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Let's be honest, size matters. Am I correct?

Mark J

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5 hours ago, spywareonya said:

Gotta think about it

Sincerely (but I'm open to change) I consider women to be power-hungry like every thinking being, and meaner than men because they know power must legitimately belong to males

Well, what I was getting at is that it's necessary for women to be meaner to men, because women control sex and reproduction in general. This means that they require men to rise to a certain level of dominance beyond other men in order to gain access to a woman. This drives the fierce dominance instinct in men and causes our more violent behavior, especially in the absence of wiser mens guidance. This pressure women exert on men to compete to be the fittest ensures that alphas genes are being passed along. Betas always have to exist in large numbers, because alphas have to be in short supply. This is why way more men than women are single by means beyond their control. Women's instinct to find the strongest men leaves the majority in the background to a degree, being beta orbitors and nice guys hoping to get laid, while the strong men have access to many women at once. The reason most women think all men are cheaters is because the small percent of men they are attracted to are usually alphas who have other options. Betas put their woman on a pedestal and smother her, worshipping her because they know they aren't likely to attract another woman. Women sense this as weakness and lose respect for such a man. So they perceive all men as cheaters because the other 80 percent of men they consider just friends or unworthy aren't even in the equation as potential partners in her prime years, even these guys would be very loyal.

This instinct to aim up to powerful men is what causes women to be mean to most other men, who by numbers are more likely beta. It's often not intentional either, but I've seen in person and experienced myself how women are naturally cold to men they don't respect. In can be subtle, like ignoring you when you say hi, or talking to you about the man she's fucking, as if you are a female friend, not caring how her hair and outfit look around you, and just a general disinterest in whatever is happening in your life. Other times, the mean acts are blatant, like calling you a bitch to your face, or birthing another mans baby and letting you raise it. I once told a friend of mine to stop sucking up to girls and being their bitch. I explained it slowly and thoroughly and he actually listened, stopped being a punk and soon after, had a girlfriend and another female friend chasing him. So these reasons mentioned are why in my humble calculation, women control men, and as a result have to be meaner to them.

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I never saw things from this perspective but cannot deny your reflection sounds fascinating


My point of view is slightly different because in my opinion, Nature built intelligence so that all thinking creatures could realize how to be alphas and because of this, I do not believe in the fact that women are constructed by Nature to have different behavioural options toward alphas and betas as in my interpretation of life betas should stop to exist when evolution steps from animals to humans

My Nancy's hookup club exists because of this, as I think all humans can and must be alphas, and I help people to unlock their hidden potential

No, I understand your point, but I still believe women are meaner than men as they are born envious. Indeed the few women who are not like that as character, almost mandatorily becomes powerful persons. Envy ruins the character, and almost every woman is naturally envious because the don't perceive themselves as imposing as men are. We can control your minds, but left alone we are afraid.


That's why Witches train themselves mentally and physically to be as hard as men, we train to be fearless and we use unapologetic manipulation but also are ready for phisical combat was it ever necessary

Every week being cannot prevent himself from being envious: power only hides this fear; power is not bad, but must be wielded for sound ends; only being strong WITHIN, only feeling well with yourself, can make people overcome envy

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30 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


I never saw things from this perspective but cannot deny your reflection sounds fascinating


My point of view is slightly different because in my opinion, Nature built intelligence so that all thinking creatures could realize how to be alphas and because of this, I do not believe in the fact that women are constructed by Nature to have different behavioural options toward alphas and betas as in my interpretation of life betas should stop to exist when evolution steps from animals to humans

My Nancy's hookup club exists because of this, as I think all humans can and must be alphas, and I help people to unlock their hidden potential

No, I understand your point, but I still believe women are meaner than men as they are born envious. Indeed the few women who are not like that as character, almost mandatorily becomes powerful persons. Envy ruins the character, and almost every woman is naturally envious because the don't perceive themselves as imposing as men are. We can control your minds, but left alone we are afraid.


That's why Witches train themselves mentally and physically to be as hard as men, we train to be fearless and we use unapologetic manipulation but also are ready for phisical combat was it ever necessary

Every week being cannot prevent himself from being envious: power only hides this fear; power is not bad, but must be wielded for sound ends; only being strong WITHIN, only feeling well with yourself, can make people overcome envy

It could be that we aren't all alphas yet though. But even among the elite class, hierarchies exist, alphas among alphas. One boss cannot lead another equal boss, one must take a backseat, at least for the moment so that progress can occur. Now being all alpha at different times in rotation, I could see that.

And I agree, girls are born more envious, and boys more rebellious in general. True that women are more vulnerable physically, but men are more vulnerable emotionally, so it balances out. Physical vulnerability is more obvious however.

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22 minutes ago, Brutus said:

It could be that we aren't all alphas yet though. But even among the elite class, hierarchies exist, alphas among alphas. One boss cannot lead another equal boss, one must take a backseat, at least for the moment so that progress can occur. Now being all alpha at different times in rotation, I could see that.

And I agree, girls are born more envious, and boys more rebellious in general. True that women are more vulnerable physically, but men are more vulnerable emotionally, so it balances out. Physical vulnerability is more obvious however.

Yes, I agree with all of the above

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1 hour ago, Brutus said:

Well, what I was getting at is that it's necessary for women to be meaner to men, because women control sex and reproduction in general. This means that they require men to rise to a certain level of dominance beyond other men in order to gain access to a woman. This drives the fierce dominance instinct in men and causes our more violent behavior, especially in the absence of wiser mens guidance. This pressure women exert on men to compete to be the fittest ensures that alphas genes are being passed along. Betas always have to exist in large numbers, because alphas have to be in short supply. This is why way more men than women are single by means beyond their control. Women's instinct to find the strongest men leaves the majority in the background to a degree, being beta orbitors and nice guys hoping to get laid, while the strong men have access to many women at once. The reason most women think all men are cheaters is because the small percent of men they are attracted to are usually alphas who have other options. Betas put their woman on a pedestal and smother her, worshipping her because they know they aren't likely to attract another woman. Women sense this as weakness and lose respect for such a man. So they perceive all men as cheaters because the other 80 percent of men they consider just friends or unworthy aren't even in the equation as potential partners in her prime years, even these guys would be very loyal.

This instinct to aim up to powerful men is what causes women to be mean to most other men, who by numbers are more likely beta. It's often not intentional either, but I've seen in person and experienced myself how women are naturally cold to men they don't respect. In can be subtle, like ignoring you when you say hi, or talking to you about the man she's fucking, as if you are a female friend, not caring how her hair and outfit look around you, and just a general disinterest in whatever is happening in your life. Other times, the mean acts are blatant, like calling you a bitch to your face, or birthing another mans baby and letting you raise it. I once told a friend of mine to stop sucking up to girls and being their bitch. I explained it slowly and thoroughly and he actually listened, stopped being a punk and soon after, had a girlfriend and another female friend chasing him. So these reasons mentioned are why in my humble calculation, women control men, and as a result have to be meaner to them.


1 hour ago, spywareonya said:


I never saw things from this perspective but cannot deny your reflection sounds fascinating


My point of view is slightly different because in my opinion, Nature built intelligence so that all thinking creatures could realize how to be alphas and because of this, I do not believe in the fact that women are constructed by Nature to have different behavioural options toward alphas and betas as in my interpretation of life betas should stop to exist when evolution steps from animals to humans

My Nancy's hookup club exists because of this, as I think all humans can and must be alphas, and I help people to unlock their hidden potential

No, I understand your point, but I still believe women are meaner than men as they are born envious. Indeed the few women who are not like that as character, almost mandatorily becomes powerful persons. Envy ruins the character, and almost every woman is naturally envious because the don't perceive themselves as imposing as men are. We can control your minds, but left alone we are afraid.


That's why Witches train themselves mentally and physically to be as hard as men, we train to be fearless and we use unapologetic manipulation but also are ready for phisical combat was it ever necessary

Every week being cannot prevent himself from being envious: power only hides this fear; power is not bad, but must be wielded for sound ends; only being strong WITHIN, only feeling well with yourself, can make people overcome envy


39 minutes ago, Brutus said:

It could be that we aren't all alphas yet though. But even among the elite class, hierarchies exist, alphas among alphas. One boss cannot lead another equal boss, one must take a backseat, at least for the moment so that progress can occur. Now being all alpha at different times in rotation, I could see that.

And I agree, girls are born more envious, and boys more rebellious in general. True that women are more vulnerable physically, but men are more vulnerable emotionally, so it balances out. Physical vulnerability is more obvious however.


18 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

Yes, I agree with all of the above

Hmm. I’ve always been a beta or worse. I am perfectly content being a follower rather than leader. 

I agree with Brutus’ and Nancy’s theories, and I have recently tried to apply a heavy dose of assertiveness and building a spine and/or backbone, but has gotten me nowhere. I can’t win. 

Why am I staying with her, well for all the above reasons. It’s highly unlikely that there is any woman out there looking for what I bring to a relationship. I am so at the crossroads of my life. 

If I had an 8 inch cock, I don’t believe I’d be in this position, but as everyone has said I just have to  carry my burden and live with it

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10 minutes ago, Mark J said:





Hmm. I’ve always been a beta or worse. I am perfectly content being a follower rather than leader. 

I agree with Brutus’ and Nancy’s theories, and I have recently tried to apply a heavy dose of assertiveness and building a spine and/or backbone, but has gotten me nowhere. I can’t win. 

Why am I staying with her, well for all the above reasons. It’s highly unlikely that there is any woman out there looking for what I bring to a relationship. I am so at the crossroads of my life. 

If I had an 8 inch cock, I don’t believe I’d be in this position, but as everyone has said I just have to  carry my burden and live with it

Cannot agree, sorry

You are definitely underestimating yourself and beside hugging you so bad, I really cannot pretend to endorse

You are a delicious person, you simply missed to look around enough

Edited by spywareonya
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1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

Cannot agree, sorry

You are definitely underestimating yourself and beside hugging you so bad, I really cannot pretend to endorse

You are a delicious person, you simply missed to look around enough

You may be absolutely correct, but at this stage I don’t have the energy to look anymore. Believe me I did work almost 24/7 for a very long period of time looking, going through many of the pain I mention in original post. Current relationship started perfect. Now I consider staying home and slipping into a depression (another story for another day), or I can get my ass off this chair 3 days a week and 90% of the time have a fun weekend. The later wins out (at this present time)

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1 hour ago, Mark J said:

The later wins out

There is an old quote

"A sinking ship looks safer than the storm... as long as it still floats"

I'm no one to judge, but there are so many women like me out there, looking for somebody as sensitive as you

Edited by spywareonya
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1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

There is an old quote

"A sinking ship looks safer than the storm, as long as it still floats"

I'm no one to judge, but there are so many women like me out there, looking for somebody as sensitive as you

You are most certainly allowed to judge. I believe you, really I do, but as I mentioned somewhere, sensitive and nice can only sustain a healthy relationship for a finite period of time. It’s different for different women, but when real life rears it’s ugly head, my “keep positive” and laissez-faire look at the world just doesn’t cut it. 

Dont get me wrong, I’m sure the perfect woman is out there, but the odds that we ever cross paths is minimal. At this point I literally take life one day at a time. I’ve actually have come a long way in this current relationship. Am I as happy as I’d like? No way, but am I happy at all?-yes. 

And oh if you haven’t noticed or I haven’t said officially I appreciate your candor and genuine concern more than you will ever know. 

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15 minutes ago, Mark J said:

Am I as happy as I’d like? No way, but am I happy at all?-yes

Sounds like a pact with the devil

16 minutes ago, Mark J said:

I appreciate your candor and genuine concern more than you will ever know

Crude consequence of how much worthy I consider you, and the correct number would be too huge to be contained in this post


17 minutes ago, Mark J said:

You are most certainly allowed to judge

Only caring for you

I'll not push you, but I'll be here whenever

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34 minutes ago, Mark J said:





Hmm. I’ve always been a beta or worse. I am perfectly content being a follower rather than leader. 

I agree with Brutus’ and Nancy’s theories, and I have recently tried to apply a heavy dose of assertiveness and building a spine and/or backbone, but has gotten me nowhere. I can’t win. 

Why am I staying with her, well for all the above reasons. It’s highly unlikely that there is any woman out there looking for what I bring to a relationship. I am so at the crossroads of my life. 

If I had an 8 inch cock, I don’t believe I’d be in this position, but as everyone has said I just have to  carry my burden and live with it

It's gotten you nowhere probably because you don't believe in your own worth, is my guess, uninformed as it is, given I know nothing about you.

I can relate, having had the same struggles with self worth. I don't know what this young man can impart to an older and wiser man with way more life experience, other than believe you are what you tell yourself you are. Your penis is not all of you. Being hung would make it easier to be confident, but nothing worthwhile comes easy. I would encourage you to pursue hobbies and things that you enjoy, unapologetically. Having purpose and self worth that doesn't depend on female affection is the key. Women love a man that is secure with himself and has his own pursuits that she can get involved in. It's doubtful I can offer you much wisdom, being so much younger, but sometimes just hearing someone else say what you already know can help. You're not too old to be a better version of yourself.

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1 hour ago, Mark J said:

You are most certainly allowed to judge. I believe you, really I do, but as I mentioned somewhere, sensitive and nice can only sustain a healthy relationship for a finite period of time. It’s different for different women, but when real life rears it’s ugly head, my “keep positive” and laissez-faire look at the world just doesn’t cut it. 

Dont get me wrong, I’m sure the perfect woman is out there, but the odds that we ever cross paths is minimal. At this point I literally take life one day at a time. I’ve actually have come a long way in this current relationship. Am I as happy as I’d like? No way, but am I happy at all?-yes. 

And oh if you haven’t noticed or I haven’t said officially I appreciate your candor and genuine concern more than you will ever know. 

True, sensitive is only part of the equation. You need inner strength to mix with it. A man that is both sensitive and stern in his ways and convictions is addictive to women. I don't know about a "perfect" woman, but a decent one that can love you is certainly possible. 

Another thing I think may help you is to have your testosterone levels checked. When they are low, men have very low opinions of themselves. Low energy, hopelessness, lack of drive. It's a powerful hormone. If your levels are low, which is likely, given your age, and you take steps to raise your testosterone, it will catapult you into a new driven version of yourself that you wouldn't believe existed. That is real and practical advice that men seldom get. Consider it.

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9 minutes ago, Brutus said:

It's gotten you nowhere probably because you don't believe in your own worth, is my guess, uninformed as it is, given I know nothing about you.

I can relate, having had the same struggles with self worth. I don't know what this young man can impart to an older and wiser man with way more life experience, other than believe you are what you tell yourself you are. Your penis is not all of you. Being hung would make it easier to be confident, but nothing worthwhile comes easy. I would encourage you to pursue hobbies and things that you enjoy, unapologetically. Having purpose and self worth that doesn't depend on female affection is the key. Women love a man that is secure with himself and has his own pursuits that she can get involved in. It's doubtful I can offer you much wisdom, being so much younger, but sometimes just hearing someone else say what you already know can help. You're not too old to be a better version of yourself.

Brutus, you are wise beyond your years. I do have my own loves and hobbies (although not many), and I totally let her attend to her hobbies and give her her space (it took a while to get it, but I get it). I do not apologize for my side loves. It ALL BOILS DOWN TO SELF LOVE. Believe me I try. I’m in therapy, have been for years. I am totally aware of my lack of belief in myself. 

Thanks Brutus. 

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2 minutes ago, Brutus said:

True, sensitive is only part of the equation. You need inner strength to mix with it. A man that is both sensitive and stern in his ways and convictions is addictive to women. I don't know about a "perfect" woman, but a decent one that can love you is certainly possible. 

Another thing I think may help you is to have your testosterone levels checked. When they are low, men have very low opinions of themselves. Low energy, hopelessness, lack of drive. It's a powerful hormone. If your levels are low, which is likely, given your age, and you take steps to raise your testosterone, it will catapult you into a new driven version of yourself that you wouldn't believe existed. That is real and practical advice that men seldom get. Consider it.

I have had my levels checked. I’m on the lower end of normal, but still normal. I have tried T therapy. No change. It’s my brain. 

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25 minutes ago, Mark J said:

Brutus, you are wise beyond your years. I do have my own loves and hobbies (although not many), and I totally let her attend to her hobbies and give her her space (it took a while to get it, but I get it). I do not apologize for my side loves. It ALL BOILS DOWN TO SELF LOVE. Believe me I try. I’m in therapy, have been for years. I am totally aware of my lack of belief in myself. 

Thanks Brutus. 

No problem. I'm glad you are in therapy and getting help. If you don't mind, maybe update us some time with how your self worth is coming along. I'd like to hear if things are getting better for you.

Edited by Brutus
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16 minutes ago, Brutus said:

No problem. I'm glad you are in therapy and getting help. If you don't mind, maybe update us some time with how your self worth is coming along. I'd like to hear if things are getting better for you.

@Mark J


I agree absolutely

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On 9/18/2018 at 7:35 AM, Mark J said:

So am I correct? Does size matter?

The wife does not care about size! She enjoys all of them. She has been with a man larger then me and said it hurt her to much and has been satifished by a smaller one then myself. 

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10 hours ago, Grizzly Man said:

The wife does not care about size! She enjoys all of them. She has been with a man larger then me and said it hurt her to much and has been satifished by a smaller one then myself. 

I can quite dig that

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15 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Call me a cynic, but I have often observed that the size of your bank balance often matters much more than the size of your dick, lol

True. I’ve never had a ton. And currently I’m in the worst financial shape in years. Gf is aware. I am watching her actions carefully. She has never asked for a penny, but I have helped her out considerably and paid for most everything we do. I’ve made it a point to say things will be different now. So far I have noticed no change in attitude or behavior. 

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19 hours ago, Mark J said:

True. I’ve never had a ton. And currently I’m in the worst financial shape in years. Gf is aware. I am watching her actions carefully. She has never asked for a penny, but I have helped her out considerably and paid for most everything we do. I’ve made it a point to say things will be different now. So far I have noticed no change in attitude or behavior. 

If she's over 45, you're probably fine in that aspect, but still, smart to keep close tabs!

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/26/2018 at 8:28 AM, steve25805 said:

Call me a cynic, but I have often observed that the size of your bank balance often matters much more than the size of your dick, lol

Steve, I couldn't agree more.  You're 100% correct!

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On 9/26/2018 at 8:28 AM, steve25805 said:

Call me a cynic, but I have often observed that the size of your bank balance often matters much more than the size of your dick, lol


51 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

Steve, I couldn't agree more.  You're 100% correct!

What if you have neither? 🙁

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