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Memories of an old friend

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7 hours ago, Clearestblur21 said:

It's about time I started sharing some of the pee experiences I've had. Unfortunately, I do not have a ton of stories to share, but a few that come to mind right now all involved one particular person I used to know. She was someone I used to work with (I'll call her Sarah in this post) and we ended up bonding and started to hang out outside of work. She was a social butterfly and a party animal, and while I'm quite the opposite, it was very fun to travel at her speed from time to time, even if it could get exhausting. She was also from the south, which evidently meant that she had no qualms about popping a squat to pee outside if she needed to (I found this out about her when I found a roll of toilet paper in her glove compartment and asked why she had that there.) I had heard her pee a few times when I was over her apartment before (she peed with force and did not feel any need to try covering up the sound by running the sink) but after learning about how fine she was with peeing outside, I had hoped that one day I could be around for that. 

I ended up getting my wish a few times. The first time was when we went to a concert with a couple other co-worker friends, and we had plans to hang out at their house afterwards. We had taken separate cars, and I was riding with Sarah. We ended up getting there before the others did, and when she parked the car, she texted how long they'd be before they'd get there. I noticed her knee bouncing up and down a bit. She got a text back saying that they were still gonna be a few minutes, and then she says "hey I'm gonna find a place to pee" and reaches for the glove compartment to grab her toilet paper. Rather impulsively, I respond with "I have to pee too, now that you mention it," trying to be coy and hiding my excitement. We both get out of the car and see  a dumpster by some bushes at the end of the parking lot that will make due. As we walk towards it, she says "ok you go left and I'll go right," and though I was frustrated that we were gonna have to separate for this, I wasn't gonna try to argue otherwise. We get to our opposite sides of the dumpster and I wait for her to start since I wasn't as desperate as she was. Soon enough, I hear her start to pee a strong stream, and she lets out a sigh and a "fuck yes" in relief. It became tougher to hear her once I started to pee as well, but that beginning got me pretty horny, even if I wasn't able to see it. When we finished, she tossed her bit of used toilet paper in the dumpster, and we walked back to the car acting like we didn't do anything suspect. 

But even later that night I got a somewhat better show. After we left our co-worker's place, we went back to Sarah's (I would crash on her couch on occasion when I was out drunk with her.) While we were driving back, she announces with annoyance that she has to pee again, and I ask if she needs to pull the car over. She says she can probably make it back, but I noticed her knee bouncing the same way it was earlier that night. Once we pull into the parking lot of her apartment complex, she states very matter of factly "ok once I park this car I'm literally going to get out and pee, I have to go so fucking bad." Her apartment was nearly on the top floor so I understood if she couldn't hold it that extra distance but I also had no objection to her plan. Sure enough, once we parked, she opened her door, pulled her pants down and perched her butt on the side bumper and started to piss a flood. I kept seated in the passenger seat next to her, listening to her flow for a while and getting hard. When she finished, she told me to hand her the toilet paper and I did. She wiped up, tossed the used paper beneath her car, and I got to see her curvy butt when she stood up to pull up her underwear and pants. By that time, I realized I needed to get out of the car too, and I slowly opened the door and stepped out, pretending to be more drunk and unaware than I actually was. She asked if I looked at her butt and I didn't respond, and she said "that means yes," and I let out a guilty laugh. She let out a laugh as well and jokingly said "hope you enjoyed it, pervert." 

I was very happy with that night, but I would end up having an even better pee moment with her months later. Once again happening after a concert, we had to walk a while to get back to my car since the available free parking was several streets away. Since I had drove this time, she had gotten quite drunk, and after a few blocks she says "let me know if you see a good place to pee." Once again I got excited, and I pointed out some big bushes by a church nearby. I walked with her to the area but made sure to keep a bit of distance to not come off weird, but she called for me when she got by the bushes. I asked if something was wrong and she says "can you hold me for balance? I think I'm gonna fall over." Again, I get very excited but I also ask how exactly that should be done. She tells me to stand on her feet, and she pulls down her pants and underwear and grabs my hands as she squats down. I kinda squat with her to be even with her body and I kinda lean away. Since we weren't by any lights, I couldn't really see her pussy that well, but I could see her pee stream splashing into the grass. Since it was a drunk pee, it started to get kinda wild and some of it ended up getting on our shoes. When she finished, she told me to hang on as she started to wiggle her butt around to shake off the leftover drops, then pulled up her underwear and pants with one hand, still holding onto mine with the other. When we started walking back to the car again, I brought up how she peed on my shoes a bit, and she apologized, saying she'd buy me lunch at work next time to make up for it. Thankfully I think she was too drunk to notice how rock hard I was. 

That ended up being the end of things for us though. Sarah quit her job there later that year and we tried to keep in touch, continuing to go to shows together every once in a while, but as it usually is with people who aren't appearing in your life daily, we started to drift apart more and more. Last I had heard from an old co-worker, she moved away a couple years ago, and when I tried texting her to try reconnecting, I never got a response. I of course wish that we could've had more pee moments like the ones mentioned, and when I think back on it, I wonder if she was a bit of an exhibitionist with peeing, or if she wanted someone to play around with more in that matter... 

 It is unfortunate that the bond was broken between you two however she did give you good memories and your story was a good read. Perhaps when your ready, you can share your other stories so that we can read it.



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Maybe she was an exhibitionist, or maybe just had no shame. Southern women tend to be less concerned about other peoples sensitivities. She may have been waiting for you to hit on her as well. Hard to tell. Either way, great stories.

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On 7/23/2018 at 1:17 PM, spywareonya said:

I have this kinda feeling

Something like "I'm here now's your turn"

Precisely. Especially when she asked if he looked at her ass. Didnt seem to mind having it seen by him.

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On 24 July 2018 at 3:17 AM, spywareonya said:

I have this kinda feeling

Something like "I'm here now's your turn"

I like this kind of feeling too. It's sad that so many people just don't realise its happening to them, and the whole good feeling just falls apart. How does the person feel, after doing all they can to signal their availability, have it ignored simply because it's not seen? 

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2 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

I like this kind of feeling too. It's sad that so many people just don't realise its happening to them, and the whole good feeling just falls apart. How does the person feel, after doing all they can to signal their availability, have it ignored simply because it's not seen? 

I have to agree with scot on this one. It is sad, and if I may add to your post, how many times that I hinted, (HOPING) he would pick up on what I said and I would say 1 out of 3 pick up on it which is not much. So yes, like scot said, the feeling falls apart quickly.

Guys, you need to understand one thing, we (women), don't really talk about things straight forward, we don't, well at least most women don't. You all need to improvise, make it sound like fun, funny or something challenging and please, with respect.


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5 hours ago, Sephora said:

I have to agree with scot on this one. It is sad, and if I may add to your post, how many times that I hinted, (HOPING) he would pick up on what I said and I would say 1 out of 3 pick up on it which is not much. So yes, like scot said, the feeling falls apart quickly.

Guys, you need to understand one thing, we (women), don't really talk about things straight forward, we don't, well at least most women don't. You all need to improvise, make it sound like fun, funny or something challenging and please, with respect.


it is always a fine line.   the man possibly does see the signal, and really wants to act on it, but doesn’t want to screw things up by reacting if the signal is not absolutely clear.   Women are very good at subtle hints that they expect men to recognise.   Men are less complicated creatures and would rather hear it straight so they are sure they know where they stand.  I am sure there are many good opportunities lost as a result of the difference of approach.

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Well dammit, I didn't realize this story would lead to re-evaluating whether or not I dropped the ball with someone who was into me. I did kinda feel a "what if she really likes me" type of thing when we got closer, but I guess I considered more of the reasons for why that wasn't gonna be the case. She was always very friendly and outgoing with everyone, so I didn't feel really special in the way she treated me, and also given her blunt nature, I guess I would've expected someone like her to just up and say how she felt if she did feel that way for me. I will admit I am pretty bad at picking up on clues and would rather someone just be up front about it, because god knows how many times I've tried to make a move on someone I liked who was not receptive to it at all. 

Now I almost wanna run some recent scenarios with you all so I can get some judgment on if they're into me or not lol

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4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

it is always a fine line.   the man possibly does see the signal, and really wants to act on it, but doesn’t want to screw things up by reacting if the signal is not absolutely clear.   Women are very good at subtle hints that they expect men to recognise.   Men are less complicated creatures and would rather hear it straight so they are sure they know where they stand.  I am sure there are many good opportunities lost as a result of the difference of approach.

I do admit we should be more clear. My husband tells me that its not Jeopardy lolol

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 2:16 PM, Sephora said:

Men are less complicated creatures

Aahahahaha I do NOT agree that much!!!

Men are more simple in what they want because are less ashamed, but for what concerns expressing it… oh boy, they are even more complicated than us girls!!!



On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 2:16 PM, Sephora said:

I do admit we should be more clear

yes, maybe we should eheheeh!!!

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