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About Me

Favourite Thing About Pee

Hottest Pee Experience

  1. Only one other person and that's a recent acquaintance who is also a devotee of the sport. She revealed it to wife Bonnie in a pee incident in the bathroom at work. Since then we've gotton much closer the 3 of us <wink>
  2. It's almost as if we were both carrying about an internal pump of high-test hormones, dispensed in huge amounts at random intervals the way we both get instantly horny for each other at odd times and places. The hint of one of her stupendous nipples appearing beneath a t-shirt can give me an instant boner of exceeding quality. A boner that is already dripping it's lube right out of its sheath -- the head reddened with excitement, my balls tightening in anticipation of releasing their cargo. Other times catching a whiff of her favorite Latina perfume, gifted upon her by her oh-so-sexy
  3. Bonnie and Me -- Our first pee experience Bonnie, my wife initiated our first pee sex experience on our third date. This is a true story of that experience. We'd had two other dates after we met at a drive-in restaurant, and we'd clicked immediately which led to an extended make-out handjob session on the second date, and I hoped to score a home run on this date. We were in the car returning from another burger-milkshake date and looking for a lonely back road to continue our mutual love session. Finding a farmer's road next to a cornfield I pulled in. She was immediatel
  4. Susie, Bonnie, 3 way - Part 2 The Jar After a number of orgasms accompanied by hot pee on the part of all parties, we're all in need of a brief rest and recovery as we regain control of our senses and catch our breath. We exit from the hot tub, Susie hands us generously sized bath towels as we stumble towards her kitchen to get a snack or two and replenish vital fluids. We've brought cheese, wine, and baguettes as well as other delicacies and enjoy nibbling as our tastes renew from the early round of pussy, cum, pee and hot tub water. It's all good though. As we're sitting ab
  5. I love your stories about Bonnie and Susie. Constantly rub my pussy while reading them. Would love to maybe join someday? ;)
  6. Where to start? Bonnie, Susie and i have been seriously busy over the past two days pleasuring each other in oh-so-many ways. It may take several installments to cover it all so we'll start at the beginning and see how much I can write at one time. Over here in West Texas it was July 4th weekend with fireworks, beer, barbecue and wet sex -- lots of wet sex -- as we Colonials celebrated the release of our servitude to the Crown -- Independence Day. We arrived at Susie's house at noon Monday bearing wine, beer, and a basket full of goodies intending to spend 2 days in and o
  7. Just had a rather tortuous pee this morning -- but I'm rather sore from the past two days of , uhm -- fun? Will be posting details later today about Bonnie and Susie and me.
  8. Wife Bonnie replies: 1. Dildo (or cock) in pussy holds pee in. I can't pee if something's blocking the hole. In ass is different story it puts pressure on the bladder and doesn't block the peehole. 2. I can clench mine shut and also force individual jets of pee at the very end until I am drained. 3. I have put the end of a rubber pastry brush in my urethra and masturbated with it. I don't do this often as I'd rather cum another way. Here he writes about my trying to pee while he is in me. Bonnie's urethra gets licked for the first time--True pee sex story Bonnie:
  9. YES! Bonnie will tease me under the table at a restaurant sometimes with a quick rub and has from time to time reached into her panties and presented a pussyfinger under my nose before she goes to the restroom to wash up. Then we're in a hurry to get to a bed. She also surprises me by saying while driving "pull over. I want to blow you" or such. Sometimes it's "sailor I have to pee and you have to watch me." Really puts the spice in a relationship.
  10. Guest

    Public toilets

    BONNIE outside at car: From wife Bonnie who reads this site over my shoulder from time to time: Depends on how clean the toilet and floor is whether I hover or not. I do not like to risk my panties getting dirty from water on the floor if they were to slip down as they do when I am sitting. I prefer to sit as hovering you have to hold up your skirt and panties and also maintain your balance but I will hover if I have to. Outside it is a squat usuallay but sometimes I bend over and send the pee out the back but then I have the problem of piss on my anus which I have to wipe. If I'm j
  11. Bonnie just came home from work and greeted me in the doorway with a firm hard kiss on the lips and her nervous hot little hand down my pants. Instantly I was hard as I felt her knowing thumb and forefinger slide back the foreskin and circle my cock around the rim. Her crushing hug forced her nipples against my chest and they were as firm as my hardon. I know she had something sexy to tell me. "Mmm.. babe" I muttered as my hands groped her ample bottom, spreading open her cheeks through her dress and siding it up above them. "What's got you in the mood so soon today?" She g
  12. Wow. My wife Bonnie does likewise if by herself and I help her with that if I'm with her during clandestine pee episodes. Would love to hear a detailed description of the times you have enjoyed. Something about the naughtiness, the racing hormones, the hot wetness of the pee on tender engorged horny bits makes you just have to cum.
  13. Interesting developments this week friends -- I'm keeping my fingers crossed... Bonnie arrives home a bit later than usual tonight -- in fact 2 hours later as she's told me she'll be going out 'with the girls at work' for a bit after she's done. Which is OK as she does this about once a month. The 'girls' usually hit a couple of bars and have some margueritas and such. When she arrives, slightly inebriated, she gives me a big hug and kiss and looks exceptionally flushed in her cheeks, and is giving off all the signs of a horny woman who needs sex right away. "Oooh baby come
  14. Bonnie -- the no -go list Bonnie has told me that she wouldn't mind a 3 way sexcapade with me and Susie, but has let me know there will be ground rules: Bonnie: You know I"ve never fooled around with another woman before, Jimmy. And I know you've not been with another man. So how we go about this 3 way thing with Susie? Won't she want her husband too? Me: I've got nothing against a good blowjob, but I don't think I'm ready for one from another guy just yet. Yeah would be a problem if Sue's hubby wanted in. Bonnie: I agree. Will have to be just you and me and her. Now as f
  15. Wow it's been a while since I've posted and then the server's been down. Latest true story for you. Your comments are welcomed by both myself and Bonnie (who really gets hot reading them). Bonnie and Susie: Part 3 Bonnie: Have some news about Susie today: Me: Oh? Spill it Bonnie: This morning she says to me hey let's go over to the Burger Shack for lunch today. My husband gave me coupons 2 for 1. So that's where we went. And the coupons were for those 40 ounce drinks too so you know we both had to pee when we finished eating Me: Sounds hot to me Bonnie: You know it. Su
  16. Bonnie and Susie's conversation: After Bonnie got home from work that day we both got naked over a pitcher of Margueritas and she told me more about her encounter with "Susie" in the bathroom of her workplace. As you may recall, she'd opened the unlocked door of the lavatory, desperate to pee, and saw Susie squatting over the waste container full of used paper towels by the sink, panties down in full pee flow. As I massage Bonnie's nipples gently and she playfully squeezes my hardened boner she tells me more about it: Bonnie: I saw Susie in the lunchroom an hour later, and
  17. Was asked earlier about Bonnie and peeing by the side of the road ... here ya go from last year. Enjoy.
  18. Bonnie and Me -- first pee experience Bonnie, my wife of ten years, initiated our first pee sex experience on our third date. This is a true story of that experience. We'd had two other dates after we met at a drive-in restaurant, and we'd clicked immediately which led to an extended make-out handjob session on the second date, and I hoped to score a home run on this date. We were in the car returning from another burger-milkshake date and looking for a lonely back road to continue our mutual love session. Finding a farmer's road next to a cornfield I pulled in. She was i
  19. Sometimes a bit of vaseline if chapped from prior oral activities the night before. Sometimes Bonnie doesn't know her own strength. She's able to suck-start a Harley.
  20. 5 AM up early making coffee , Bonnie still asleep. Big day ahead for work. Open door is chilly outside 45 degs but it's light out and birds are singing. Stepped outside on rear deck totally starkers and over the edge of the deck, skinned back the Liquidator and let it fly for a refreshing long steamy bladder pleasing pee. Ah the simple pleasures of a rural life.
  21. That's a perfect description of my wife Bonnie. One would never know and yet that's what makes it soooo hot
  22. Bonnie encounters co-worker peeing into waste basket My phone rang last week and on the other end, calling from a bathroom stall at her workplace was my wife who frequently dials when she's peeing so we can enjoy her pee together (and frequently a frantic wank). The bathroom she's calling from is a one-toilet women's lavatory for the office help in a small machine-shop. There are no partitions -- the toilet is right there near the sink and mirror. Me: Hey babe how's your day going? Bonnie: Just fine this is my second pee so far. The first one was quite revealing though. Me
  23. Guest

    Names for our bits.

    Love "chow chooey" female ejaculation. Gonna shout that the next time Bonnie cums in my mouth
  24. Had a nice just-after-dawn back deck pee this AM as I was up very early doing some 'puter work and had coffee at 5 AM. Birds were yakking up a storm and it was very peaceful but a bit chilly this am. Nice steam came from the stream and the patch of ground where it hit. Titillating and refreshing, all at the same time. Shook if off thoroughly before resheathing my member and tucking it back into my sweats. Of course then another morning hardon began to show itself, so I went in and woke up Bonnie <grin>
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