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About Spot24

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  • Birthday 11/24/1973

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Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Desperate ameteur public peeing

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  1. A couple spring to mind, both a long time ago. 1. A group of us were staying for the weekend in a house out in the country, super quiet. The room my wife and I were in had a door to one of the main bathrooms, making it kind of en suite, with a second door to the main living areas. I work early, it had been so dark out in the country I woke to the first rays of sun. I lay under the covers protected from the cold morning air. I heard foot steps in the house and recognised them as my sister-in-law, they got closer and she entered the attached bathroom and quickly closed the door before plopp
  2. That reminds me of an situation many years ago. As a postgrad student, I'd take anatomy labs for nursing students. They had human cadaver specimens that we used, these were stored in fluid and displayed on tables that drained into a bucket at one end. When they were freshly displayed it was not unusual for a slow stream to dribble into the bucket. It was early in the year and I had just started a class with a group of first year students, being nursing they were mostly girls. I noticed a group having a discussion amongst themselves and not paying any attention to the work. I wandered
  3. Thanks everyone for your responses so far. I agree with what you are all saying. I was thing, if I did meet someone I recognised from a video I might say something like "Have we met before?" or "Do I know you from somewhere?" and judge their reaction to gauge if they are interested in striking up a conversation or not.
  4. I often wonder what I would do if I met someone in my day to day life, maybe even a server in a shop or someone on a bus, that I recognised from a pee or porn video online, or saw someone I already knew in a video. Would I say something or pretend I did not recognise them? Has this even happened to you? And if so What did you do?
  5. The house we lived in a few years ago had a courtyard with a bathroom/laundry room off it. I would be the last to bed at night and would go put the laundry on and have a shower before bed. One night I was busting for a pee and sat on the floor in front of the washer (it was a front loader) putting the clothes in before I got undressed. I started leaking, I soon gave in and completely soaking myself - it felt fantastic. It worked out perfectly, I could put my wet clothes into the washing machine to be washed, most of the pee run down the drain in the floor and the shower to care of th
  6. Definately Thomas's for me too. I loved the series of squat images (long before video on the internet) they were amazing. I have a chuckle to myself whenever they pop up as something new or original.
  7. Like this? https://amp.nine.com.au/article/fc5adece-686d-47b2-84c5-8749146ef6df
  8. Just last week I was stuck in traffic driving to work as they were doing some roadworks on one of the streets. I watched this attractive 20 something girl in hi-vis workwear (maybe a traffic controller) walk down the street from the work site looking into different shops. There was a cafe right where I was, it was the only shop open. From the door she asked the guy something I could not hear. I presume it was if they had a toilet because he lead her to a service way a few doors down before he returned alone and the traffic started to move. Got me thinking about how road workers pee,
  9. I started a long time ago now. Must have been 1994 using a nothing more than a text terminal. The stories on Wetset were the go as a result. The first pictures I remember seeing were from a UK site called Thomas' Water Resources. There was a series of 10 that are forever imprinted in my mind. You still see them posted from time to time, the ultimate repost for me!
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