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About somedood123

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  1. Hi everybody, I'm Courtney, a young woman 29 years of age, and I've had some... Interesting experiences with pee over the years. This story is something that took place last summer when I was going to a job interview. I had recently been laid off at my previous job as a result of them downsizing, but fortunately I managed to quickly secure myself a number of interviews. I was wearing a white shirt and a black pencil skirt which just about covered my knees. I have amber-colored hair and on this day I think I had it set up neatly in a high ponytail. One of these interviews was
  2. Hi Wet Carpet I work part-time as a bartender to make some extra money while I'm in college and I've read through some letters here and noticed some of you girls talking about peeing inside clubs and bars when there's a long line to the bathroom - in dark corners and such or even just under a table - so I thought I would give you a perspective from someone actually working at these places. And don't worry, I'm not mad or anything of that sorts, I understand... I go clubbing in my free time too and the toilets are always a mess and have massive lines! So I understand that sometimes you
  3. Gave this a shot... __________________________ I was new in college and had been invited to a house party by some boys who approached me on campus. I'm kinda shy and it was really nerve-wrecking making the decision to go in the hope of maybe making some friends but I did it! After an hour or so at the party I really had to pee, but there was a long line to the bathroom so I went up the stairs hoping there might be a second bathroom. I tried every door but found them all locked until I reached the last one in the hall, but it was just a guest room... I was closing
  4. Hi everyone! I'm Hailey and I was reading through letters here and some of Elaine's letters from last year stuck out for me (the librarian working at a prestigious university who found that some students would rather pee in the library than walk all the way to the bathrooms...). You see, I am also a student at a university and I'll be honest... I do that too... Have popped a squat and released my stream in the odd place around campus several times! Sometimes a girl just gotta go! It almost feels normal to me at this point... I honestly don't think it's that uncommon with older building
  5. Hi again Wet Carpet! It's Anise again from several months back when I wrote about a New Years party I had attended. The party took place in a hotel and the loo situation wasn't really ideal with how many people were there. Needless to say, I got to do something I'd been thinking about ever since reading all of these letters of you gals weeing anywhere and everywhere! I urge you to read it if this sounds at all interesting to you! Well today I am back with story that happened back during the summer. Obviously, with the whole pandemic going on, parties were few and far between, and
  6. Hi everyone! I'm Nikki, 21 year old brunette and I am a student. Last year, in addition to that, I had a part-time job as what is often referred to as "promo girl". Basically a model that gets hired by companies to promote their products (that means alcoholic beverages) at various events, but typically just at night clubs. It did take some getting used to at first because you have to sort of accept that your body is what really sells. But I know I am a fairly large-breasted gal, about 175 cm tall and with a great ass and just overall sexy body because I work out a lot. And obviously t
  7. Thank you. Yes, I think perhaps Anise has opened a door she will have trouble fully closing again....
  8. Hello everyone! I am Anise, an early 20s gal with long dark brown hair and a slim figure. I'm a long time reader, but first time writer! I'm so excited to finally share something!! Like I said I've been reading the magazine for a long time but just haven't really had any experiences I thought would be of big interest. Obviously I have gone for a wee outside before, multiple times, even in the city. What girl in her 20s hasn't found herself stumbling down a dark alleyway at night, bursting for a wee? Well, perhaps those who don't like to go out for a night on the town, but you get my meaning.
  9. Hi! I recently went on a trip with a good friend of mine who also happens to be my roommate. I'm Catie and my friend is Hannah. We're both 20 years old and in college and happened to take an extended weekend trip away from it all. We decided this should mean going out of state and decided to make a roadtrip out of it. We had booked a hotel room, but in front of us was almost a day's worth of driving, but we agreed to split the driving evenly. In hindsight, perhaps the roadtrip wasn't the best idea as the weather turned out to be very hot and sunny on this particular day. Not quite th
  10. Hello fellow carpet pissers! I'm Becca, a college girl in my early 20s who also happens to be lesbian, and I have a bit of a thing for pissing! I enjoy taking a piss where you're not really supposed to do it! It gives me quite a rush to let my stream out somewhere, knowing said place really isn't a place people would approve of pissing in! Also the risk factor of possibly getting caught. It's such a rush! I also tend to drink a lot of water throughout the day, so my piss is always clear and doesn't have any smell. As for pissing where you're not supposed to? Don't get me wrong, I don't do it
  11. Greetings Wet Carpet (interesting name!) I'm a 28 year old woman who had a little odd experience with one of my friends late last year. We had been to the mall and had just arrived back at the car in the parking garage and finished loading our stuff. We were just about to enter the car when the following happened: "I gotta pee", my friend said. "Why didn't you go upstairs? The bathroom was right next to the shop at the other end", I asked. "Completely forgot about it. Listen, I'll be right back, it's not gonna take long", she said and set off. I entered the car and sat ba
  12. So I gather that it's all still fictional. I wrote this a while back after seeing a similar thing published on a news site, obviously far shorter and far less detailed. I couldn't quite figure out where it might fit in here, but I suppose this works! _______________________________________________________________________________________________ If there's no toilet available, is going down an alleyway for a wee really such a problem? Anonymous opinion piece Public urination. Occasionally we hear about this and how it is so disgraceful that someone would just go ahead and w
  13. Hi readers. I am Chloe and just found this magazine recently after a fun experience I had working at the mall just two days ago! There's no carpet involved, but I hope you won't be too upset about that. I read a few other stories here (very good!) and see that not all of them have carpets so I hope that means it's not a requirement! I'm a college student working part-time in a small clothing store at the mall. It's pretty boring but it helps pay the bills, and my good friend Sabrina also works there so that does make it a little more fun during the quiet periods when we have shifts togethe
  14. Hi, I'm Lily and a recent event made me go back about 15 years in my memory and one thing led to another and here I am with a story or two I think might be of interest to some of you. Well, I'm a woman just about in my mid 30s. Won't be posting a photo as I've seen some other contributors do, so you'll have to make do with a short description. I'm a brunette, long straight hair, slim figure and about average height. Anyway... About 15 years ago while I was at uni, I shared a flat with two good friends of mine, Claire and Tracy, whom I often went out with. Nothing like getting
  15. Hey everybody! I'm a girl in my early 20s and I like to go to night clubs and such, and I happen to live in an area with a lot of them so there's always something interesting to go to. My friend is a really big clubgoer and the one who introduced me to the scene here. Well anyway, a few weeks ago I happened to have an interesting conversation with her as we were sitting in my apartment pregaming a little before heading out. My friend had just come back from the bathroom and commented on how clean it was. "Not like those night club bathrooms, right?", I said, "gosh, they are filt
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