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Posts posted by Rewdna

  1. 8 hours ago, Rewdna said:

    I probably have posted this elsewhere,but as this thread has been bumped I thought I would share.

    My interest was sparked at an early age,6 or 7.I was playing with a girl of about the same age near to my cousin's house.We were in the woods and there was an old wooden shed.She needed to pee and we went inside.There was an old saucepan which we'd found earlier.She pulled her trousers and knickers down and squatted over it.I saw for the first time a stream coming down.When she'd finished I emptied the saucepan outside.This happened several times that day.Ever since then my interest in females peeing has continued.

    Also in the street where I grew up,there were two girls,Sisters,who would pee anywhere when they were out playing.They weren't shy about pulling their knickers down and letting go.Also one of their friends,another girl would do the same.

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  2. I probably have posted this elsewhere,but as this thread has been bumped I thought I would share.

    My interest was sparked at an early age,6 or 7.I was playing with a girl of about the same age near to my cousin's house.We were in the woods and there was an old wooden shed.She needed to pee and we went inside.There was an old saucepan which we'd found earlier.She pulled her trousers and knickers down and squatted over it.I saw for the first time a stream coming down.When she'd finished I emptied the saucepan outside.This happened several times that day.Ever since then my interest in females peeing has continued.

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  3. 7 hours ago, vpw said:

    Probably my age but I found the ladies on the time I grew up thats late 70s and 80s to have better attitude regards to peeing outdoors. Most would apologize if they were caught short and if they found you were there for a pee, they would relax further and have a chat. Even if they didn't open up they would lower their heads in embarrassment and continue while some request you for privacy. Rarely would they get aggressive or nasty that is quite common nowadays. Probably my generation gap showing but thats what I perceive nowadays even though as I mentioned earlier peeing in outdoor is far more common. 

    The girls I caught behind my car in fact were highly apologetic when I caught them peeing on my car. Once they realized that I was from the same campus they relaxed totally and we held a conversation and when I returned from the car with some paper towels they right away thanked me and finishing their pee the one on my bumper straightened up with her full natural light bush and wiped vigorously while they other remained squatted and wiped herself. The towel actually was to wipe the bumper of the car but glad they took it otherwise.

    I reckon you're right.Nowadays you do have to be careful.You can end up in a lot of trouble if you get caught.You can be accused of all sorts and draw unnecessary attention to yourself.It's just the way society is.I've always been extra careful when out and about trying to catch females peeing.Although some have been aware of my presence but just brazenly carried on.Sounds like back then they were far more tolerant.

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  4. 1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

    Virgo are brave, loyal, and moral.

    Intelligent and kind, they are also smart and very perceptive.

    They're only flaw is that usually they tend to believe it's up to them to carry the world's weight on their shoulder, this can make them reserved, dark, self-judging, and even embittered if nobody ever tell them to relax

    You guys ask a lot from yourselves… you are great, but you are NOT alone

    Mark these words!!!

    Thank you! A lot of this seems to ring true with me.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Riley said:

    Omg I forgot to post about this! So I drank some water and waited until I really had to pee and then I snuck out to the closest slightly private green area near me and squatted behind a tree and let out a great river of pee😂😂

    Oh that's nice.Well done for completing that challenge.I wish i could have seen you.I like seeing women pee outdoors.

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  6. Today,while driving home after a dreary day at work,I started feeling horny.So much,that I almost considered stopping at a secluded spot and knocking one out in the car.However,as this was not possible,when I got home I headed straight to the shower.I stripped off and peed into it with the water running.Then I got in and wanked until I orgasmed.I felt much better after I'd done that.

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  7. 9 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I know there's many folks on here who tell us of their first hand experiences, so this little tale of a few snippets of conversation may seem incredibly lame - apologies if so.

    For a few years now, I've been involved in a local country fair - I won't narrow it down much more than that, but it's a three day event which has grown over the years, to the point where it's almost a town in its own right.  It's organised by a committee of a dozen or so, with many more helpers.  The committee includes three generations of a family and our tale revolves around one member, we'll call her Shannon.

    Shannon is in her mid twenties and is a pretty girl, in a very large, curvy but muscular sort of way - very much a farmer's wife sort of girl. As I mentioned, it's a country fair and pretty much everyone involved has the straightforward country attitude - slightly blunt, make it happen sort of way.

    A few months ago at one of the committee meetings, the agenda had reached an item on show facilities and there was a bit of debate about replacing an old toilet cabin - lots of debate took place, whether to spend money or not mostly.  Shannon cut through all of the politics when she simply and loudly said "I'd rather wee in the grass".  A few people laughed, but she repeated herself twice more in the meeting....    And I came away with no doubt she probably would - or maybe had.

    Wind forwards time to this years show a few weeks back.  During the show, Shannon is pivotal to smooth running - based in the secretaries enclosure, Shannon bustles about dealing with problems and issues as they arise, at some points it's a one-woman show almost.

    I'd been on the field all day, back to my tent to eat and was heading for the beer tent. To get to it I walked past the new toilet trailer - a metal container on wheels with steps up to the ladies on one side and gents on the other.  Shannon and her sister were stood at the bottom of the steps both looking uncomfortable.

    "Hi folks, how are you doing?" I said cheerfully.

    "I'd be better if I wasn't about to wee in my pants" announced Shannon boldly.  She'd gone from looking uncomfortable to letting herself full on squirm, and openly announced that she'd been in the beer tent for a couple of hours and was now in desperate need.  Then even better she described in detail how in the afternoon of the show she'd been busy and had put off the need to pee for hours, holding on until she knew she couldn't wait any longer. Then to her horror she'd found a huge queue at the toilets.

    "I had to go behind the shed" she openly announced with a laugh.  The shed in question is a barn used for storage. It has an open door on the front and back, although the back has a gate across with just a narrow opening into a wooded thicket. The thicket which is about 100 yards wide and deep runs immediately behind the shed, so when you step into it you're pretty much shielded from view. Below the tree tops there are pretty rhodedendrum bushes - it is actually a calm tranquil spot.

    I've used it myself during a few working days on the site, and I suspect most people have - but I now have this delicious image of Shannon squirming across and letting herself through the gate and behind the shed, checking around her to make sure nobody was near. Then wrenching down the stretchy gym pants she was wearing, bending in a high squat and letting loose a fire hose gush of piss onto the woodland floor...


    That is quite an image you've created there.It is now firmly entrenched in my mind also.Lovely!

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  8. Hop

    17 minutes ago, Jayne78 said:

    Just hand washed some clothes and hung out on balcony. Been here 5 days I have just washed the following items as they had been peed on (by me not the kids). Not badly in some cases but clearly stained.



    2 pairs of shorts


    7 pairs of knickers

    Hope you're having a nice time despite the extra work.

  9. 6 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    What song was at number 1 in your nation's music charts when you turned 18?

    For me in the UK it was the Police with Every Breath You Take

    Never Gonna Give You Up- Rick Astley

  10. Many years ago,I was fortunate enough to spend a month in Australia touring with a mixed group of people from all over the world.We stayed in many different types of accommodation in some incredible locations.It was without doubt the greatest holiday of my life with so many memories.One was when I got up fairly early one morning to use the bathroom.That accommodation was dorm style rooms with communal bathrooms.As I walked into the male bathroom,imagine my surprise when I was met by my one of the girls coming out of a cubicle! She stopped briefly and was clearly still feeling sleepy.She shuffled past me and mumbled "sorry" before making her way through the door.

    When I saw her later at breakfast,nothing was said,but I did wonder what she was doing in the guys bathroom.Half asleep or something else?

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