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PeeFans Needs Funding To Survive!

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Hi all,

The previous topic asking for donations was taken down once gold membership launched fairly recently. However, we have a fair few costs upcoming, and as we continue to grow the running costs continue to rise - just think of the incredible amount of storage space the site requires to host every single picture, video, message etc ever shared here over the last 5 years or so (and then all of the bandwidth needed to send that content to 1000's of people every day).

 It's not a fun topic to talk about, but PeeFans does still need money to survive and grow. It's easy to think someone else will help out and we'll get by because we always have, but that's the kind of thinking that would result in us missing our hosting payment and everything getting deleted (which has been scarily close more than you'd think). If you would miss having this site and interacting with everyone, and being able to access all of this pee content completely free, please consider either donating or upgrading to gold membership.

Although there are clear benefits of becoming a gold member, if you're not interested in paying for those, please still consider upgrading if you are a supporter of the site and want to see us continue.

I don't want to panic people, but the reality is that we do need more money for PeeFans to keep running. Please get in touch if you'd be willing to help out, no matter how small.

Alternatively, post gold in the below thread so you can get some great benefits in exchange for supporting the site.

  Thank you.

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  • 3 months later...
11 minutes ago, Mkbigboy said:

But then your credit rating gets affected and what if people find out who you don’t want to find out

I am afraid I missed the actual meaning of this sentence

Can you explain better? So @Admin could answer to your doubts

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@AdminI have an idea for fundraising that I think a lot of people would like. I know cryptocurrency isn't the most liked thing on the internet right now since we are outside of the golden months of mining but it still does have potential. 

There's a string of code provided by coinhive that when implemented into your website will mine on the viewing persons computer. My idea is to have a mode on the website where when you visit it you can turn on that mining mode and it will mine monero (xmr) for peefans! Each computer won't do an amazing amount of income but we always have several users online and it would also allow a secure way for people to transfer money if they are nervous about going through USD.

@Mkbigboy is nervous about people finding out he's paying money to a fetish website but if he were.to donate in monero all.people would be able to find is that he bought cryptocurrency which is fairly normal in this day and age. 

This would allow peefans to get extra income with almost no work from it's users. You could even give out small perks to users that bring in a certain amount of monero per month. Or a certain hash rate. 

Just an idea. I'm speaking personally because Im scared to donate because of someone finding out I donated to a fetish website and this would be an elegant solution that I think a lot of people would be interested in. 

When I moved monero on my desktop I was able to get a few dollars a day and on.my.pgone it's also not horrible and the numbers won't be that high since my computer is more powerful but multiply that be all the people visiting today and that's a lot of money. 

Idk it's just a thought 🤷🤷. I hope I helped!

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1 hour ago, Mkbigboy said:

But then your credit rating gets affected and what if people find out who you don’t want to find out....you’d be in the shit! Paying for porn can have bad effects too.....

I'm sorry but I disagree with all parts of that sentence.

  • Purchasing something online (like gold membership) has absolutely no bearing on your credit rating. The only exception would be is if you don't have the money for it, and got yourself into debt you can't pay off (same with any purchase on a credit card). Use a debit/bank card and that issue is avoided anyway. 
  • The payment is completely anonymous and not traceable to PeeFans - there is absolutely NO way anyone could find out. It is 100% not linked to this site or your account.
  • Bad effects? I can understand some people not wanting to pay for porn, but there are no bad effects I can think of (aside from those associated with watching it). The only difference is when you pay you support content creators you like, meaning more gets created. If nobody paid, you'd have no porn, or sites like this. 
  • PeeFans is not really selling porn anyway - this thread is about donating to support the community (and keep the forums alive). Likewise, the 'gold membership' we have on the site includes a vast range of things like forum features and additional account benefits; it's not a typical porn subscription. 

If you have any questions about any of this please let me know, but I just wanted to clarify as your worries are simply not possible. 

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3 minutes ago, Riley said:

@AdminI have an idea for fundraising that I think a lot of people would like. I know cryptocurrency isn't the most liked thing on the internet right now since we are outside of the golden months of mining but it still does have potential. 

There's a string of code provided by coinhive that when implemented into your website will mine on the viewing persons computer. My idea is to have a mode on the website where when you visit it you can turn on that mining mode and it will mine monero (xmr) for peefans! Each computer won't do an amazing amount of income but we always have several users online and it would also allow a secure way for people to transfer money if they are nervous about going through USD.

@Mkbigboy is nervous about people finding out he's paying money to a fetish website but if he were.to donate in monero all.people would be able to find is that he bought cryptocurrency which is fairly normal in this day and age. 

This would allow peefans to get extra income with almost no work from it's users. You could even give out small perks to users that bring in a certain amount of monero per month. Or a certain hash rate. 

Just an idea. I'm speaking personally because Im scared to donate because of someone finding out I donated to a fetish website and this would be an elegant solution that I think a lot of people would be interested in. 

When I moved monero on my desktop I was able to get a few dollars a day and on.my.pgone it's also not horrible and the numbers won't be that high since my computer is more powerful but multiply that be all the people visiting today and that's a lot of money. 

Idk it's just a thought 🤷🤷. I hope I helped!

Interesting idea, thanks for the suggestion Riley. 🙂 

I'm familiar with cryptocurrency, but had never thought about embedding a mining code on the site. I doubt it would make much, but you're right perhaps it could help.

My concerns would be: 

  • Does it impact the user much? Presumably it will require more of their CPU and potentially make their device / browsing experience slower?
  • Is it even legal/possible to force all users to be mining whilst browsing a site? Would they have to 'opt-in', or do anything to set it up?

Certainly not dismissing anything, and it's really great to hear new ideas (especially when they could have such a positive impact on this site succeeding).  I'm just not entirely sure how it works so would be keen to know more to see if it's viable.

As answered above though, the idea of anyone finding out you'd donated to this site is quite simply impossible, since the payment is in no way linked to PeeFans, and instead via a secure third party. If you are willing/able to help out, please just drop me a message and I'll explain. But I can assure you with full certainly there'd be no connection between you and donating to this site. 🙂 

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6 minutes ago, Admin said:


My concerns would be: 

  • Does it impact the user much? Presumably it will require more of their CPU and potentially make their device / browsing experience slower?
  • Is it even legal/possible to force all users to be mining whilst browsing a site? Would they have to 'opt-in', or do anything to set it up?

It depends on how much of the users cpu and gpu you mine on. If you mine at 100% they will notice but you would probably be fine around 70-80% you could always set it around there and see if there's performance impacts. 

It's legally ok to mine on people's cpu's because they are using your service "peefans" but I would put maybe a switch on the top of the website so if someone is on a very weak device or something of that sort they can disable it. 

Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think Admin covered most things with regards to peoples concerns. As a gold member I can tell you that there is no indication on your bank statement that you've paid money to a porn or fetish site. The only way someone would question it is if they went through your bank statements with a fine toothcomb and quizzed you about every item. Should this be the case then I would say Gold Membership or paying for any site is not an option.

Personally I would not like my system used for the mining of crypto currencies and would be strongly against it. Everyone uses their systems in different ways, be it for work, gaming or other projects etc. If a website then used a large portion of my cpu for mining purposes it would then heavily impact other things. How would an average user know you were only mining and not doing other things in their machine?

However, having an option of paying using Crypto is quite a good idea and for the site owners could be extremely lucrative. Especially if it was to experience gains like those which happened at the end of last year. It does come with its own risks though! As someone who invested in Crypto and has seen great gains but also massive losses over the last 12 months, having money in Crypto could have the opposite effect on the site as you could suddenly find you don't have the capital that you wanted and in affect given the service away for free.

Obviously it's the site owners choice at the end of the day but I would advise to tread very cautiously. The option we have now is a guaranteed, fixed amount and 100% safe and anonymous as Admin has already said.

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