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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Thank you so much!! I was kind of nervous posting this because I didn't know how people would respond to it but I'm so happy it was well received🙂
  2. If you ever decide to do something live again we have a thread for live action 🙂 I hope to see you there!
  3. I haven't really ever timed it or anything but one time I was in a bathroom stall and I heard someone rush through the door and into the stall, very quickly pull down their pants, and pee. In the time that they peed,, I finished peeing, wiped, walked out of the door, washed my hands, and dried them before their stream finally trickled off.
  4. I had an idea and I don't know how possible it is or not but I thought I would share it 🙂 I thought of an idea for a button in a status update that allows the user to make the status update always stay at the top of their activity feed so it doesn't get lowered if they make another post. Then when they were done they could uncheck it and it would flow down like any other post. Again I have no idea how possible this is I just thought it would be a cool idea🤷‍♀️
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