of course my hubby all into this fetish, ask me to give him a shower. Which I did, well technically almost finished until a woman was walking her dog, which was also in the woods saw us and yield at us that we were a bunch of pigs and disgusting ect.. that was enough for me to stop, pull my leggings up and went into the opposite direction. Since then, I have never been to that bike path.

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Iam sorry to hear you ladies had a terrible experience. I hope you two haven't had anymore bad experiences 

As for me I've been lucky, I've never had a bad experience. I've had people see me taking a piss on the side of the road before. It always ended with a them honking their car horn and me waving to them lol


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Anytime I fail to pee in the toilet for me is a bad experience.

I do however remembet once at 6th form going out one friday night and being caught seriously short on the high street. I ended up yanking my Jean's down and peeing in a shop doorway in full view of a lot of friends both male and female.

After that I had the nickname Kate for a while (after the then popular Kate bush) due to the unkept nature of my pubic region.

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1 hour ago, Jayne78 said:

I do however remembet once at 6th form going out one friday night and being caught seriously short on the high street. I ended up yanking my Jean's down and peeing in a shop doorway in full view of a lot of friends both male and female.

After that I had the nickname Kate for a while (after the then popular Kate bush) due to the unkept nature of my pubic region.

What I'd have given to have been one of your friends. At some point I'd likely have offered up a similar view.


1 hour ago, Jayne78 said:

Anytime I fail to pee in the toilet for me is a bad experience.

Any time I fail to pee some place other than a toilet is a bad experience for me.

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I was walking through a local park late at night so it was dark. 

As I walked past the bottom of some relatively unlit steps leading up out of the park I looked up and saw the vague shape in the darkness of a lady squatting with some bloke - presumably boyfriend - standing nearby. They were in relative darkness so I couldn't really see much but I was much better lit because, unlike the steps, the park itself was streetlit. So they saw me looking up much more clearly than I could see them.

Nevertheless, the lady shouted out "pervert!!!" and I had fears that her boyfriend who'd probably been drinking might come after me. Could have done without the hassle so as soon as I stepped out of view I thought it best to do a runner, lol.

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