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The Ancient Masters

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This thread is mainly in the interest of @steve25805 for he already followed me into my Path before, but anybody interested into reading are welcome


Just one thing and this is much important

This is not a thread about debating wether what I am writing is true or not

It is only about describing a portion of my Path that we Witches are devoted to the point of self sacrifice (or sacrificing other, eh eh eh), so whoever posts here ACCEPTS my authority to remove ALL unfitting posts and RENOUNCE (we are all adult humans so laws are important) all rights to complain of swift and explaination-less actions from me against not fitting comments

Question are accepted, even skeptical ones, but not comments about sticking to one's skepticism, there are other threads for dicussing IF, this is for discussing WHAT

Edited by spywareonya
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After the Birth of the Gods

(infos about Them are here  https://peefans.com/topic/9111-lessons-in-magick-2-the-gods/  )


humans began to have contacts with them, and some of them proved to be impressively skilled not only in the development of psychic powers, but mainly in accepting the Ethic of the Gods as their own


This made sure that after many, many deaths and rebirths, they accumulated such a degree of intimacy with the spiritual world, that they were managed to stop reincarnation

This anyway works only as long as this Age, because from 2500 a.D. onward the Age of Aquarius will begin for real, and the Masters will be reborn to lead humans… nothing can stop being reborn on an overall stance… even entities made of energy like the Gods have a dualism body-soul, it's just that their body is made of energy, but it's anyway different than the soul

A body made of energy is the goal of all evolution

Becoming minds embodied in a technological body is a goal for modern Science but it's limiting to its fringes… true evolution is toward the Quantum

The energy body of a ghost is not a real body, for them being without a body made of flesh is an handicap, they are minds afloating… that's why we are born on Earth

We need a body of flesh to make experiences… and being dead is DIFFERENT than being a fairy or a God LIVING in the Spiritual Realm


LIVING spiritual entities have a body made of energy: dead just have their minds and the energy related to it...


When a human becomes so good at creating a quantistic body around his mind (usually this quantistic body is an emanation of the flash, that's why we need a body of flash) that it theorically doesn't need anymore a body of flesh to craft a quantistic one, then this person could theorically stop being reborn


I say theorically because evolution in the flash is QUICKIER than in pure spirit: for example, fairies are much more evolved than apes, but they have existed for millions of years and never evovled Beyond little lovely creatures, almost mindless

In the meanwhile, apes (and souls embodied into them) evolved till Humans, and all we can do spiritually much surpasses fairies and their likes

So, as soon as the Masters will be able to find more pure and advanced bodies like those that will be likely present on Earth Beyond 2500 aD, they will be reborn

Modern bodies are not fitting for them: they would need a much more advanced DNA to link their awsome psychic powers deployed by the soul to a body made of cells

They are "too big" to enter a body: the same reason why the Gods never took up that chance though it would have solved tons of problems, I mean being born in a human body, They are too big



The difference between the Gods and the Masters are mainly three


#1 The Gods are much more aloof. If a God shows the slightest attention to you, it means He/She considers you an impossibly great human being, that will serve Them in this life or in the next one, while the Masters answers to whoever calls them, engendering embarassing situations where complete nobodies and newbies to the occult were presented to their enormous electromagnetical effects (and went pretty crazy ahahahaha)


#2 The Gods are much darker. I presented Them in a positive way because They care for our EVOLUTION, but They can be quite alien and terrifying, to a degree that many mistook Them for demons (obviously somebody skilled clearly perceive a totally different aura)


# 3 The Gods eliminate Spam in the Collective Unconscious, and fight against demons. They are a bit less linked with our daily stuff, also because They never were humans in first place. The Masters know what does it mean to be a human being, indeed they were smugglers, prostitutes, secret agents, pirates, gamblers, and all other "flawed" categories we usually shun on a spiritual quest for "purity", a concept much misunderstood since true Purity is the "Chastity" we can make in everything we do, even the most kinky things



This mean that if you summon Lilith for sexual pleasure, She will storm your mind with all the energy of the Planet linked to sex, destroying your personality and turning you into an actual proxy for Her

Witches do THAT



But the Gods prefer to be FEED through our prayers and sexual acts (and sacrifices…) because They are very busy: but just as much for this same reason, They dn't exceedingly love to be summoned unless for important reasons


The Masters were Witches and Sorcerers that gave up themselves so wholeheartedly to the Gods that their character became so strange and powerful that they became demi-gods themselves, but they are still very human


So if you call the Mistress of Libra for sexual pleasure, it would be like calling a dementedly hot and horny human hooker (still remember she is a demigoddess nonetheless)



The powers of the Masters are embarassingly real. Summoning them is not only possible but it also makes things to happens with a scary velocity. They are less polite than the Gods and love a one-on-one relationship, they are less hierarchical than the Gods but this also means that they are less caring about how people could be startled by their power: the Gods KNOW They are terrifying, Thus they play soft; the Masters are more like goodhearted friends, totally not arrogant, but with an UNVOLUNTARY attitude of "Oh Come on don't be such a pussy!!!"


Imagine how you would feel passing by a Voodoo celebration during Rio's Carnival, and a marvellous latino girl sees you and likes you for some intense but irrational reason: she drags you into the party, undressing you expecting to find an erect cock, and then fuck you there and then, not because you are "somebody", she actually wanted YOU, but she is so quick and playful to be almost invasive

Were you married? Were you gay? Were you reflecting about something terribly sad?


Having sex with her was good for your soul and body, BESIDE all other stuff… but it can be felt as invasive (either botheringly or MARVELLOUSLY so)



The Masters are like that

Offering to the Masters can be learnt from Voodoo and Santa Muerte ("Holy Death") cult, but their true core are Kimbanda and Palo Mayombe, the most Dangerous and powerful form of occultism of the world


They love strong alcoholics (but anything you love, they will like, because is a "pal offering" of something YOU yourself appreciate), cigars, any perfumed incense, and spices, mainly clove, Rosemary, and peper, either black or chili red (but once again, anything you love)


For the ritualistic part and the description of each, I will wait replies...

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This sounds similar to some of my own thoughts.

The purpose of successive incarnations is for our souls to develop into an extremely spritually advanced state. Those that have achieved this remain in spirit form in the afterlife, as guides to help the rest of us, awaiting the day whjen higher beings evolve here for them to reincarnate again. The ultimate aim of life being to merge spirit with matter so the two can evolve in tandem, the eventual destination billions of years from now being for each of our souls to become a new supreme being starting a new universe. 

That in a nutshell has always been what I have believed and it has remarkable similarities with what you yourself have described, Nancy.

What would be most useful is your clarifying where I am wrong.

But let me get this straight. The Gods are not human at all but beings of energy. But the Masters are highly evolved human souls that for the time being do not reincarnate in physical body form?

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30 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

This sounds similar to some of my own thoughts.

The purpose of successive incarnations is for our souls to develop into an extremely spritually advanced state. Those that have achieved this remain in spirit form in the afterlife, as guides to help the rest of us, awaiting the day whjen higher beings evolve here for them to reincarnate again. The ultimate aim of life being to merge spirit with matter so the two can evolve in tandem, the eventual destination billions of years from now being for each of our souls to become a new supreme being starting a new universe. 

That in a nutshell has always been what I have believed and it has remarkable similarities with what you yourself have described, Nancy.

What would be most useful is your clarifying where I am wrong.

But let me get this straight. The Gods are not human at all but beings of energy. But the Masters are highly evolved human souls that for the time being do not reincarnate in physical body form?


ALL you wrote is TRUE


And yes the last thing you wrote is correct

The Gods are somehow and anomality, since being of pure energy (beside innocuous fairies) usually do NOT born on planets

The Gods's Birth had been planned by the Overseer because humans were so intense and headlong (if compared to other alien races in this or other universes) that we would have doomed ourselves to self-destruction unless helped

We still risk that but at least now we have some chances


Because of the Gods


But yes They are beings of pure energy

And this is an important add: at the present level, NO humans would have been able to remain awake and active in the spiritual World like the Masters UNLESS IT WAS FOR THE GODS

Just like we ALL keep dieing and reborn, they too would have, simply with a much better karma

It had been only the power of the Gods that used their spiritual achievements as backdoors to spiritually enhance them, allowing them to achieve this peculiar condition of "Too sexy for a physical body" (for the time being)


Indeed the Masters obey the Gods, or better said, they cohoperate, though knowing they are inferior to the Gods themselves


Indeed, to be completely sincere, the planet is much more in the arms of the Masters than not in those of the Gods, and their leader, whose name I will divulge later, is completely at peer level with the very Gods, and it was the first human ever to become an occultist, in one of his lives, in the times of Prehistory...


Each one of us belong to one of the Masters wince his Birth, according to a complicated computation that sums up all his astrological chart to find a Golden-thread connecting ALL his lives, under the patronage of one of them

For example, I am under the Mistress of Libra, though my "simplicistic" astrological sign is Aquarius… in the next life I won't be Aquarius again, yet I will still be under the Mistress of Libra, just as much in my previous life I wasn't Aquarius either, and yet I still was under the Mistress of Libra nonetheless



A human can serenely call ANY of the Masters, but will have a much better time with his true Patron (or Patroness)


Their help is swift and starts to manifest after the first prayers, but requires a "caribbean" approach to life, much like that of Black skinned people, sincere and hormonal and enthusiastic, to really commune with them

They respect dark, reserved western guys (like Alex for example), but will help nonetheless to become more expansive and energetic

Because summoning one of the Masters follow rules DIFFERENT than the Gods


The Gods have a personal energy and constantly need it ot be replenished as They are fighting against the evil in the world, but comes at summonings if needed be


The Masters need to actually feed of the energy of those that summons them, elsewhere their power remains limited to the spiritual world, where they can still influene effects, but to a much smaller degree: to actually summon one of them properly, we must be used to the idea of sharing our life-energy with somebody else, allowing the Master to manifest "through a portion of the life-space the Universe gave us personally", just like when you love somebody truly, be it a partner or a very special friend


Upon Learning to do this, the effects are embarassingly quick and real...

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11 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

Marvelous thread you started. Iam gonna take my time and read it slowly. Lots of information to digest


A little add: they have a thing for forests, and farming

More coming later, meanwhile no chats in this thread, any questions and comments are greatly welcomed



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3 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


A little add: they have a thing for forests, and farming

More coming later, meanwhile no chats in this thread, any questions and comments are greatly welcomed



Thank you for posting this 

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This begs certain questions, @spywareonya.

When you speak of us having a patron or patroness, is that a Master spirit who watches over us personally? Like my concept of a guardian spirit? And does this spirit look out for lots of others too as his or her own or just one person?

And how do we go about summoning the Masters? Particularly the one who looks over us personally?

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That was interesting i have a question i have heard that you can't use woodo on someone who dosen't believe in it is that true? And if i use woodo wont the powers turn against me? This questions are just from things i've heard or read

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On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 4:12 PM, Peefreak99 said:

That was interesting i have a question i have heard that you can't use woodo on someone who dosen't believe in it is that true? And if i use woodo wont the powers turn against me? This questions are just from things i've heard or read

It doesn't work like that

Woodoo is NOT Voodoo

Woodoo is a kind of psychological manipulation

It instills a compulsion in the target, but is blunt, and usually bad


Voodoo summons REAL entities, real like you and me

You can raise your arm and caress or hit somebody who's blind or asleep and thus doesn't "believe" you are there, isn't it?

Thus these Forces can TOO


But they are much less neutral on the axis Good-vs-Evil than Hollywood describes them: they are aligned with Good, a stern and sometimes kinky or even bloodthirsty Good, yet Good nonetheless

If you summon them for an unfitting use, they won't punish you, Good NEVER punishes, but they could abandon you to the bad destiny of having a portal opened unto yourself (the one you yourself crafted), that can ALSO be used by evil low ghosts to find out for you and haunt you until exhaustion, sucking the electricity out of your brain while you sleep, giving you headaches, hormonal disfunctions, paranoia, insomnia, bad mood, erectile failure, diarrhe and vomit, itches all over the body, and so on...

If you open a portal for Good use, they will protect you from the risk of having that portal used like a target by evil ghosts to find you: they will be "bouncers" of your home.

I have practiced DAILY for TEN YEARS and I have NEVER been reached by a bad ghost: I even once met a magician who wasn't "exceedingly white" if you see what I mean, I'm not saying he was a black magician but wasn't properly ethic, and was boastful and bossy

He asked to "taste" me, it means touching my hand and fall to a trance to understan my levels of electricity due to supernatural powers: he opened his eyes TERRIFIED, staring at me with hig EGO shattered to pieces, and askng forgiveness for bothering me

I did not want to humiliate him at all, so I felt the need to tell him: "I'm not evil!!!" because I was afraid he felt the ostility of my Patrons toward his lack of Ethic, and he replied "Oh no, you're not evil, but what cares over you is titanical and awful" and he so fucking PHYSICALLY RAN AWAY from me and Alex


Can you believe that?



Woodoo doesn't work on those that doesn't believe in it because is more or less a form of hypnosys: no real entities involved

My magick doesn't need for you to believe in it to be effective: it strikes believers and unbelievers alike, because it relies on the electricity deployed by quantistical living beings made of energy, and can make things to happen, if the Good endorses my request.

Unless I got explainations about why my request is considered clumsy or exceedingly selfish, and I get an educated yet firm "NO"

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18 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

Woodoo is NOT Voodoo

I mist admit that I originally mistook woodoo for voodoo and just thought it a mis-spelling. I never knew that there was something actually called woodoo, distinct from voodoo. I know nothing really about woodoo but it sounds bad so I guess it is not something I need to know

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On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 8:02 AM, steve25805 said:

This begs certain questions, @spywareonya.

When you speak of us having a patron or patroness, is that a Master spirit who watches over us personally? Like my concept of a guardian spirit? And does this spirit look out for lots of others too as his or her own or just one person?

And how do we go about summoning the Masters? Particularly the one who looks over us personally?

There is a little bit more of distance between our Patron and us if compared to your idea of guardian spirit

A Patron is more like the Supreme General of the Army of your Nation in an hypothetical war where ALL NATIONS are together against what do I now an army of bad robots ahahahahha

Regardless there are MANY Generals at peer level, you obey directly to the one in chief of the Country you are from


But you will likely never meet this General in person: it's more likely that you will be presented to a Colonell that brings His orders down to you


Our Patron DOES anwers PERSONALLY to invocations of each of his children: BUT unless summoned, he is usually busy elsewhere: an hypothetical guardian spirit would be with you 24/7, while a Patron appears ONLY if directly summoned


To know one's Patron or Patroness needs a terrivly complicated computation of astrological nature, that I can do for free for whoever asks, but I would need VERY personal datas that I absolutely understand nobody would be willing to share: I need the EXACT Latitude and Longitude of the hospital where this person was born, or even roughly the town if they can't find the exact coordinates of the hospital, and I need not only the very date of Birth, but also the very exact hour and even minute of the day


By this I can start a terribly complicated operation that produces the person's indication of the Master or Mistress under which category this person falls: it means that each of the Twelve Masters (Six Masters and Six Mistresses) watches potentially over 600 millions of humans each (8 billions / 12), but obviously not all humans accept them as patrons and thus their work is a bit more possible

Yet very hard nonetheless!!! THAT is why they HIRE SOLDIERS from the ranks of humans: Witches are NOTHING ELSE THAN THIS


To summon one of them is necessary to first know one's Patron, and then start a very simple "imagination game" focusing one's attention over his actual existence, preparing a cute altar dedicated to him and constantly reflecting of what they could do for you and what you could do for them, even the simple walking tall knowing you're blessed, and spreading their word upon somebody one day asking you the secret behind your luck and happiness

We Witches whore it out for THREE reasons:

#1 We are sluts. Unless we couldn't be Witches

#2 A man aroused and emotionally welcomed is a man cuddled: men DESERVES their hearts filled and their balls emptied


in order to spread Their Word


After this game starts to take strenght, we must perform psychological visualizations of situations of power, justice, and pleasure, that our partnership with them could engender in our lives, and use some powerful symbols I WON'T post here but can serenely share in PM if I consider the person scathed enough to withstand its power

If all is done properly, it WON'T need self-convincement: the Master will come actually and very soon

If it doesn't worl, it's NO PROBLEM: Masters NEVER SHUN anybody, it just means it needs a bit more time to build a relationship with them

They are not like the Gods: the Gods KNOW serving Them is martyrdom, as it implies terrifying tasks about taking the World's weight on one's shoulders, to the point of killing or getting killed for the Cause


The Masters are for everybody willing to actually contact something that can shake you to pieces, and remake you new and happier

They can be a bit rough: but they are quite "fellows"

Very serious like their mission: being psychological therapist of ghosts and humans alike

But also very Caribbean style: to be completely clear, this forum is under their patronage, that is the kind of atmosphere they love

Even more now that I am here

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4 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


To know one's Patron or Patroness needs a terrivly complicated computation of astrological nature, that I can do for free for whoever asks, but I would need VERY personal datas that I absolutely understand nobody would be willing to share: I need the EXACT Latitude and Longitude of the hospital where this person was born, or even roughly the town if they can't find the exact coordinates of the hospital, and I need not only the very date of Birth, but also the very exact hour and even minute of the day

I'd be willing to share such information privately with you but I don't actually know it all.

I was born in a hospital in my home city of Plymouth which no longer exists. I of course know my date of birth but have no idea of which hour or minute I was born in. Would have to ask my mother for that information and hope she remembers it.

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47 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

It doesn't work like that

Woodoo is NOT Voodoo

Woodoo is a kind of psychological manipulation

It instills a compulsion in the target, but is blunt, and usually bad


Voodoo summons REAL entities, real like you and me

You can raise your arm and caress or hit somebody who's blind or asleep and thus doesn't "believe" you are there, isn't it?

Thus these Forces can TOO


But they are much less neutral on the axis Good-vs-Evil than Hollywood describes them: they are aligned with Good, a stern and sometimes kinky or even bloodthirsty Good, yet Good nonetheless

If you summon them for an unfitting use, they won't punish you, Good NEVER punishes, but they could abandon you to the bad destiny of having a portal opened unto yourself (the one you yourself crafted), that can ALSO be used by evil low ghosts to find out for you and haunt you until exhaustion, sucking the electricity out of your brain while you sleep, giving you headaches, hormonal disfunctions, paranoia, insomnia, bad mood, erectile failure, diarrhe and vomit, itches all over the body, and so on...

If you open a portal for Good use, they will protect you from the risk of having that portal used like a target by evil ghosts to find you: they will be "bouncers" of your home.

I have practiced DAILY for TEN YEARS and I have NEVER been reached by a bad ghost: I even once met a magician who wasn't "exceedingly white" if you see what I mean, I'm not saying he was a black magician but wasn't properly ethic, and was boastful and bossy

He asked to "taste" me, it means touching my hand and fall to a trance to understan my levels of electricity due to supernatural powers: he opened his eyes TERRIFIED, staring at me with hig EGO shattered to pieces, and askng forgiveness for bothering me

I did not want to humiliate him at all, so I felt the need to tell him: "I'm not evil!!!" because I was afraid he felt the ostility of my Patrons toward his lack of Ethic, and he replied "Oh no, you're not evil, but what cares over you is titanical and awful" and he so fucking PHYSICALLY RAN AWAY from me and Alex


Can you believe that?



Woodoo doesn't work on those that doesn't believe in it because is more or less a form of hypnosys: no real entities involved

My magick doesn't need for you to believe in it to be effective: it strikes believers and unbelievers alike, because it relies on the electricity deployed by quantistical living beings made of energy, and can make things to happen, if the Good endorses my request.

Unless I got explainations about why my request is considered clumsy or exceedingly selfish, and I get an educated yet firm "NO"

Oh ok i think i understand these things are interesting but i don't want to get invovled tho 

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26 minutes ago, Peefreak99 said:

Oh ok i think i understand these things are interesting but i don't want to get invovled tho 

No problems at all my dear friend!!!

They don't take offense, nor do I


See you in other threads, a kiss!!!

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47 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

I'd be willing to share such information privately with you but I don't actually know it all.

I was born in a hospital in my home city of Plymouth which no longer exists. I of course know my date of birth but have no idea of which hour or minute I was born in. Would have to ask my mother for that information and hope she remembers it.

Sadly hour and minute are 90% of the thing!!!

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3 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

Sadly hour and minute are 90% of the thing!!!

Have spoken to my mum. She pretty much remembers the time. Will PM you. As for place of birth I know where that is but how do I go about translating that into coordinates you can understand?

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16 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Have spoken to my mum. She pretty much remembers the time. Will PM you. As for place of birth I know where that is but how do I go about translating that into coordinates you can understand?

the city will be enough

But I could use a day or two for the computation

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16 hours ago, spywareonya said:

the city will be enough

But I could use a day or two for the computation

I will ask for confirmations of the computation

As I am ill it could take a couple of days… or maybe more… sorry!!!

But I need to be absolutely sure before telling you because if I am right… holy fuck… it's amazing


A little add to the ritualistic part

I forgot the tell one important thing about what they love, beside drinks and tobacco and various kind of foods and spices… (of all which they have their own personal preferences each)

They ALL love CHOCOLATE!!! One could say "Who doesn't?!" but indeed it's imporant, ah ah ah

The bitter and more pure the better, but if you feel like offering a small piece of a complicated chocolate with tons of adds like Rosemary or apricot flavoured chocolate and you LOVE it, they will take it like that kind of offerings when you are offered something which is different than your standard, not less just different, AND it means a lot for the friend who's actually offering it to you


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14 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

@spywareonyaHow do I offer chocolate? What do I need to do to make an offering of it?

First, the altar

A cute place which is intimate enough to avoid being blatant and "AAARGH DARK AND EVIL WOOOOW" and shit of the like





and why not, ominous

They so fucking are



Then, with time… it will start to be filled with… stuff you think fitting

I have gathered there so many objects from all around the world, very real uh, all handmade but not for tourists, I have actual objects obtained through trips of friends that voyaged...

So there must be space for a bit of stuff… you can also add papers with poetries, thoughts, drawings… small items important to you...

There must also be space for some candles (always in odd number, never less than 3, rarely more than 7, and a cute paragraph on the meaning of colours will be online in a hour or two in this very thread) and a little plate (better if cute or anyway lovely to you) where you put offerings

It's enough you put a small piece of chocolate in the plate… and know that all the hormons, what remains of the plant's DNA, the quantistic joules in it… will be absorbed by the spirit

It's no symbolism: the degree of evidence won't maybe convince a skeptic, but upon eating a bit of it after offering it (it is forbidden, but once they told me to do that in order to get actual understanding) you'll notice a level of "withering" that cannot be simplicisically blamed unto oxygen and the passing of time… like it had been actually vampyrized…

Usually the day after (or 2-3 days after for other offerings) you can serenely throw it in the toilet without further worrings!

It never needs to be a lot, uh, small bits, though not ridiculously little, is like giving somebody a little chew of something you consider important: you won't DINE with it in doses to fill your belly obviously!

And a chalice, where to pour a sip or two of anything you want to offer them to drink… but that should not be emptied afterward: let it there… it will evaporate and eventually pool on the bottom of the glass a bit, it's no problem at all, don't clean it (while the plate instead must be Always cleaned if it's dirty or dusty)


It's really that simple…



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34 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

First, the altar

A cute place which is intimate enough to avoid being blatant and "AAARGH DARK AND EVIL WOOOOW" and shit of the like





and why not, ominous

They so fucking are



Then, with time… it will start to be filled with… stuff you think fitting

I have gathered there so many objects from all around the world, very real uh, all handmade but not for tourists, I have actual objects obtained through trips of friends that voyaged...

So there must be space for a bit of stuff… you can also add papers with poetries, thoughts, drawings… small items important to you...

There must also be space for some candles (always in odd number, never less than 3, rarely more than 7, and a cute paragraph on the meaning of colours will be online in a hour or two in this very thread) and a little plate (better if cute or anyway lovely to you) where you put offerings

It's enough you put a small piece of chocolate in the plate… and know that all the hormons, what remains of the plant's DNA, the quantistic joules in it… will be absorbed by the spirit

It's no symbolism: the degree of evidence won't maybe convince a skeptic, but upon eating a bit of it after offering it (it is forbidden, but once they told me to do that in order to get actual understanding) you'll notice a level of "withering" that cannot be simplicisically blamed unto oxygen and the passing of time… like it had been actually vampyrized…

Usually the day after (or 2-3 days after for other offerings) you can serenely throw it in the toilet without further worrings!

It never needs to be a lot, uh, small bits, though not ridiculously little, is like giving somebody a little chew of something you consider important: you won't DINE with it in doses to fill your belly obviously!

And a chalice, where to pour a sip or two of anything you want to offer them to drink… but that should not be emptied afterward: let it there… it will evaporate and eventually pool on the bottom of the glass a bit, it's no problem at all, don't clean it (while the plate instead must be Always cleaned if it's dirty or dusty)


It's really that simple…



Wow. Its gonna take me awhile to digest all that info

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8 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

Wow. Its gonna take me awhile to digest all that info

With all the Nature around you, you would even have room for impressive rituals

Many of their rituals are about great harvest and luck in economical transactions, just for talking...

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14 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

With all the Nature around you, you would even have room for impressive rituals

Many of their rituals are about great harvest and luck in economical transactions, just for talking...

O yes lots of room out here. And if it helps with harvest and such I will do some of them 

Can they be preformed by anyone? 

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9 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

O yes lots of room out here. And if it helps with harvest and such I will do some of them 

Can they be preformed by anyone? 

Yes, with a bit of devotion and faith

I need a bit of infos about you to compute the Legion you belong to

Small rituals include very simple things and they will conquest intuitive advices from them, little whispers on how to act that will prevent you from pitfalls




BIGGER farming rituals are more powerful


The ACTUAL effect is to "custom" the Fate of things related to you (farming over all Others) by YOUR personal karma

This is the reason why some nasty people, believing themselves to be great, got BAD luck from those rituals, failing to understand that it happened because their personal Karma wasn't THAT good, and upon customing their life upon themselves, they made it WORSE

Every facet of our life is linked to our karma but also got a karma of his own, your labour is linked to you but the fields you seed and harvest have a history of their own and a karma of their own

Upon customing them unto you, you'll increase your authority over the land, it will make it an extension of YOU, thus making it better or worse upon you being a humile and brave man, or simply a cautious human conscious of his own flaws and thus humile, but secretly lazy about overcoming them...


Given you, I sincerily think it will go great

By this… it will be like you had become the "Baron" of the land… not simply using it to gain sustenance… but exerting a moral authority and responsibility of it


But I need more infos

The core to use them for harvest is to syphon power from the dead to insufflate it into the leaving crop, allowing their potential spring energy to propel the very crop toward more life, like it was "back with a vengeance" like they say in slang!

This requires big rituals… likely one every 6-7 weekends… they are cool, uh, nothing more than party with your cooking abilities and the like, just remembering to intensely think about them while you celebrate… but also some rare little REALLY OCCULT things, like burning weeds removed from your fields or positioning in your garden some of the rocks you eliminate from the very field to craft a symbol if hypothetically seen from above (hope you figure it out), while visualizing  real summonings I will teach you...

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