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Everything posted by bulge

  1. a good test to start i line up
  2. they are good categories to start, we just need to have participants
  3. since the olympic games are taking place they say we do some competitions but ours are related to pee does anyone want to participate and be the gold medal
  4. experience very well described everything in detail you could feel when reading what you felt in the parking lot
  5. bulge

    Hello all!!

    welcome i hope i can share good pees
  6. yes watermelon is made up of a lot of water so the bladder will fill faster and in the summer it feels good to eat watermelons ahahah
  7. for me coke makes my bladder fill more
  8. today I drank 2l water before work to see if I could make it home, but at lunchtime I had to go pee my bladder was about to burst I think I drank too much
  9. tomorrow I will retrain my bladder some suggestions?
  10. I have to see how I can drink more if you were what you were doing?
  11. how much more should i drink?
  12. how much more should i drink?
  13. did you like my challenge today?
  14. holding 9 hours at work 5:10 AM I woke up took a shower and took a piss 5:20 am I had breakfast (toast and 200ml chocolate milk plus 2 glasses of water) 6 am I started to work 7 am starting to feel like going to pee 8:00 am snack (banana 2 glasses of water and 200ml icete) 10 am strong will but still quiet time when on a normal day i would pee 11 am lunch (3 glasses of water) 11:30 am after lunch, the mood got a little worse 12:00 I just drink my 750ml water bottle 13h wanting so much to pee dancing pee sometimes 2:00 pm End of work went to the bathhouse to change clothes
  15. I managed to get home dry at 9 am successfully holding pee at work if you want I can publish a diary of how it all happened and a photo of the pee I did when I left work. Anyone interested?
  16. tomorrow I'll publish the result here and if anyone wants I can make a diary of my day
  17. I will take a 750 ml water bottle to be with me always and to be able to drink out what I mentioned earlier
  18. ok 2 cups for breakfast I can't get wet and I have to be able to work without always being at break
  19. I usually drink 2 glasses at lunchtime and 3 glasses at mealtime should I increase the amount?
  20. should i drink too much or too little water while working?
  21. tomorrow my challenge is not to pee at work i can only pee at home ie 9 hours without pee
  22. thanks for the support Does anyone have a challenge for me to meet tomorrow?
  23. I understand that your time is for you but I like to be challenged otherwise I end up giving up
  24. thanks for your tip thank you very much what challenge do you give me to do tomorrow?
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