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Everything posted by CrissyP

  1. You gotta learn to do it standing up.
  2. Somehow I think they get a perverse enjoyment out of knowing we're going to struggle with it. Those guys are probably all members here and we just don't know it.
  3. There supposed to have a funnel attachment for females, but they never seem to have one. Probably on purpose.
  4. Picky, picky! I was beginning to get concerned that it was going to overflow. Have you ever had to pee in one of those little cups they give you to do a urine test? I hate them!!!! :banghead:
  5. I think this thread needs to be put to bed. Enough is enough from all sides. Let it go, give it up and move on.
  6. Sometimes your hands are dirtier than your penis. When you use a public restroom, your penis isn't touching the door handles or anything else that might be harboring germs, your hands are. Women have to contend with dirty toilet seats and stall handles. Then there's the faucet handles on the sink. Your hands might be clean when you shut it off, but what about when you turn it on. In hospitals, faucets have large handles you can turn off with your arm or elbow.
  7. Here's mine...... Just shy of 16 oz. (.459 L)
  8. A photo of me, taken by my ex. husband is floating around out there. It's appeared on WGP a couple of times. No, I'm not telling which one it is!
  9. Welcome! Always great to meet another pee lover.
  10. Usually skirt up and panties down, if I'm wearing panties.
  11. CrissyP


    Just like Superman, I didn't think Wonder Woman ever had to pee!
  12. I would be very upset! What goes on in the privacy of your home, behind closed doors and windows is PRIVATE. It's nobody's business and shouldn't be discussed with friends and neighbors. Fannywatcher is right, here we're all anonymous (pretty much), and free to discuss our private interests without anyone judging us. You don't want to get a "reputation", and be the one that people point out and say, "Hey, that's the girl that likes to pee on her boyfriend". Not that there's anything wrong with that. In a closed circle of friends, it may be different. I know we girls and guys do talk amo
  13. Here's where my 50% came from: 5 - Sink 6 - Shower/bath 7 - Bed 8 - Bathroom floor 9 - Kitchen floor 10 - Beer, wine or champagne glass 15 - On somebody else 17 - Many inappropriate vessels 19 - On clothing 20 - In someone's mouth
  14. Aw man, too late. Paulypeeps beat me to the punch!
  15. V - Vacation, if you don't like that; Vulva.
  16. Q - Queue. I once peed while waiting in a line.
  17. K - Knickers for all you guys in the UK.
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