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Happy Halloween!

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Halloween is a modern celebration, but the original Samhain is from ancient celtic Heritage, from modern UK.


It is also one of the most important spiritual holidays of the Whole year, surpassed originally by the Summer Solstice (which IS THE most powerful spiritual day of the year) but Samhain came 2nd AND IN ADDITION humans celebrate it all over the world since decades, and this altered the balances of power making Halloween the most important moment of the year (or anyway at peer with the Summer Solstice).


Samhain celebrates and exorcises the fear of Death and monsters by trying to commune with them, indeed contacting the darkest aspects of human psychology. Sex, and the ritualistic use of fetishistic sexuality (urine above all) had Always been a major part of it, because "pleasure" energies work as duck butter to nullify attrition between human soul and energies that scare and destroy


So, I posted a thread in the general chat about a big ritual for halloween. If anybody is interested can reply there.

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Since today is actually Halloween, just thought I'd bump this thread back up. Hope you all have a fun night whatever you're doing.

Anyone going out late may encounter some particularly odd pee sightings - A zombie squatting in an alley maybe?

In honour of Halloween, can anyone think of any horror movies that have pee scenes in them? I bet there's a few terrified pees. Scary movie 2 has one, but the pee is ridiculously yellow (although I imagine hydration is the least of her worries).

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The question is of course...  does anyone have any Halloween confessions to share?   Somebody jumped out and literally scared the piss out of you?  Walking home from a Halloween party absolutely bursting?   Taking a leak on somebody's property as a trick (or treat)?

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Happy Halloween everyone. My wife and I took our 6 month old son tricker treating tonite. We just got home, he gathered quite a bit of chocolate lol.

Iam sitting in the whirlpool tub fighting a chest cold now. I hate being sick. I turn into kind of a baby lol

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Well I didn't have the "piss scared out of me" I did find my self needing to pee as we were walking down the sidewalk tonight. 

I just adjusted my costume, pulled my cock out and peed all over the sidewalk. My wife laughed and said my turn lol

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