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Everything posted by James_erased

  1. And for the final instalment of that particular hotel room evening of naughty pissing, I sat on the desk chair and took aim at the front of the desk and of course giving an equally nice soaking to the carpet below. If there was any visual representation of how horny pissing somewhere naughty makes me, it’s fairly well reflected here given that you’ll see I immediately have to start masturbating after finishing pissing, before then rather swiftly also adding a nice load to the carpet, too 🥵 CW warning: Cum shot https://www.redgifs.com/watch/distincticybarb
  2. Thank you, Maggie! You know I always love your praise and encouragement for such acts 😉 I was just thinking of the better condition I’d left the room in for future guests, right? Well I’m glad you enjoyed this behind the scenes peek at my naughty pissing in your home county, then! 😉 But oh, I’ve never pissed in a DIY store before, I can’t pretend it doesn’t appeal, though.. is there any particular reason you like them for naughty pissing so much? Thank you! ah it’s always such a rewarding turn on having such approval expressed in regards to my acts of naughty pissing 😍 and you
  3. This was another piss from that same hotel room; this time opting to start by the door and then unleash a nice torrent whilst walking across, finishing up by giving the ironing board a nice hosing down 😈💦 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/cyanmalemammal
  4. This was at a hotel I was staying at down in Devon for the weekend - I actually had a (fleeting) thought of being ‘good’ and not pissing in the room, however that notion soon went out the window pretty much as soon as I needed to go! A nice naughty hosing down of the wall of which soaked into the carpet soon ensued - much more fun than using the bathroom itself 🤫 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/wonderfulprestigiousquoll
  5. When pissing somewhere I ‘shouldn’t’, I certainly flit between enjoying focussing it on a particular area, and whilst also walking around and helping spread it further! 😉 I’m pleased to hear it’s something you’ve also at least tried - which place(s) did you attempt it?
  6. Next up, after spending the afternoon at the pub and quality testing several pints of beer, I’d got a taxi home and was definitely in need of a piss. I of course could have just crossed the road and used my home toilet, however the alleyway beside me was looking far more inviting. Cue whipping my cock out, and relieving myself in glorious fashion whilst walking down it, followed by a nice bit of piss marking up the fence for the finale 😉 there’s just something about the added riskiness of pissing whilst walking in an outdoor setting that makes it extra exhilarating.. https://www.redgifs.
  7. Given that I’ve finally got round to signing up to a website to post my pissing videos to, I thought I’d create a dedicated thread where I can also share them here as and when I upload them, as opposed to simply sharing screenshots from them as I’ve always done beforehand! Firstly, we have a rather naughty train toilet piss on a journey I took a little while ago from London up to the midlands. I think it’s safe to say my aim towards the toilet was (for some reason) a little off on this particular morning, no? 😉 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/dangerousrashbellfrog
  8. I went out running this afternoon and found myself needing to piss, so I of course stopped and whipped it out right there to just brazenly do so on the trail path! The naughty pissing and having my cock not only out but also exposed to the lovely sun was quite the turn on - I was half tempted to also masturbate there and then, but sadly needed to crack on and get my run finished! Still, a very enjoyable public piss nevertheless 😍
  9. You may be even more glad to hear I didn’t use the toilet *at all* for that particular hotel stay, using various places throughout the room to piss instead! But yes, I always do particularly enjoy soiling the hotel room carpet with a nice long piss - especially one that leaves such a significant puddle it hasn’t even fully dried before checking out!
  10. Well gosh, Maggie.. what can I say? ..guilty as charged! 😳 (I may or may not have pissed all over the sink etc in there, too 🤫)
  11. It’s a club I love being part of! Although ‘getting a hard on’ would appear to be somewhat understating the matter, at least in my case.. 😇 I couldn’t help but be a little surprised at just how visible my haze below was; I think my vitamin tablets helped give it an extra nice yellowy colour! Not only did it encourage me to keep rather brazenly pissing even more, but I was also sure to stand extra still to reduce any surface movement and increase the chances of visibility for what I was going into the pool water 😈 I love that you find it incredibly sexy, and hope you’d have been happily ey
  12. I’m still very much a fully fledged member of the guys getting a hard on from things you’ve written club! In fact, even just your recent responses in here couldn’t help but turn me on 🤫 Might you be pleased to hear that one of my most recent pool pisses formed quite the abundant, distinctive yellow hazy cloud from all out the front of my swim shorts? And that it didn’t at all deter me, but the exhilaration from how apparent it was just spurred me on to keep going?
  13. I always shake, regardless - but if there is paper available then I’ll also use that too in order to ensure everything is properly dry down there.. if I’m pissing at a urinal or outdoors etc then it’ll be a more thorough shaking before popping my cock back in
  14. An excuse to get my arse out? Oh, go on then.. 😉
  15. It seems my stream missed the toilet completely.. we can blame the motion of the train, right? 🤫
  16. Just enjoyed whipping my cock out and pissing all over the floor outdoors as I please - so much more satisfying than wasting it in a conventional toilet 😈
  17. What on earth makes you suggest that maybe I had got there before you..? 👀😜
  18. I completely agree - peeing in parks is absolutely the best use of the surroundings! Last summer, I went to soak up some sunshine on the field in my local park, deliberately wearing shorts and no boxers as I did so - that way I could just kneel where I was, pull my shorts up and nonchalantly relieve myself right there out the side of them onto the grass! Also, this park does have public toilets - but like you rightly say, it’s much more fun to deliberately not use them 😉
  19. Hey, Sam! So how did you first realise your piss kink? And how long ago was this?
  20. Walking home and needing to piss.. why release it upon getting home when I can just get my cock out in public and piss mark the lamppost instead? 😏
  21. Have a good run mate! Steady pace and good playlist.. hopefully some good comfy running shoes too? And you’ll be grand 🤙🏼
  22. Haha, great use of ‘stopped for a slash’! And good work on your half, too. I did a half marathon last weekend, and almost ended up having to do the same. Upon heading to the start line, I had the initial inklings of needing a piss, but it was too late to trek back to the toilet - fortunately I was able to hold out for the 21km without it growing any more noticeable. Time-wise I didn’t have any particular target set, although did have at the back of my mind that it would be lovely to finish in sub 2 hour; so it was a pleasant surprise when I crossed the finish line on 01:58! I
  23. Have you really stayed in a hotel room if you actually use the toilet to piss in? 👀 I much prefer just going all up the wall and let it soak into the carpet..
  24. So today I ended up having a fairly incredible piss.. I was getting the supporters coach to football, and had been in the pub for a few drinks beforehand - consuming just shy of two litres of fluids whilst there. I did utilise the facilities before leaving the pub, but ultimately had not relieved myself of all said fluids - far from it. The coach usually has an onboard toilet, however todays one did not. I had a feeling the rest of my drinks would catch up with me at some point on the journey, but fear not - it would just be a relatively short one hour trip to get there. And then, the M25
  25. I can’t say I’ve any experience with a nude colony, as such - but I HAVE been to a nude beach (in Greece), and oh boy was I in my element 🤤 Getting to be naked in front of others, in the sunshine, and it be totally okay? Having others be totally naked in front of me? All so so good! I can’t wait to go to another..
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