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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. On 10/11/2020 at 10:45 PM, CraftyPee said:

    He has said that he doesn't fully understand it. I was hoping that some other people would be able to better tell me than he would. He assumed that I would shame him or look down on him as others have in the past, so I think that makes it harder for him to further explain. Which I totally understand. I just want to be able to understand so I can, for lack of better terms, do more to help him and be his source of entertainment. 

    Thanks for that.  I know that some elements fed into what for me has been a lifelong interest, but to some extent it is a mystery to me.  Maybe there are genetic components?  Or perhaps the luck of the draw?  I know sometimes I've wished I didn't have a pee interest because it's easily misunderstood and in some ways life would be easier without it.  To be honest I think I was well into my twenties before I realised it was something which was part of me and accept, not try to fight against it or go on guilt trips.  With the advent of the internet I discovered that I wasn't alone and there were lots of excellent forums - like this one - with really lovely people on them who shared the same sort of feelings and desires as I had.  It has been a great blessing and source of encouragement.   

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  2. Hi and welcome, Craftypee.  I think everyone's story is individual and unique to them.  For some the catalyst may be a specific experience or they may never have known a time when pee didn't interest them.  Have you discussed with your husband what might lie behind his interest, assuming he knows of course, which he might not?  To some of us it is a mystery and one which we regard as a mixed blessing.  

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  3. On 10/11/2017 at 12:19 PM, pantylover said:

    If we are into peeing I'm sure you have other kinks that you enjoy along with your peeing let's hear what they are. I will start off. For me I have a panty fetish. So peeing and panties is what really makes it all work for me . Panties are as much of a turn on as seeing a woman pee. And a woman peeing her panties omg it sends me over the edge.

    I wear panties a great deal, not least of all because they're much more comfy than briefs.  Here's me in some white Sloggi Maxis this evening.  Sadly they're dry as I had previously emptied my bladder.  

    White Sloggis again 07.10.2020.jpg

  4. 22 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    In the last week the classic example has been posted on this very site. 
    Pornhub clip of a girl so desperate to pee outside a locked bathroom - so desperate that her only course of action is to strip naked and masturbate - because being naked makes it so much easier to hold as we all know. 
    and between masturbating nakedly and acting desperate, shouting and asking “who’s in there” (because, doesn’t everyone get naked when there’s a complete stranger on the other side of the door). 
    Still - to look for the positives, she was very attractive and squirmed beautifully. 

    I can't say that I've seen the clip in question although it sounds as though I've not missed a great deal either.  It sounds suitably implausible.  In order for any kind of stimuli to work for me it has to be believable - something that could actually happen.  

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