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Everything posted by wetwulf

  1. It was probably a typo, but "got out of her Lily's chair," as if Sara is claiming Lily as hers, really caught me. I look forward to your next chapter.
  2. Nice work @holyknight3. Now it makes me wonder what might happen if her roommates did know? Keep posting. I look forward to more from you.
  3. Thanks for sharing this. I'm hoping there will be more chapters to this story?
  4. I'm hoping Ophelia and Kumiko become good friends! I look forward to your next excellent story.
  5. Of course the camping trip was all my idea. I had been needing some time away from the stress and chaos at work, and what better way to relax than in a peaceful forest cabin with my friends. And yes, I knew there were no bathrooms, just like I knew my aunt and uncle wouldn't care about our "accidents." I had told the girls I would make some excuse, but the truth is I became a wetter because of my aunt Debbie. When I first started college, I needed a place to stay. Tuition was expensive enough, and I was not yet in a place financially to afford staying in the dorms. My aunt and uncle lived
  6. That might be in the future. I really want to finish the series of the girls from the Camping Trip first.
  7. Being a competitive swimmer comes with its perks. The most obvious being the killer figure I get to maintain in order to be a strong swimmer. Since I was a teen, I have been an eye-catcher for a lot of guys (and a few girls). But there are other perks, as well, some I didn't learn about until I started swimming for the college team. I vividly remember our first practice. I arrived and stepped into the locker room, feeling very much like a rookie among upper class girls who were already unpacking their duffle bags or slipping off garments. They chatted with each other as I sat my bag down on
  8. Thank you @ramsesisthebest. I will think about it.
  9. Just curious which of the girls' story would you all like to see next? I need some inspiration and motivation.
  10. An excellent story, Alfresco, even hotter than the first. I love that Susan finally admitted that the girls were free to wet themselves. I look forward to reading more about these girls!
  11. I went on a camping trip recently with some friends, and I know I will never be the same. I spent a few days with my closest friends, Savanna, Larissa, and Sandy, and let's just say we embraced our freedom in the great outdoors. By that, I mean we spent most of the trip naked, and since it was a rugged cabin with no bathroom, if we needed to pee, we just went wherever and however we wanted. It was during that trip that I fell in love with the amazing feeling of soaking a couch. Since that trip,I have snuck down a few times to our older couch in the basement, the one near the garage that my h
  12. Yeah, it is very possible you will hear from these four again. I may pull away and follow each girl individually, just to mix it up a bit, and then bring them together as more stories progress. I get into the habit of making my stories very formulaic, which is sometimes good and sometimes predictable and not so good. Thanks for the input, everyone.
  13. I woke up before everyone else and saw beams of sunlight creeping in through the windows. I really didn't want to get up, but mostly because I didn't want this day to come. It was our last day camping together. I rolled over and looked at Savanna, who was still sleeping soundly. The covers under and over us were cool and damp. I thought about warming them up, but then remembered that there was something else I had wanted to do since we arrived. I crawled out of the covers and walked outside, not bothering to get dressed. The morning air was cool, but I could already feel early sunlight war
  14. Hottest line of the story, buddy. I always look forward to your stories. This is another great addition. Well done.
  15. I hadn't thought about that, but it's definitely possible.
  16. You asked for it... I had an amazing dream that night, possibly influenced by our pissing adventures at the camp. I was a very important business woman working in an office building of some kind. At the beginning of the dream, I'm on an important business call. The person on the other end is talking about selling their company. As I continue to convince them not to sell, I sit up in my seat and lift my black skirt from under my bottom. We continue arguing, and I scoot forward in my seat and slide my panties to the side. I sit up straight, looking very inconspicuously professional. But I
  17. Hot story, Alfresco. Believable and really sexy. I look forward to hearing more about this rugby team.
  18. Great story @nopjans. I'm certain that experience opened a new world for the narrator and Joanna. I love that Joanna just pissed on the doormat while she sucked him off. Well done, and I look forward to your next great story.
  19. Nice addition, Steve. And Fiona wouldn't be the only one to benefit from Mike allowing her to piss on his bed. Would love to read about that.
  20. Definitely some of the best writing on this board. Keep it up. I await your next chapter.
  21. Dear Wet Carpet, They warned me, but I didn't listen. This was the first year some friends and I got to travel to New York City to watch the ball drop in Times Square. We arrived early, around 2:00 in the afternoon. At that point, all of the restaurants and shops were open so if any of us had to pee, some of the group would hold our spot as the rest found a bathroom. Once the crowds started gathering, though, it got to be harder and harder to shuffle through hundreds, then thousands of people to get to the nearest bathroom. It was me, my friend Sadie, her sister Kara, and Kara's best fri
  22. Dear Wet Carpet, I recently read a story where the girl was fantasizing about a yoga class where everyone was free to wet themselves as they stretched. I immediately got excited because I happen to know that yoga classes like that really exist. I should know because I teach one. In fact, I was amazed by how similar her fantasy was to what happened to me. It actually started as a three-day nude yoga retreat in the wilderness, strictly for women. I was only able to get permission from my sponsors to do nude yoga if it was for girls only. We only accepted 20 girls at a time. Participants also
  23. Your stories are fantastic, RedHatter, some of the best I've ever read on here. Like you, I love the boldness and the nonchalance of girls peeing wherever they want. Keep it up, and I look forward to your next great story.
  24. Excellent first installment Vassal. I love that you're writing about a couple discovering their first wet adventures together. I look forward to the next chapter.
  25. Thanks @daemoniak . Glad you enjoyed it. Look for the last two parts soon.
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