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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Hi and welcome, Wendy.  We're a very friendly bunch and I hope you have a great time here.  I look forward to hearing about your experiences and enjoying your contributions.  

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, steve25805 said:

    Same for me as you said. Type 2 diabetic on the wrong side of 50.

    And do you know a worrying statistic? 1 in 4 registered covid deaths in the UK so far have been diabetics!

    We might be living on borrowed time.

    That is certainly a possibility and sounds like a good argument for making the most of it if we can.  

    • Agree 1
  3. Although I'm on a different page to Steve politically, healthwise I'm in a similar situation to him as I'm a Type 2 Diabetic, a factor which increases the risks for me - plus being the wrong side of fifty!  Ultimately it will be for the historians to decide how well or badly we dealt with the pandemic as they will have that great thing, the benefit of hindsight, to draw upon.  One of the problems with Covid-19 is that we've not had to deal with anything comparable to it for a hundred years.  It's sobering to remember than during the Spanish flu epidemic there was no NHS, no state of the art technology or ventilators to assist people, just GPs and hospital consultants trying to do their best with pretty basic kit.   

  4. Personally I'm deeply uncomfortable with the idea because I think it's disrespectful and I work hard to try and keep the graves of loved ones in order.  Perhaps the only exception I might possibly make, and it would be a one off, might be my aunt and uncle's grave.  My only reason then, is because my late aunt certainly had a lot of near misses and was apt to put off going until she was desperate.  Although she never had an accident in front of me, I'm pretty sure she would have gone in her pants from time to time.  It's a lot easier to believe than that she never had any accidents, something I very much doubt.  Using quiet corners of churchyards and yew trees is another matter though.  Five years ago I visited the Norfolk village where she grew up and where her father had been the pub landlord.  Whilst there I didn't use the pub toilets but I did have a quiet wee in the churchyard which, if I remember rightly, was accessed through a farm yard.   

  5. On 5/2/2020 at 11:23 AM, Rewdna said:

    I sometimes like to lie in bed in the morning with a full bladder and enjoy the feeling of needing to pee.I will do anything to keep it going as long as I can.When I do finally give in and go,I find there is a delay before my stream starts.Even though I have been desperate.Does anyone else have a similar experience or do you just start going right away?

    I used to be able to hold it first thing but nowadays a need to go - and usually a desperate one -  is what wakes me up in the morning.  When that happens I usually haven't got time to play with and I have to move pretty sharpish if I'm to avoid a wet bed.  Although I've not used it just lately I do have a container near the bed which Ican wee into if need be, removing the need for a bathroom visit.  

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  6. Hi and welcome, Wendy.  It's good to see Devon - the land of clotted cream - represented.  We're a very friendly bunch and I'm sure you'll have a great time here.  

    Best wishes





  7. I've been here a long time but not yet managed to work out how to attach jpgs to private messages.  You seem to be able to add images from URLs but that's all.  If anyone with better tech knowledge than I have (which wouldn't take much, by the way) could shed light on that I'd be very grateful.   

  8. On 3/23/2020 at 12:12 AM, Wahpow said:

    Smh. If they really wanted a challenge they should lick a phone or computer keyboard as they tend to carry way more bacteria than a toilet seat.


    Yeah I agree it's stupid either way.

    Exactly.  Although I wouldn't recommend licking either, kitchen chopping boards have been shown to harbour for more bacteria than toilet seats.  

  9. I certainly enjoy my first pee of the day and it's always necessary, not something that can long be put off when I wake up.  Long gone are the days though when I could sleep through without having to get up in the night.  Ah, happy memories!

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