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First carpet piss?

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Have you peed on the carpet? If so what was your first experience? How did it make you feel letting a long stream out soaking the floor until it left a dark puddle for the first time?

I remember my first time like it was yesterday. I was very young at the time. I was just playing some games in my room and eating some food. I had a lot to drink that day. My bladder was filled to the brim. I was very horny and I was aware of my piss fetish at the time. I felt like doing something I've never done before so I went to the corner of my room aimed my dick and let it all out. There was so much on the floor after I was done but I didn't care. I was just so satisfied with what I did and after that all I ever do is piss on the carpet now.

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My first encounter with carpet pissing occurred when I was very young and didn't really understand why pissing interested me. I had no concept of sex. Basically my mother was chastising my sister for pissing on her bedroom carpet, which interested me greatly. I wanted to see her do it but could not persuade her because she was afraid of getting into more trouble. So I invited her to piss on MY bedroom carpet instead. Which she did.

I did not piss on the carpet myself until much older when grown up and living in my own flat. During a drink and drug binge involving cannabis, alcohol and amphetamines I became unbelievably horny with an intense and irresistible desire to piss everywhere. I peed all over the living room carpet. Had to borrow my mum's vax to clean up the next day before the landlord discovered it but it seemed like fun at the time.

The amphetamines were largely responsible for such reckless abandon. They tend to intensify and exaggerate sexual interests whilst removing all inhibitions or fear of consequences, as well as any sense of right or wrong.

Anyone with darker sexual fantasies than merely pissing would be best advised never to mix those interests with amphetamines lest they do something they really live to regret.

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My first carpet pee was when I was really young and I honestly don't remember the details.  I've done it a lot since then and there have been some memorable moments.

@steve25805 that's interesting about the uppers.  I experimented a lot in uni and what you describe could explain many a strange evening .. lol. 

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  • 1 year later...

The first carpet piss I can recall came from my childhood (around 7 I believe) 

I already loved peeing, and always wanted to pee in the house, i remember finally getting the nerve to pee on the wall and carpet on too of the stairs.. (Never got in trouble for that one..wasn't even asked what I did it till years later) 

But a few years later (around 10) I decided to stop using the toilet at home... That one didn't go over so well once caught...(a few weeks of pee smell from every room kinda gave me away)

I recall I had convinced my sister to try it as well.. She did a few times.. But I don't think we ever told our mother she was involved in the damage to the carpet..

I still love peeing on carpets! I just don't really do it at home anymore 

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The first time I deliberately got pee on the carpet was when I first wet myself while out in public.

Having already got my legs and feet wet, and realising that my pee had run off my legs and out of my shoes and made the carpet squishy, I just decided to add to the squishyness of the carpet by peeing on the back of my legs under the table.

The first time of properly peeing on carpet was when I got my leather skirt. I thought it would not like being peed on, so instead of just wetting myself like I normally would in the pub I scooted to edge of the seat and peed straight on to the carpet. Since then a few times I have stood with my legs a little apart and peed straight on to the carpet hoping my friends would notice that I was peeing (they didn't), but I don't do that often.

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I've posted about this somewhere, but a while ago.   I'm not sure it was my first time, but definitely my first full bladder.

I was staying in student accommodation as freelance staff at a large event - very much 'work hard, play hard', working from noon well into the early hours, and drinking hard too. One night I got particularly drunk and was feeling quite horny too. Lay in the single student bed I felt the urge to release some of the lager I'd been drinking and decided to roll to the edge of the bed just to let out a few spurts of pee - that was the plan.

Anyway, the inevitable happened and once I started there was no way to close the floodgates so I ended up completely soaking a good semicircle of carpet next to the bed.  Fortunately I had a couple more days before leaving the accomodation - it took a good day or so to dry and because I'd been so hydrated didn't leave any noticeable smell.

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