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About peeingeverywhereallthetime

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Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    peeing in naughty places
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    I peed off a moving freight train while hanging off side in broad daylight while going under a busy overpass.
    I've also peed all over a lot of stuff in abandoned buildings of all different kinds including an abandoned school.

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  1. yeah i been noticing that too. i think it might have something to do with all the new security measures on pornhub and other sites getting more thorough verification and stuff and deleting so much content. it sucks that there was so much collateral from that even though its probably an effective way to crack down on and prevent illegal unmoral stuff that was ending up there. still though that cant be the entire problem im sure its just one factor contributing to this but ive definitely been noticing the same thing.
  2. I mean that makes sense until you factor in that I was peeing on that thing for like more than 30 seconds and nothing was happening and its obvious that theirs no electricity because the lights were clearly off and all the wire were like torn out and stuff. if that thing was still live i woulda been electrocuted instantly not 20 minutes after i stopped recording or something like that so it would be pretty obvious in the video also there woulda been like sparks and stuff probably which there wern't as dumb as I am I did check to make sure it was actually dead before peeing on it and I put
  3. So I posted a video of me peeing on a dead electrical panel in this one abandoned building I went into with some buddies a while ago and erome took my video down and gave me a notification threatening to delete me account if i post it again saying its "inappropriate" Like first of all its a porn site so like why is that a thing? second of all what makes that video any more inappropriate than others of me peeing on stuff in abandoned buildings which weren't taken down? anybody know what the hell is up with that. cuz this all just kinda seems really weird. honestly Im not surprised I w
  4. Maybe you could make a throw away google account upload it to the drive set it so anyone with the share link can view it then put that link here idk thats my best suggestion.
  5. Well done. Again. Looking forward to seeing more from this.
  6. I stole some mannequins from this abandoned store my buddies and I broke into. the stuff left in there is all abandoned by the owner who no longer cares what happens to any of it so its not like we did anything immoral just illegal technically. anyway while jacking off to some porn one day I had to pee really badly and I wasn't gunna be able to hold it long enough to finish. I thought about just peeing on the floor at my computer but then I had an even better idea. I went over to one of the mannequins with tits and let out about half my bladder on it. I would have emptied out but the puddle wa
  7. yeah this was a great series I wish it would never end. I really hope there is more to come.
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