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Question for people who pee on carpets

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So I was wondering: many people on this site pee on carpets, some did it as kids. How did you guys not get caught? Sounds kinda hard to hide from parents to me. 

I wanna try it but am afraid I'll get caught.

Edited by Timthek
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Hi Timthek


There are a few things that you need to do:-

1. Drink plenty and make sure your pee is really dilute. If it looks and tastes like pure water you are on the right track.

2. Spread it about. If you pee where you have peed before you can sometimes reactivate the old pee and make it smell.

3. Make sure that the carpet dries out and is in a dry environment. Dried pee does not smell but in a humid environment carpet may not dry out completely.

4. Patterned carpet will hide a wet patch quite nicely until it has dried.

5. Practice peeing while doing other things. You must be confident in yourself that peeing on the carpet is perfectly normal and not be fazed by anything while you are peeing.




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My very first time I peed on a carpet was... in the woods. While taking a walk alone I strayed away from the path to explore the forest and eventually stumbled upon some stuff someone had discarded, amongst it was an old carpet. I later returned to that place with a rather full bladder and gave the carpet a good soaking. 😉

Apart from that, I did found some carpet that was cut into tiles (I guess by the manufacturer, as they were fairly regular) in the bulk trash somewhere in my neighborhood and... conficated 2 or 3 of them for.. later (ab)use. 😇

I hid them under my bed in a sealed container and later trew them away.


Oh, and I was rather lucky to stumble upon an abandoned house, that was to be demolished. It was accessible, and since I have a weak spot for lost places I naturally explored it. Turned out some of the rooms still were carpeted.... . 😈

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  • 2 weeks later...

At my parents' home, my sister and I both peed on the carpet, but not often and we used to make sure it was hidden by furniture - usually a bed so it dried before being detected.

In hotels, I have either peed in carpetted public areas like meeting rooms, stairwells or corridors so that it might be detected, but they have no idea who did it, or if I pee in the room then I either pee small amounts in lots of places or I pee under the bed or under a chair so that the furniture can hide the deed.  Cleaners are usually fairly quick about their room cleans, so if you leave the room in a generally tidy state then they will probably only give a quick vacuum round the floor, won't move the furniture and won't discover the wet patch.  It will most likely have dried before it is discovered.

Another good one is to pee on the carpet next to the water cooler in hotels or other buildings - people just assume it is excess water from the dispenser.

I have also a couple of times found a storage room that is open and gone and peed on the carpetted floor in there.

I once peed on the carpet in the office at work.  I was visiting a different office to normal (same company) and so didn't have an allocated desk.  I found a desk in a quiet area so that I could join a conference call.   I had a large mug of tea and I'd already been drinking, so before I'd finished the call, I really needed to pee.  I pushed the pedestal (drawer unit) that was under the desk across from its normal position, pulled my dick out and peed under the desk onto the carpet, all the time keeping a watch out for anyone approaching.  Then when I had finished, I just pushed the pedestal back into place to hide the wet patch.


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  • 4 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Timthek said:

Thanks for the reply guys, but I do wonder: aside from making sure it dries, is there anything else I can do to avoid any smells?

Take heed of pauly’s words: drink lots of water. It’s the single easiest way to keep it from smelling. You may also want to drink water, then alcohol, specifically beer. Part of why we get dehydrated as we get intoxicated is that our bodies will pee at an accelerated rate, and it’s usually mostly dumping very watered down pee, so you’ll be pretty odorless. 

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I peed on my bedroom carpet as a kid.  I would spread it around a lot because I was very aware of the wet patch on the carpet.  Of course, I didn't think about the smell and the room did develop an odor.  Luckily (?), I also used to pee on myself whilst lying on a towel.  My mum picked up on the smelly towels and assumed that had caused the room odor.  My carpet peeing went undetected, but I did take some heat for the towels.  A good lesson for my future adventures. 

I have to agree with Pauly and Zooey ... water.  Lots of water.  Beer will make you pee sooner (natural diuretic) but if you're drinking lots of water, your pee will come out clear with very little odor.  I did it that way today for a naughty pee at the cinema (and yesterday, too, lol).  I was already peeing clear before I went and was quite desperate before the film even started.  I emptied my bladder repeatedly with no whiff of odor.  A very satisfying film 😈

My three cardinal rules are:

  1. Drink lots ... but if you have the chance, test your pee before you flood the carpet.  You're looking for very pale yellow to virtually clear pee.  
  2. Spread it around.  Any place that gets used repeatedly will develop an odor, even if it's just from being wet all the time. 
  3. Have fun and don't get caught.  The first two will help with that. 

Let us us know how you get on.  Pictures are always welcome, just make sure to load them to the right place.  Best of luck to you.  👍

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