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Posts posted by Rewdna

  1. 4 minutes ago, Riley said:

    Thank you!!

    Today actually. I was skiing and I had to pee and the mountain was very empty. I had been drinking a ton of water to get rid of a headache and with my tiny bladder I kind of had an issue so I just started peeing outside. It was very empty today so there were no witnesses😂😂

    Lovely.Thank you.My Scottish accent is not as strong as some.Perhaps because I've lived in two different areas of the country and it's changed slightly.

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  2. 23 minutes ago, Riley said:

    Scotland. There's a lot of reasons but, I have family there, I really kind of want a Scottish accent (lower priority), and I've never been outside of North America and there's a whole world out there I've only ever seen in maps and globes. Like I know it exists but to me it's so unbelievably far away. I've been in a tiny pocket of the world and it would be amazing to explore the world.

    Hi Riley.I'm from Scotland.North East part.I really hope you do get the chance to come over here.We are very lucky to have such a beautiful small country.

    My question is,when did you last pee outdoors and what were the circumstances?Thanks.

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  3. Not technically'in front' of me,but once a long time ago I was home alone and looking out the window and saw a young girl walking home from school.She seemed to be walking strangely,then all of a sudden she stopped and with her legs slightly apart I saw a stream of pee coming down.She was wetting herself obviously unable to make it home,despite it being very close.After her accident she simply walked the final part to her house and went in.I wonder what happened next?

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  4. 5 minutes ago, chubbybirb999 said:

    Been way too long since I could! A combination of laziness and fear of being caught sort of compounds it! I peed in a forest part a few years ago when I had the chance as it was pitch black and late and had no chance of being caught. I keep telling myself to try again but I always chicken out! 

    I can understand that.I hope however you overcome your fear sometime and are able to enjoy it more.May I ask what brought you to be in a forest in the dark?

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  5. 41 minutes ago, Sophie said:


    I had visited a friend and on the drive home stopped at a wooded area to stretch my legs. I always love walking through the countryside and the weather was nice. During the walk I needed to pee so I slowly pulled my leggings and knickers down to my knees as I squatted, taking my time, and relaxed.  A few seconds later I started peeing, a nice gentle stream that splashed into the dirt. I went for so long! Like I knew I needed to pee but I didn't think I was that full. 

    I didn't have any tissues with me (they were in the car) so I waited for the last few drips to stop and then stood up, before redressing. I was in no rush. Then I walked back to my car and drove home. I needed to pee again when I got home but I sat on the toilet. 

    That sounds so nice Sophie.Yes,I love walking in the countryside too.It also sounds as if you took your time to enjoy your relaxing pee.I like that.Thanks for sharing.

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  6. Just now.Not because of a video,but because I just needed to.It's late Sunday night and I took a shower first and had a little play to get things going(semi hard).After drying off it's into my spare room which I like to use for these times.I'm naked and lying relaxed on the bed I slowly masturbate and tbh it feels so good.It takes me about 5 minutes to cum and when I do....ahhhhh!

    I will sleep well tonight.  Goodnight.x

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  7. I was at a meeting tonight and on arrival I bought a pint glass of coke from the bar(I was driving) to sip during the evening.At the end there was coffee on offer which I drank before leaving,so you can imagine how I was feeling by then.My drive home was good on a clear night,music playing and the need to pee growing ever stronger.Finally I pulled onto a quiet stretch of road and unable to wait any longer,stopped on the edge of a field.Turning the lights off,I jumped out,stood on the grass verge,whipped it out and began peeing a good strong stream in front of me.Oh it felt good! I was tempted to have more fun but couldn't risk it in case a car came past(that will probably come later).The relief was immense and I complete my journey home.I love peeing outside.

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  8. Good idea this,so here goes.

    Male 49 from Scotland(seem to be a few of us on here which is good)

    Favourite Movies:Rainman the first 2 Crocodile Dundee movies,really enjoyed Stan and Ollie recently and some of the more recent Bond Movies Especially Skyfall

    TV: I'm a bit of a news junkie,also follow Politics.Docummentaries.Quizzes,music programmes(NOT X factor type stuff) and watching sport.

    Food: Like Chinese,enjoy eating out when I can.Can't beat a good steak if it's cooked right.


    Hobbies:I sing with a local Barbershop chorus.Travel,music,Politics and going to watch my local football team(which can sometimes be frustrating)

    No Pets,but I did own a gorgeous Basset Hound for 14 years.

    Bands:A very wide range.Love live music and will give almost anything a listen except Jazz.Being Scottish I love bands such as The Proclaimers,Amy McDonald,KT Tunstall and 80's bands such as Deacon Blue.

    Favourite Holiday:My annual summer break and Christmas up to a point.

    Greatest Achievement:I would say that's a work in progress as I believe life is a bit of a journey.

    My typical day would be up,find out what's happening in the world,off to work,home, catch up with social media ,bit of TV,Maybe Netflix.Catch up with friends and family.

    Personalities I admire in friends are loyalty and the ability to put up with you no matter what and the willingness to listen and not judge.To be there for you when you need them even when you haven't seen them for ages.

  9. I was out last night.Went to a bar with live music.While there I used the toilets a couple of times.When the band finished I left and it wasn't long before the mix of cold air and alcohol got me needing to go again.I walked around for a while until I found a nice dark alley.I quickly unzipped,pulled my cock out and started peeing against some bins then turned and sprayed my piss around giving it a good soaking.

          I stayed in town a little while longer until it was time to get a taxi home.Again my bladder was filling up nicely.Once in the taxi,I could think of nothing more than peeing again.Luckily the journey was quick with none of the usual small talk.I was dropped off close to my house,but i didn't go straight in.Instead I walked very quickly,as by now I was desperate,to a grassy area with a building used as a changing room for football teams normally.There are houses nearby but they were all in darkness.I unzipped again and with a sigh of relief peed up against the building.I made a good wet patch on the wall.Then turned and sprayed the last few drops on the grass.Feeling relieved,I walked the short distance back to home.

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  10. On 1/14/2019 at 8:59 AM, greedyneedygirl said:

    This might sound boring, and a bit of a cliche, but i have to say behind a bush or tree in a public place. I live near a river and run along it most mornings. Sometimes I leave the house on a full bladder, and whilst running feel compelled to reach a particular spot along the river bank, take a rest, pull down my jogging pants and relieve myself in the same spot. The thrill of doing it outside really excites me, and I do it in all weather, I did it last Saturday, and when it is cold enjoy watching the 'steam' from my hot pee as it hits the ground behind my tree.

    Boring??! Definitely not.I'm glad to hear that you enjoy peeing behind bushes.I'm sure if I saw you,I'd stop and watch and maybe join in if I needed to pee.

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