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Everything posted by yellowii

  1. Coffee house that's a former underground urinal dungeon.
  2. related note - can any gay men here attest to just how sexual an experience the urinal trough is?
  3. I hope that's in the women's room too. Oddly, only 1 of the 3 urinals has a grate underneath it.
  4. Do those flush the way I think they do?
  5. It does in fact not say it's for men only. That should be true for more urinals ...
  6. for some reason, it's always the single person urinals that are weird, never the troughs.
  7. Found on Reddit. This is cool. 2 urinals in the same standing space. Would be a cool place for a girl to show off - "I need to pop a squat" ... "Wait, I can pee through the fly"
  8. Pretty sure this is a prison urinal hung on the wall.
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