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Everything posted by ipee20

  1. Me at one of my favorite nude beaches! https://www.erome.com/a/D392J19G
  2. Had to pee sooo bad! https://www.erome.com/a/cPuQQNOw
  3. I mostly go to nude beaches so if I'm laying out where there are a lot of people I'll walk a little ways and pee in the sand but if I'm in a secluded spot I'll just stand up and make a puddle right a few feet away.
  4. I pretty much only go to nude beaches and if I'm at a busy one(Sandy Hook) and I have to pee I'll scoot to the edge of my towel so that my wiener is over the sand and pee sitting, sometimes I'll get up and walk to the perimeter rope that guards the nude area and pee beside the sign. But if I'm on an uncrowded nude beach like Longnook on Cape Cod I'll just let it go wherever. My favorite nude beach is Black's Beach in CA, if I'm laying out on the more secluded northern portion I'll just hop up and pee in the sand wherever I'm standing but if I'm by the volleyball nets(busier section) I'll walk
  5. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/IMG_0106 Had to pee the morning after the parade so why not just go out the door?
  6. 1) I love going outside. I'll pee pretty much anywhere if I have to go bad enough but my favorite spots are in alleyways, beside cars, behind buildings(like bars), in parking garages and off balconies. Peeing on these paved areas lets you see your puddle and makes your pee splash which is a turn on for me. Also, I've been going to nude beaches for a while and standing on the beach nude while peeing on the sand without a care is such a free feeling. 2) Outside/in public just feels natural. It's like I'm leaving my mark 3) In a changing room at a department store 4) All over someo
  7. I regularly pee in the shower, just stand there and let it go without a care. Why bother drying off and getting out when I can just go right where I'm standing?
  8. For me it is outside on something hard and paved like the sidewalk, parking lot, alleyway, etc. Peeing up against a wall is cool too. I think it comes down to being able to see the puddle or stream I made. The other day I was parallel parked on the side of the street and had to pee so instead of just walking like 2 more feet to the shrubs I let loose on the sidewalk instead!
  9. Two days ago, was running by an apartment complex in the middle of the day and had to go badly. Stepped into the alleyway between the two buildings and soaked the sidewalk. Made a huge puddle and the stain was still there today. I'm always amazed how strong my stream when I pee after(or in the middle of) running.
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