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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Yeah, not really fitting the topic but this one is a classic, I love it !
  2. Do you flush or let your piss there ? And yeah I don't understand why he walk forward in the end, most of the dudes just let the stream finish on the floor. Not your place not your problem lol.
  3. Yeah this one definitely count, love how some piss with the door open and don't flush. And yeah that dude just started to piss on the ground, fucking hot!
  4. Nice videos but not really cause they're doing it on purpose which kinda defeat the point of the post.
  5. So cool ! Can you give us more details about the mess they make ?
  6. Yeah same, I kinda don't care where it goes usually, I almost always make a mess, not my place not my problem. But I love when other dudes share that mentality !
  7. Surprising, I've heard that construction workers piss anywhere and on everything. Must be different with each country. Can you tell us more about where that trainee piss ?
  8. Man it's so cool that you just showed him that he can piss wherever he want. Cause that's normal for dude to just relieve themselves wherever they want. Are your coworker also cool about pissing everywhere ?
  9. I love how construction worker just piss wherever they want, when you piss in insulation doesn't it like soak the wall and permanently leave a mark and smell ?
  10. Yeah pissing on car is a classic, just stand there and use it as urinal. Funny how most of the time my stream en up on the handle even when I'm not really trying to aim that way. Some times when we're drunk me and my friends can jump on the roof of some dar and piss all over it.
  11. Fuck it's hot ! And yeah it would have been neat of be had just joined and pissed. I mean now was his chance to just relieve himself without being shouted at.
  12. Of course if you wanna share pictures or videos please do. But pls only one involving messy or careless piss as voluntary piss trashing isn't really the subject here. Like if you found a mess someone else made with his careless pissing, or yours or a video on the internet pls share it so we all enjoy it. 😉
  13. I think I I'll lead the way. About one time I've done it, yeah I rarely take care to aim properly when not at home. One time I was in the toilet of the movie theatre and I had taken out my cock to piss. I was focused on my phone however, talking to some friend so I wasn't really paying attention to where I was pissing so by the time I was over there was piss all over the bowl. One other time I was waiting at the same toilet and there was this dude pissing with the door open. He was talking to his friend in the other stall, I could see his stream splashing on the bowl. As he was not v
  14. One thing I find incredibly hot is when dudes have bad aim when they piss and it doesn't bother them. Like, they're not trying to trash/mark he place with their piss, they're just careless and couldn't give two fuck about making a mess which they won't clean anyway. So if you're that kinda guy or if you've seen that kind of stuff please share this here it'd be so cool !
  15. I like those ideas, I might take inspiration for some ! 😉
  16. What do you think his roommate could do in his bedroom next ?
  17. Same where I'm from, I've seen so many cops pissing. Usually the one that can cause problems are the old ones, but the young don't care and will miss anywhere. One day I was at my friend's apartment and there was some trouble in the building and police showed up, as they were doing their stuff some of them used the stairwell to piss.
  18. Doesn't it impregnate the surface especially if the walls are made of wood or smth ? Also I've heard that drywallers fill walls with piss bottles.
  19. Man it's so much easier this way, head for the bedroom, piss and go back to having fun.
  20. I don't know I don't keep a notebook of them sry 😅
  21. Yeah the bed is often used to fuck, it'll be trashed too anyway cause some dudes that didn't take condoms with them would just pull out and shoot their load all over the sheets. And yeah the bedroom is one of my first choice too, I almost always go either in a corner or in the closet as I let the girls use the drawers cause it's more practical for them.
  22. Yeah the little trash and are a classic, but they become like landmines. If someone accidentally push them over it's a wave of piss that flood the room lmfao. I figure walk in closet are especially practical for girls cause you get to have your privacy plus you can take some clothes to wipe yourself when you're done. Dod you saw your friend piss anywhere else ?
  23. Yeah, and by the time the party is over and the rooms are trashed everyone is leaving so it's to late. Where do you usually piss ?
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