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Posts posted by Rewdna

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    Whenever I've been in there has been no actual discussion. People will say hi to eadh other but that's about it. I have no idea what 2prnot2p is talking about when he says it's very busy. It's always been dead when I've visited. 

    Yep.It was like that when I was on it.Very occasionally there would be some chat and if you were very lucky someone might send you a private message.

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  2. 12 hours ago, Gotah said:

    It's quite an unspectacular story but I kinda want to share it with you anyway, maybe some of you will like it.

    A few days ago I was at home relaxing a little bit as I got a video chat call on my phone from my 14 year old cousin. I answered the call and her face popped up on my screen and we started to have a fun little chat about silly stuff, as you do with someone her age. We talked and talked until after maybe 45 minutes I felt the need to pee. I ignored it 'cause I didn't want to interrupt the conversation (I think we've all been there). Anyway, at some point the urge got stronger and I caught myself multiple times pressing my hand against my crotch. I really started to get desperate but was admittedly a bit embarassed to tell her that I needed to pee so I said nothing and kept crossing my legs and bounce around a bit, while trying to keep my need secret from her. As my desperation started to get painful my cousin told me that she needed to pee, I said "really?" and she went "yeah, see you later!". She hung up and went to the toilet ... and so did I. I ran into the bathroom and enjoyed, as always, the beautiful feeling of relief that came over me. After that she called me back and continued our talks about the most ridiculous things.


    As I said, nothing special but I hope you enjoed it anyway.

    Thanks for sharing.A nice moment you both shared there.🙂

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