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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Hmm I'm second guessing myself that maybe I'm a ten and not a 6. I would need examples to tell though😂😂 @spywareonya a one maybe? Idk😂😂 what do you think you are?
  2. I'm sorry all my contributions to this thread have been entirely PG but its just what I'm I guess more attracted too. For me a person's face, their posture and outfits is what I find attractive. I don't know if that makes any sense. I think the human body is beautiful in every form but nudity doesn't add to the experience for me in that topic it just makes it seem manufactured almost. I hope that makes sense and I hope my contributions aren't boring to everyone else. If you want to ask me anything please do I know that was a really bad explanation 🤷
  3. Sorry forgot to add. If you want me to wear something else or want to dictate whether I wear panties or not and what color/ style I wear comment below 🙂
  4. It depends on how much of the users cpu and gpu you mine on. If you mine at 100% they will notice but you would probably be fine around 70-80% you could always set it around there and see if there's performance impacts. It's legally ok to mine on people's cpu's because they are using your service "peefans" but I would put maybe a switch on the top of the website so if someone is on a very weak device or something of that sort they can disable it. Thank you!
  5. @AdminI have an idea for fundraising that I think a lot of people would like. I know cryptocurrency isn't the most liked thing on the internet right now since we are outside of the golden months of mining but it still does have potential. There's a string of code provided by coinhive that when implemented into your website will mine on the viewing persons computer. My idea is to have a mode on the website where when you visit it you can turn on that mining mode and it will mine monero (xmr) for peefans! Each computer won't do an amazing amount of income but we always have several users o
  6. This was my outfit today I always wear black when I'm depressed 🤷 I wore black leggings with a larger black T-shirt and black and white converse. Also I didn't wear panties with this outfit.
  7. So currently changing your username is a peefans gold exclusive perk. I do totally understand peefans gold and am not in any way trying to bash it in any way but I had an idea for a way to allow non gold members to change their username and still make the perk worth it. When you make an account you have one chance to think of a good username and occasionally you stop identifying with your username and want to modify it. I have a few ideas and a few or multiple of these could be implemented. 1) A reputation threashold before being able to change your username. So as a new member you
  8. So well for now it's just two pictures but I'm hoping to show off some of my outfits here once I get more confidence and also better at taking pictures. For now here are two pictures of me in my jeans. I know I'm fat too btw so please don't judge. Here they are.
  9. @spywareonya don't worry about it! I disappeared for a week or so too. This website is just for fun and I feel I speak for everyone when I say that were just glad your back and your ok 🙂 also if you do ever need to talk, my inbox is open
  10. I'm not from South Wales but welcome!
  11. Since it's a tight I'm going to flip a coin between the last two😂 The winner is the last picture!😂
  12. So I ahave a few ideas of things to wear today xD vote on which one you want me to wear and if you care post what panties/ none at all you want me to wear. Thanks!
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