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Everything posted by CrissyP

  1. I was 17, he was the same age. We had sex in the back seat of his dad's car. I played around a number of times before, but this was the first time I had vaginal intercourse.
  2. Last weekend the weather was so great, my boyfriend and I decided to go for a drive into the mountains about two hours away. We ended up in this big state park with a large man-made lake and a dam. We arrived at the visitor’s center and discovered it wasn’t open for the season yet. There were restrooms, but they weren’t open either. The nearest facilities were miles away. About a dozen or so people; couples and families with children were walking along the walkway overlooking the lake and dam. Some people were sitting on benches or at picnic tables. My boyfriend needed to pee, so he we
  3. I actually got banned from Experience Project. I guess they didn't appreciate my fine literary contributions. And when I told them that.... I got banned!
  4. Gotta watch out for poison ivy!
  5. I've been timing myself over the last few days using the stopwatch on my phone: Peed 18 times. Shortest was 9 seconds (pitiful!). Longest was 1 minute 4 seconds. Average pee time: 34.4 seconds. Did not include the dribbles at the end.
  6. Again....... There are people, especially females, who would never dream of doing that.
  7. Wow!!!! I am wondering what the record is? Is there anything in the Guinness World Records? If there isn't, there should be!
  8. So very true! I've gone biking on "The Great Allegheny Passage", which is not too far from me. In some of the sections, facilities are few and far between. I know people who have passed on the opportunity to enjoy this activity because, "What if I need to use the bathroom?"
  9. I've peed along biking/hiking trails a number of times. Sometimes there's no place to go for privacy. I've had people pass me as I was peeing, and every time, they just keep going. If we make eye contact, I'll give them a little smile. I mean, I'm caught, what am I going to do! Somewhere a while back, I stumbled upon a website (wish I could find it again), that explained proper etiquette when you need to relieve your self in such circumstances. And what you should do if you encounter someone relieving themselves along the way.
  10. Now that the weather is getting better, I started going out for a run in the mornings. I like to run along a bike/hiking trail not far from where I live. One morning I drove into one of the parking areas and put my car two spots away from a car that had a girl sitting in the passenger seat. A young, good looking guy was standing behind the open door on her side of the car peeing as the girl watched. They must have been out on the trail and when they got back to the car, he really had to go. I could easily see he was putting out quite a stream as he held his circumcised cock. He didn’t se
  11. As a former stripper (that's how I paid my way through college) in a classy "gentlemen's club", I had the opportunity to pee on stage one time. I asked the manager, who told me I could do it as the last set of the night, and I would be responsible to clean any mess. It was around 1:30 am and only a few stragglers left in the club. I went on stage and did my first two numbers, then during the last song; I leaned back against the pole, spread my legs and let go. I guess I was holding it too long, I really had to go. The powerful stream arced out and hit the front edge of the stage, then it
  12. I love watching and being watched. It's especially fun if it's unexpected.
  13. My favorite way to introduce my guys into peeing is; "I have to pee, would you like to watch?" I've not been turned down too often. I think most guys, even if they're not into pee, wouldn't refuse an opportunity to watch a girl pee, especially if it's OK with her.
  14. From what I've been able to determine from real life experience; there are many more male members of the population who are into pee than females. That makes me one of the vast minority. Yes, I do enjoy it and yes, it turns me on! I also think there are many more both male and female who are not willing to admit it, especially the females.
  15. The scene is definitely not hardcore, but I found it very erotic.
  16. Did anyone catch Season 3 / Episode 4 of the History Channel's Vikings? It aired last night (March 12), and the episode is called, "Scarred". About 6 minutes from the beginning, there was a terrific Golden Shower scene. Princess Kwenthrith lifts her velvet robe and squats over Ragnar"s wounded chest and urinates. Ragnar's reaction and the look on Kwenthrith's face as she pees are priceless. And you can't miss the wet spot on Ragnar's tunic as she rises. Knowing History Channel, this episode will be airing repeatedly for some time. I suggest you try to catch it.
  17. I've been on a boat a couple of times and had to pee. Each time, I was wearing a bikini and I just pulled it down a bit and hung my back side over the edge. Luckily, there was a railing to hang on to. I never worried about using TP. Once we were on a crowded river and the "over the edge" thing wouldn't work; so I squatted, pulling my bikini bottom to the side and peed into a plastic container.
  18. I agree with Egwalrus that it probably is the body losing control from the pleasure..... It's happened to me. It is true that over time we tend to lose muscle control down there, it's normal. I suggest "Kegel" exercises; easy to find via Google Search. She may also want to consider using Ben-was balls to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. They have the added advantage of providing pleasure as they do their work. If she does go that route...... Try having vaginal sex with them inserted :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:!
  19. Almost clear, with a slight tinge of yellow for me. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) will cause otherwise clear pee to turn yellow. Don't overdo it though..... The recommended daily intake is only 1.4 mg. You can take larger doses, up to 100 mg without any problems. Always take it with plenty of water. You will be peeing yellow in no time.
  20. Wouldn't bother me at all..... Except maybe get me a bit excited. I'd hope there's no farts. I'd be a little embarrassed about that. I might even try to use a urinal.
  21. Tongue....... How could I miss that? That's the best thing to wipe with!!!:thumbsup:
  22. TP, tissues, napkins from the fast food restaurants and quite frequently, nothing. No hair down there, less mess!
  23. My shoes have gotten wet many, many times. Hard pavement is the worst, splashes everywhere. Grass is good, so is low plants as you mentioned. Just gotta watch out for poison ivy, especially in the dark.
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