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In the beginning.


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Here is the big question - scientifically, spiritually, philosophically.

The universe and everything in it. How did it all begin?

I have always believed in the big bang but not really known how it started.

But I must confess to increasing doubts, suspecting that we actually know rather less than we think we do. It seems when we get down to the nuts and bolts of it, to make the theories fit the facts takes an awful lot of tweaking which is always suspect.

And the simple fact of the matter is that at it's most basic, sub-atomic, quantum level, order is literally built upon chaos, with things that seem to make little logical sense appearing to be real, eg the ability of a particle to be in two places at once, and virtual particles flashing into and out of existence.

This seems to open the possibility up to me that full understanding of it might be beyond our capabilities, just as an elephant is incapable of grasping Relativity. Perhaps understanding an order built upon a kind of chaos can only be understood by minds much greater than our own?

I suspect that we are too certain about theories we have no absolute basis to be certain about. We know a lot less than we think we do, and perhaps we need a 21st century Einstein to do some serious thinking.

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Trying to sum up ALL that Alex and I put together in alifetime, asking contacts with important scientists (that 99% of times simply ignore our mails ahahah) and reading every new publication thanks to some friends that got a PhD in physic and sometimes explain stuff to us...

PLUS adding some occult stuff on my behalf… mmmh... 

Edited by spywareonya
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The most shared (though behind closed doors) theory about the universe is that in the beginning, much before our universe, quantistic fluctuations gave Birth to a mist which was called "Non-Zero", matter emerging from nothingness. With time, it collpased through gravity, giving Birth to a point of manifestation.

From that, the multiverse was born, countless universes cohexisting, without complicated laws exceedingly different from those known by now.

Outside the many bubbles of universes, free fluxes sometimes intermingle and crash onto each other, creating points of great compressed energy. From that, new big bangs are caused. In the end, a universe can either freeze (and a lot of time after, be reabsorbed into the free fluxes), or reverse into a big crunch (though very rare) or more likely expand to such a velocity that in the end it will self-burn, thus returning quickly to be part of the free fluxes.

Beside math, no proofs at all exist of all of this, thus they simply avoid to self-portray as jesters and story-tellers and these theories remain under silence.





From my most powerful rituals, I had confirmation of all of this, only with an addition: that the original "Non-Zero" mist was stimulated by something else, and did not start on her own to self-produce. A self-producing "Non-Zero mist" would have been something too rare in Mathematical chances, and it happened only once along all eternity, giving Birth to chaos, the void Beyond the multiverse, where the Overseers reside. After their evolution, it never happened again, nor it could, as chances so scarce almost self-chain-to-not-happening. The multiverse thus wasn't born by accident, but by the precise will of the Overseers, that tickled a point in the void to produce the existence we are part of (and that they will devour when they're done with it)

Edited by spywareonya
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1 hour ago, spywareonya said:



From my most powerful rituals, I had confirmation of all of this, only with an addition: that the original "Non-Zero" mist was stimulated by something else, and did not start on her own to self-produce. A self-producing "Non-Zero mist" would have been something too rare in Mathematical chances, and it happened only once along all eternity, giving Birth to chaos, the void Beyond the multiverse, where the Overseers reside. After their evolution, it never happened again, nor it could, as chances so scarce almost self-chain-to-not-happening. The multiverse thus wasn't born by accident, but by the precise will of the Overseers, that tickled a point in the void to produce the existence we are part of (and that they will devour when they're done with it)

Whilst in no way believing in anything like the biblical concept of God, I have long believed that there is some kind of supreme entity or entities that is in all things everywhere which triggered the big bang. That it was an act of creation. But there is much I am uncertain about. I do not have the luxury of being 100% certain about anything. There is room for doubt. I could be wrong about this or that. My mind - when it has the time - is I realise still on a journey and still striving for answers,

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6 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Whilst in no way believing in anything like the biblical concept of God, I have long believed that there is some kind of supreme entity or entities that is in all things everywhere which triggered the big bang. That it was an act of creation. But there is much I am uncertain about. I do not have the luxury of being 100% certain about anything. There is room for doubt. I could be wrong about this or that. My mind - when it has the time - is I realise still on a journey and still striving for answers,

The very first existence was self-generated, and this is why atheists are not wrong on the "spiritual stance" when they say that an hypothetical God would be PART of existence and not its creator, existing before it.


But AFTER a first cycle of creation was concluded with the generation of the Overseers, they were alone and omnipotent, and started a new plan… so yes… existence is not an act of creation… but existence as we know it, the matter we feel and the essence we perceive, our very selves… ARE

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13 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

The very first existence was self-generated, and this is why atheists are not wrong on the "spiritual stance" when they say that an hypothetical God would be PART of existence and not its creator, existing before it.


But AFTER a first cycle of creation was concluded with the generation of the Overseers, they were alone and omnipotent, and started a new plan… so yes… existence is not an act of creation… but existence as we know it, the matter we feel and the essence we perceive, our very selves… ARE

So supreme entities - the overseers - were themselves created along with the universe as part of it? Or should I say the multiverse because there are many universes.

But once the overseers existed with the multiverse, they were able to guide it along certain paths, leading to us? And also the gods?

Agree with what you think is right in what I have said and correct what is wrong please - when you have the time, lol

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Existence originally was structured differently. We never got answers exceedingly precise about how they evolved, the point is that in the VERY beginning, there were some "possibilities", like blindspots in the continuum, that were the sons of the fact that existence originally did not exist, and thus it couldn't be 100% coherent as it was now existing but before it wasn't.


These pitfalls needed to be destroyed, and some entities did. This unleashed a cataclism we cannot grasp. Like a PC rebooting after an upgrade. ALL was reverted to nihil, except the Overseers, that simply survived and came to inhabit a dimension of pure energy, chaos, void, the Abyss… whatever. 

There, existence was finally excellent. Pure energy. Absolute power and knowledge. Yet, according to their perception, it still wasn't absolute. Energy was still subjected to entropy, though to a much lesser degree than in our universe, which is just on the outskirt of existence.

They planned to reshape existence itself to eliminate the fact that it wasn't existing before its Birth, thus eliminating incoherence and achieving absolute limitlessness (to the point of even stopping being seprated entities among each other, or entities separated from their sorrounding dwelling dimension), and turn Chaos into a living, ACTUALLY absolute singular being.

To do this, they needed some "stuff", like a sequence of events to trigger this uncomputably complicated process, and the existence and evolution of a pre-set number of new creatures was the main one on the list. So they engineered current existence. And ordered us to evolve. The Gods of Earth are NOTHING different than a human, compared to the Overseers.

They work for the Overseers just like a rock falling from a cliff unto a plant works for the "angel of death".

They move along side the Overseers' ethic, but on their own. It's true however that their Birth on this planet was an operation planned up by the Overseers, and accomplished by some superior entity that ACTUALLY serve them, that peeked in this universe and that triggered their Birth on this planet.

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I don't disagree with the idea of A Big Bang, who knows what happens to matter when it's compressed down to a point. The point is pretty liberal here, it still may have been several light years across when it popped. 

I dont, however, believe that some higher entity caused this to happen. What if the 2 were never related at all, and the 'idea' of a supreme being was a man made thing all along? 

Think of all the religions we've had here on the planet, all of them were separated by distance, some for thousands of years, but all of them had the same basic premise, that there was something out there, something that caused the thunder in the sky, someone who could be blamed if your day turned to crap.

When I was a child, I was dragged along to church by a family friend, not by my parents, someone outside of the family. I was eventually kicked out, I asked too many questions, too many wrong questions. On thinking about this, it seemed my parents never believed in any kind of religion, neither did I, yet other people did.

Why? Was it a switch in my brain that wasn't turned on? 

Maigh and I have had some fun with the this, well, a lively discussion at any rate. We were tossing around an idea for a book, a light hearted science fiction thing. We've not done anything about it yet, but a OneNote file is full of ideas and references.

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The point where you say that you don't like the idea of a creator is RIGHT. The fact that you can conceive a baby just make you a part of the same world of him, you are not his "creator" in some sort of sinister guise


But believe, a lot of stuff evolved in the multiverse before us. And can do everything he wants. TO US it would LOOK LIKE a god

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Procreation is something we share with everyone on the planet, wolves in a forest care nothing but where the next meal is coming from, still make baby wolves. Kangaroos that bounce around our native land, still have a belly full of arms and legs. Koalas that bark all night, still make little koalas. Sheep and cows still make tiny copies of themselves, they all do this, so do humans. No higher intelligence takes up a big chunk of their lives and they are doing fine.

We share 99.2% of the DNA of every animal on this planet. That 0.8% that we have that's different enables us to create society, build incredible things or go to war over religion. 

I can't make a connection, it just doesn't work for me, Maigh either. 

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We can create bacteria, in our labs, that never existed before we built them, amminoacid after amminoacid.

Entities in higher dimension can do the same with universes. This doesn't give them the status of divinity to which we should bow. But makes them gods in our standards.

To ME, it also mean that they know the difference between Good and Bad better than us and THUS I bow to them. But in itself, to me the Gods are not Creators in the common inferring of the meaning, nor sovereign. Just "advanced aliens" so to speak. So advanced that the universe is just a program in their PC they can alter at will.

It's less absurd then it may appear. Terrifying, maybe, offensive for the unconscious of many (I Always said that Witchcraft implies sinister sensations), but not at all absurd. Existence is very old. Races could have serenely had the time/chances to evolve that far.


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This is a monumental topic!  I find it best left to Mr. Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and others like them.  But, I'll take a shot at it.

Scientists belief that the mass of the universe before the big bang was incredibly small.  Like, one billionth the size of an atom.  For real.  Don't ask me how this could be.  I'm no scientist, but it is true.  This is the theory.  It boggles the mind, doesn't it?  It does mine.  LOL!

One hypothesis states that eventually gravity will cause the universe to stop expanding and it will begin to collapse, resulting in the "Big Crunch."  Ouch!  Then, the whole process would start over again, to be repeated endlessly.  Therefore, there is no end to the universe...IF you subscribe to this idea.  Interesting, eh?

One sort of unrelated thing that baffles my mind is this.  Over 99% of all living species that have ever existed are now extinct!  Imagine that.  Yet, the world seems okay, right?  So, why do people fret about certain animals becoming extinct?  I'm not advocating going out and killing elephants for their ivory or any other stupid thing, but...still, it seems silly to worry about the animals.  I don't know.  Maybe it's just me. 

I truly welcome your thoughts.  Thank you.

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I just thought of another fun fact you can try to wrap your head around.

Scientists believe the universe is 46 billion light years across.  Let's put that in perspective.

Light travels at 186,000 miles per second.  So, a light year is the distance light travels in a year.

You would have to travel at 186,000 miles per second for 46 billion years to go from one end of the universe to the other!!!


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12 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:


One hypothesis states that eventually gravity will cause the universe to stop expanding and it will begin to collapse, resulting in the "Big Crunch."  Ouch!  Then, the whole process would start over again, to be repeated endlessly.  Therefore, there is no end to the universe...IF you subscribe to this idea.  Interesting, eh?

I used to subscribe to that idea.

But scientists have discovered that the rate of expansion of the universe is accelerating, not slowing.

They have little idea what is causing it, but something - some energy or other - is working to counteract gravity over vast distances, driving galaxies apart. They have dubbed this mysterious energy "dark energy".

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I agree, Steve.  It is speeding up.  I just recall the crunch idea from my college astronomy course.  It did seem plausible back when I learned about it. 

Dark matter is a fascinating field of study.  It will be exciting as they come to learn more about it.  They do know it plays a huge role, for sure.

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