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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. I went through an exercise of trying to find a payment processor, none of them operate for any one in Australia, probably banned by a government ‘initiative’.

    Most of them just replied with an abrupt ‘Dont contact us again’ but one replied with some info on trying to get my project off the ground. 

    All of the credit card payment restrictions (for porn related industries) were apparently instigated by VISA, due to their reputation (shock, horror) being tarnished. There was no mention of the obscene profits being made, surprisingly.

    The pee porn that's happening lately is getting over the top, things like 10 guys on 1 girl, rough gangbang style, its not fun anymore, nothing like the old Magma, or Videorama titles from the 90’s.

    There is still a lot out there, trying using alternative measures in finding things, and I don't mean Google, lol.


    • Like 2
  2. I met my wife in 2005, and married her soon after, almost 20 years ago now. She was more kinky and depraved than I was back then, but now, due to failing health and medication, we've slowed down somewhat.

    I'm not lonely, we do normal things, shower, walk around the house naked, snuggle up and watch movies/TV together. We are soul mates.

    As for sharing our kink? No, it's not the done thing, and although it's dried up and no longer a part of us, we have our memories, those memories are ours, only shared on here. 

    I can talk to other like-minded people about our kink, Mrs has no problem with me doing that, so we are content.

    • Like 1
  3. Wow, a 10 year old thread. How much can change in 10 years?

    I've moved house twice, now in our forever home, lol.

    Hobbies include Computers and internet, networking (Homelab) and different operating systems, I'm still using UNIX in 2024.

    PC games with or without VR, PS5 again, with or without VR.

    Also do pc based music using Reaper.

    Got back into electronics, experimenting with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, both with a multitude of different sensors, after all, everyone wants to build a better.… something.

    As you've probably guessed, I have way too much free time.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm mostly naked at home, it's liberating even if no one sees you.

    Mrs came home, and unexpectedly bought a friend home with her, guess who came in first. It was a frantic couple of minutes, with the Mrs laughing. Her friend didn't know where to look, lol. 

    Now the doors are locked if I'm going about naked.

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    • Hug 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    I have 2 or 3 usually. And each orgasm feels unique. 

    M can do 6 before she pushes me away, I love the taste and she sleeps like a baby after, lol.

    And no, I don't get tired.

    • Love 3
  6. Imagefap is ok here in Australia. Ipad and Windows 11. No antivirus software used here at all.

    I do have an OpnSense firewall running, but it's not fully configured yet.

  7. Sometimes, you can meet your life partner, by a total accident. It happened to me in 2005, in a tiny little hotel in the UK, in a quaint little village on the border of Scotland and England. I was jet lagged, tired, still trying to come to grips with the sun in the southern sky, when I said something to the local gentry.

    They were laughing over some poor girl who had wet her jeans walking home, I just said she sounded like a fun girl, and got several blank looks and a stony silence so I left them to it. The same girl turned up at the fine establishment that night, and 'the good ole boys' told her what I said. I think they wanted to see an explosion of some kind when she confronted me, but it never happened. We hit it off that night, found our mutual limits (she did everything I dreamed of) and we were married 5 months later. We also 'corrupted' another giddy slip of a girl into our way of life, but she left after 12 years or so.

    I've been in hog heaven for nearly 20 years, and while her health is failing, we are still good together. If I had ignored the conversation that was going down in the bar that night, none of this would have happened.

    It can happen, just be at the right place right time? There are so many people on this planet, so many different ways that people think and react, you will never know if there is no interaction with them.

    • Love 4
  8. 4 hours ago, Sophie said:

    I watched "The Beekeeper" yesterday morning.

    It's an awesome action movie staring Jason Statham, with very little filler. You don't really have to pay much attention to the plot so you can just watch Jason Statham beating up bad guys, or Jason Statham slapping someone around with a stapler.

    Did I mention it stars Jason Statham? 😍

    Oi, M said to leave him alone, rofl. 

    • Haha 3
  9. On 3/7/2024 at 6:00 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    That's the one - although I nearly deleted this post when it popped up the 'Facebook sign in' screen (close that and the clip plays).

    Lol, me too.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, clockwatcher said:

    Some positivety here, I'd quite enjoy it actually.

    I nice train journey sitting in pee, couldn't ask for more.



    Lol, it’s not my cup of pee … err tea either, but this kind of thing has a following, we don’t shoot other people’s fantasies down. Look around the site, interact with people, check out our rules. Above all enjoy yourself, and let others enjoy themselves too.

  11. @clockwatcher Why are you here?

    You've made 2 posts, both of them negative, negative enough to have someone report you. You may not like what people post on here, but there is no call to moan about it publicly. If you don't like something you see, just move on. On the internet, this is practically engraved in granite.

  12. Mmm, the MCG. We’ve been to football there more times than I can remember, and by half time M is bursting, never fails, lol. She does wait for the game to begin again, but it doesn’t always work out. The lines for the female toilets are lengthy, with lots of women standing with crossed legs. On football days, it’s a brave girl that attempts to use the men’s toilet. 

    Just seems weird that the demographic changes with what’s currently on. 

    The original Reddit post got a fair bit of comment, most of it unkind to those girls/women.

    I have visions of ‘Moxie’s’ out of Cyberpunk, Google if you haven’t played or seen them. If that ever happens, we’ll be staying home.

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